Urban black technology supplier

Chapter 463, I'm inside, she's outside

Chapter 463, I'm inside, she's outside
At this time, Nova's eyes are very confused, completely different from the cute Nova before, and there is no aura in the eyes, which is stupid in popular terms.

Hmm. But no matter how stupid your eyes are on Nova's cute little face, it's just stupid and cute.

That's right, this is a world of faces.

"Where am I? Who am I?"

Liu Xiaoxu looked around in confusion, and then looked at his hands, full of disbelief.

Everything around is so strange.

including her own body.

"You are Liu Xiaoxu, the youngest daughter of the Liu family. You have been in a coma for many years, and finally, with our unremitting efforts, you woke up." Li Yun pulled Liu Xiaoxu very familiarly. Nova from the core pointed at Liu Xiaoxu's body and said, "Come on, this is your body, it's still hot, if you have a bold idea."

At this time, Fang Ziyan coughed lightly and said.

"Ahem, Boss, pay attention, pay attention to image, quality. Do you know if you need quality?"

However, Liu Xiaoxu didn't think so much at this time, but caressed the crystal coffin board softly, looking at his original body.

Only then did she realize that she was connected to her body through electrodes.

"How is my brother?"

"Your brother is fine. He has paid a lot for you over the years, and it is because of your brother's hard work that you are alive until now. Well, to be precise, you shouldn't be considered alive. Your life state is very special." Li Yun Looking at Liu Xiaoxu with amazement, he said, "Do you know how amazing you are? Your consciousness can be directly converted into a digital signal and read. Maybe I can try to open it in the form of a txt file? Let’s see if your life experience will be displayed on a piece of paper? I’m so curious.”

Well, Liu Xiaoxu is a little scared now, and she also feels creepy when she looks at Li Yun.

Although she doesn't understand what Li Yun said, she is subconsciously afraid.
"Hey, boss, do you really have a bad habit of scaring little girls? I've never seen you so unscrupulous before!" Yuan Huilin pulled Liu Xiaoxu's version of Nova behind her, and looked at With Li Yun.

Li Yun shrugged his shoulders, how could he say such a truthful thing.

However, Liu Xiaoxu's research cannot be left behind. The fact that this consciousness can be directly converted into electronic signals is simply unimaginable.

Although Liu Zhiang also said that the EEG signal was transformed into computer Shen Wu, but that mass of computer Shen Wu could not be read at all, and belonged to information waste that seemed to be able to be deleted at any time.

But this time is different, the Nova [-]th generation No. [-] machine actually successfully read Liu Xiaoxu's signal!
This may be an opportunity to solve the problem of relay gel information.

But at this time, Liu Xiaoxu continued to look confused, and then muttered to himself.

"I can remember the past few years"


Li Yun's eyes lit up immediately, and he quickly held his breath.

Liu Xiaoxu revealed a very important piece of information, that is, she didn't know nothing when she was in a coma these years, but she had her own consciousness. .

It is conceivable that a vegetative person has his own consciousness and has been in a coma for so many years, and he will become a lunatic if he does not become a lunatic.

But what about this one?

Except for being a little confused and a little silly, nothing has changed at all!
"You've been sleeping all these years, what do you know?"

"I know that these years, I have been in a small room with everything, novels, books, everything." Liu Xiaoxu murmured to himself: "I remembered, I My name is Liu Xiaoxu, I am 17 years old, and I have been studying all these years."

"I learned a lot, such as three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination."



"Ah shit!"

Li Yun and Yuan Huilin immediately came out together. Although Fang Ziyan didn't know what the five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation were, it was always right to follow the shit.

However, Li Yun felt extremely horrified. Where did a child who had been in a coma for many years get the five-year college entrance examination and three-year simulation thing?
Or in a small room?
"What else, what else?" Li Yun asked quickly.

But as soon as he asked, Liu Xiaoxu'er started to act like he was having a headache.

Fuck, you don't have a fucking headache, you are full of electronic components inside, what a headache!

"I have a lot of memories, by the way, there are many little girls in that room, many, many little girls like me, there are yellow, black, and white. We are all assigned to a room, the room There are a lot of books in it, including literary works from all over the world, and advanced textbooks from various regions. By the way, I haven’t passed high math yet.”

Well, I also know high numbers.

Now Li Yun knew everything about it. I'm afraid it was the same as what Liu Xiaoxu said. He was dragged into an inexplicable small room and brought a bunch of study materials for them to study.

Let's not explore why this is for, what we need to explore now is how they do this.

Now, Li Yun and Fang Ziyan looked at each other with the same serious eyes.

Immediately, Fang Ziyan continued to ask, as if tacitly knowing.

"Did you feel anything just now? It was when you were in the computer before." Fang Ziyan pointed to the computer.

And Liu Xiaoxu shook his head in confusion, then nodded and said.



"There...is still a small white room, but this time the small room is transparent."

"It's just that there's a girl in the little room, a very beautiful girl, and I'm in the room and she's outside."

At this time, Liu Xiaoxu looked at the reflection mirror next to him, and then said in confusion.

"Exactly like her."

At this time, Liu Xiaoxu is temporarily using Nova's body, and Nova has no opinion about it, but I don't know why a digital flower appeared on the screen, and Nova is plucking the petals fiercely
Well, let Li Yun pretend he didn't see it.

And Liu Xiaoxu, who uses Nova's body, is very novel about everything around her, especially after rolling out of the white room with only books, the colorful world is so magical to her.

Well, it’s not really colorful, it’s just surrounded by a lot of mechanical instruments
After settling Liu Xiaoxu and letting her pass the time with a mobile game called Glory of the King, Li Yun and Fang Ziyan walked out of the room.

At this moment, the faces of both of them were serious.

"Do you want to notify the Lin family?"

"There is no need to notify for the time being. I have to study Liu Xiaoxu for a while. The news she just revealed is really scary." Li Yun said.

And Fang Ziyan also feels the same way.

The amount of information in that paragraph just now is really not ordinary.

white room.
digitization of consciousness
There are many, many little girls like her!
(End of this chapter)

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