Chapter 49
Fan You originally wanted to stay overnight in Li Lisi's residence, but news came from Fan Da that Lin Ruofu was going to Fan's house.

After hearing the news, Fan You had no choice but to leave Ruanxiang.

In Fan Jian's study room, Fan Jian sat opposite a middle-aged man. The two seemed to be talking about something. There was a man and a woman standing behind the middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man is Lin Ruofu, the head of all officials in the court of Qing Dynasty!
Fan Jian: "It's not just Lin Xiang who came here at this time, what's the matter?"

Fan Jian was very surprised, why did Lin Ruofu come here at this time?Avoid people's eyes and ears?

With a straight face, Lin Ruofu reprimanded the young man behind him, "Gong Er, kneel down!"

The young man knelt down reluctantly and lowered his head.

Lin Ruofu turned his head, smiled at Fan Jian and said, "Brother Fan, I probably haven't seen it before. The one kneeling on the ground is my second son, Lin Gong."

"The assassination on Niulan Street was planned by him. He did it without telling me. I didn't know it beforehand."

After Lin Ruofu finished speaking, Fan Jian was shocked.

Assassination on Niulan Street is such a big matter, except for the royal family, only the Prime Minister Lin Ruofu and Chen Pingping of the Inspection Institute have this ability in the whole capital.

In Fan Jian's mind, the assassination matter was either the second prince or the crown prince, or maybe the eldest princess. It should not be Lin Gong, nor would it be Lin Gong!

Seeing that Fan Jian didn't speak, Lin Ruofu continued, "This afternoon, under my persecution, Gong Er confessed the truth!"

"He was also bewitched by Li Yunrui, and he did such a rebellious thing in a moment of confusion."

"Brother Fan, you and I have been ministers of the same dynasty for many years, and I hope that Brother Fan can see my thin face. Forgive Gong'er for being confused for a while!"

"If Brother Fan has any requests, just ask! Fan Xian's injury, I will spare no effort to use all my connections in the Lin family! Treat Fan Xian!"

"Today, Wan'er also came. She heard that Fan Xian was seriously injured, and she was very anxious. When she learned that I was coming to Fan's residence, she wanted to come with us."

Standing behind Lin Ruofu, Lin Wan'er took the initiative to say, "Hello, Uncle Fan. I'm Lin Wan'er. I wonder how Fan Xian is doing? How is his injury?"

The eagerness and concern on Lin Wan'er's face was not fake at all. After hearing about the assassination on Niulan Street these two days, she still couldn't let Fan Xian go.

Especially when she heard the news that Fan Xian was seriously injured, she couldn't sit still.

Fan Jian's eyes were locked on Lin Wan'er. He saw Lin Wan'er's seriousness and concern from the bottom of his heart, which gave Fan Jian some unexpected gains.

Fan Jian: "Master, you just said that the Second Young Master was bewitched by the Eldest Princess, and that's why he planned the Niulan Street assassination."

"What proof? In the morning, His Majesty called Chen Pingping and me into the palace. His Majesty attaches great importance to the assassination. This matter is no longer something that the two of us can decide. It depends on His Majesty."

Lin Gong, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Father! I said it's useless to look for him! He's just a small servant of the household department. From the official position of Sanping, you are."

Although Lin Ruofu is the prime minister, he is the chief assistant of the Qing Dynasty and the head of all officials.

It is said that the scenery is infinite, but his family knows his family affairs, Lin Ruofu is very clear, although he is a person on the top of the pyramid, but now he is in turmoil, and now such a thing happened, once this matter is found out, the entire Lin family!All will suffer!


"Your Majesty!"

Lin Ruofu was able to get to where he is today, not only because of his ability, but also because of his ruthless heart!
If my son did such a thing, he might be sentenced to death according to the laws of the Qing Kingdom.
In the room, it fell into silence, and several people fell into silence.

Lin Wan'er is a very smart woman, she knows why her brother did these things, it's all for herself.

After being slapped by his father, Lin Gong stood there without saying a word, and dared not speak.

Lin Wan'er silently walked to Fan Jian and knelt down.

"What my second brother did was for me, he didn't want me to marry Fan Xian."

"Because Fan Xian pretended to be a doctor to visit me before, and also secretly saw me many times at night, second brother was worried that Fan You would ruin my reputation,"

Before Lin Wan'er could finish her sentence, the study door suddenly opened.

"Father, leave this matter to me. It's getting late. You are not in good health. Go back and rest early."

Fan You heard the conversation in the room from a long distance away. He really didn't expect that Lin Xiang would bring Lin Gong to the door in person, and even admitted the assassination on Niulan Street.

This time, his plan to kill Lin Gong didn't work.

When Fan Jian was hesitating how to respond, Fan You appeared.

"Alright, alright, Xiang Lin, this is my eldest son, Fan You!"

"At the same time, Fan You is also the commissioner of the Inspection Institute, let him handle the assassination by himself."

Lin Ruofu looked at Fan You who came in, and his intuition told him that Fan You was not a good match.

Since the two brothers of the Fan family entered the capital, he has paid attention to many things.

Since Fan Xian entered the capital, Lin Ruofu's impression of Fan Xian is pretty good, talented, smart, and not pedantic.He has a laid-back personality and doesn't like to fight with others.

Fan You is cruel and merciless!Be decisive!

All signs point to one sentence, Fan You is not easy to mess with!

Fan Jian got up and left, and Fan You sat there instead.

However, before sitting down, Fan You still saluted Lin Ruofu as a junior.

"Hello Prime Minister Lin, hello Wan'er, hello Second Young Master Lin."

Facing Fan You's bland hello, Lin Ruofu made the string in his heart pause for a moment.

Fan You continued: "Master Xiang, my younger brother Fan Xian will marry Wan'er sooner or later, we will be a family sooner or later, so I will call you uncle, what do you think?"

Lin Ruofu: "Okay, this is of course a good thing, you don't have to be polite, nephew."

Lin Gong wanted to say something, but Lin Ruofu swallowed all his words with a look.

In Fan You's plan, the Lin family is a friendly army.

Fan You: "Uncle, Fan Xian's injury is not serious. Fan Xian and I are both under the tutelage of Fei Jie."

"Teacher's martial arts may be mediocre, but the technique of using poison is still higher than medical skills. It's just that I am very talented, and my medical skills have progressed very quickly."

"Fan Xian's injury, I have already controlled it, but it still needs a period of training, just to deceive people's eyes, so I deliberately said it a little harder."

Lin Ruofu nodded repeatedly after listening, but Lin Gong on the side kept his head down and looked silent, with a sinister face.

Fan You continued: "As for the matter of the Second Young Master, please rest assured, Uncle, the Second Young Master is just being deceived by others, and I don't think that with the Second Young Master's ability, he can summon a rank nine swordsman."

"If it's just Cheng Jushu's, with the second son's ability, maybe he can do it, but the ninth rank is still a little bit worse."

Lin Ruofu echoed, "That's right, this is also the strange thing about this matter."

Fan You looked at Lin Wan'er and said, "Wan'er, you are weak, you should get up first, and someone will take you to find Fan Xian later, you should also look at him, please rest assured, uncle, what do you think?"

In fact, before Lin Ruofu came, he had already made up his mind to get rid of his old face and save Lin Gong's life, but for now, he felt that things would be much easier.

Lin Ruofu could tell that this Fan You was an ambitious person, unlike Fan Xian.

Their Lin family is very powerful in the capital, Fan You will not attack their Lin family.

Lin Ruofu: "Alright, Wan'er, go and see him, it's just right, let's talk between men."

Lin Wan'er nodded lightly, and left cautiously.

Fan You: "I, Fan You, don't like going around. Let's talk straight. In the final analysis, the second son is just being deceived."

"The previous assassination in Danzhou, and this time, were all done by Li Yunrui."

"Plus, what Fan Xian did was indeed a bit excessive. It's understandable for the second son to do some stupid things out of desperation."

"It's just that the incident this time has already been brought up in front of His Majesty, and it may be impossible to solve it privately."

"So, I think Xiangye might be able to let the Second Young Master speak up about this incident, saying that the eldest princess ordered it. I believe that with Xiangye's ability, even if His Majesty blames it, it will be nothing more than punishment."

"Second Young Master's life is still safe, what do you think?"

Lin Ruofu never thought about throwing Li Yunrui out, but it's easier said than done!
Lin Ruofu: "Oh~ It's easy to say, but it's really difficult to do it!"

"Then Li Yunrui is His Majesty's younger sister, of royal blood. Even if I ask Gong Er to explain to His Majesty that he was bewitched by Li Yunrui, His Majesty probably won't believe it."

"One has no witnesses, and the other has no physical evidence. How can His Majesty be convinced if he speaks out with a red mouth and white teeth?"

Fan You said with a smile: "Master Xiang, don't worry about this matter, I have only one way."

"It just depends on whether the second son can cooperate when the time comes."

With that said, the eyes of the two people shifted to Lin Gong at the same time.

Although Lin Gong was unwilling, but looking into his father's eyes, he finally gave in.

Lin Gong: "Okay, I am willing to be a witness."

Lin Ruofu nodded.

"It's not enough for Gong'er to be a witness, but hard evidence is needed!"

"Otherwise, then Li Yunrui will never plead guilty, and even say that we framed her. I don't know the physical evidence, how to solve it?"

Fan You looked at Lin Ruofu with a strange look, it was just a physical evidence, isn't it easy?

Fan You: "Mr. Lin, it's just a physical evidence. What we want is not iron-clad evidence, but His Majesty's belief!"

"As long as His Majesty believes that this matter was planned by the Eldest Princess, and Lin Gong is just a chess piece, His Majesty will be the most at that time, that is, send out the Second Young Master."

"Plus, I will tell Dean Chen about this early tomorrow morning."

"You, Dean Chen, my father, Second Young Master, and I, five people appearing at the same time, His Majesty will not believe it."

After hearing this, Lin Ruofu thought quickly, he was always by Emperor Qing's side, and he was very clear about Emperor Qing's methods and suspicions. What Fan You said had a very high probability of success!
"Okay! Just do what my nephew said!"

(End of this chapter)

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