Sword wash the setting sun

Chapter 255 1 twist 3 twists

Chapter 255

Seeing the "White Horse and Golden Hoofed Man" staring greedily at the dart box in front of "Ghost King Zhong", the "Hexi Lone Bandit" reminded him in disgust.

The White Horse and Golden Hoofed Guest turned to look at the bodyguards standing aside, all of them looked at this side coldly, except for the Golden Flower outside the Great Wall who seemed not at all surprised, the eyes of the rest were gleaming with anger.

"Okay, let's talk after leaving here!" The White Horse Golden Hoof guest finally agreed.

The four looked at the escort and each other warily, and began to think of ways to move the dart box.

Ghost King Zhong patted the big bell against the dart box, and heard the sound of the dart cart being damaged, but the dart box slipped into the big bell.

The four of them tried their best to move the dart box, and the people who watched the dart team were very angry.

"Just watch them rob it like this?" an escort couldn't help asking Jinhua outside the Great Wall.

"Let them rob!" Jinhua outside the Great Wall said calmly.

"Let them rob? There are seven of us, and they are only four, and just watch them rob?" The voice of the bodyguard who spoke just now was obviously a little louder.

The four of them stopped what they were doing and stared at the escort of the Tianyou Escort.The bodyguard from Tianyou Bodyguard Agency held his head up high, he couldn't find a reason to fight, he was eager for these people to make a move.

Just as the four of them were hesitating whether to teach this self-righteous Kunlun sect disciple bodyguard, suddenly a strange voice came.


When a faint voice came, everyone couldn't help being stunned. The voice was like thunder rolling, from far to near, and like a galloping army.

"What's that sound?" The White Horse Golden Hoof guest asked vigilantly.

Everyone didn't understand, so they looked in the direction of the sound.

The sound came from the direction of Liangzhou. When everyone looked at it, the dust and mist rolled up from the direction of the road, and the muffled thunder became louder...

"Not good!" Jinhua outside the Great Wall shouted, "Everyone, get out!"

After the Jinhua outside the Great Wall finished speaking, she took the lead in fleeing the way she came, not caring who the escort car was robbed by.

The members of the bodyguard team were still hesitating behind, and the muffled thunder was even louder.Huge camels appeared in the field of vision, and they looked real in a blink of an eye.Groups of camels are rushing towards this side, it is really shaking...

"Black camel gang outside the Great Wall!" Hexi lone bandit shouted heavily, glanced unwillingly at the direction the black camel gang came from, stretched his body and left quickly.

While the others were still hesitating, they were surrounded by escort cars.

On a pair of gray-brown adult Bactrian camels, the bare-chested men outside the Great Wall showed their dark chests.Holding weapons such as knives and guns in their hands, they looked at the people in the field expressionlessly.

Then look at the huge monsters sitting under them, each hoof is as big as a plate, the body is as tall as two people, and with the head raised on the neck, it is terrifyingly tall.The opening and closing of the two nostrils is breathing heavily, the eyes are like copper bells, and the opening and closing of the eyelids is even more frightening.

The people surrounded in the middle were scared and panicked by this huge monster, how could they have any intention to resist!
In fact, camels are tame by nature, but they are tall and weird, and they suddenly appear in front of everyone, which makes everyone unable to adapt for a while.In addition, the black-skinned man on the hunchback who was rumored to be cruel and ruthless made them even more afraid.

The people surrounded in the middle divided into several groups and stood far away from the escort carts.

A person came out of the camel team and urged the camels to the front of the escort cart. The camels knelt down on the ground supplely, and the man on the hunchback got down from the hunchback.

The moment he saw the escort car, the man seemed to smile.He slashed directly at the dart box with his knife, and the dart box opened!


After a yell, everyone fell into an unbelievable calmness.

There are stones inside the escort car!The man from the Black Camel Gang stirred the dart box with a long knife, and finally kicked the dart box fiercely. The dart box tipped over, and it was full of stones...

The man went to the other two dart boxes that they had dragged to the ground and chopped them down with a knife. The dart boxes were full of stones without exception.

"Mag's horoscope! Fake!"

The man yelled angrily, and swearing, he rode between the humps on the camel's back, clamped his legs, and the camel stood up.

The man glanced at the people who were surrounded in a daze, and grinned: "Retreat!"

Just as the black camel gang was about to withdraw, there was the sound of strong wind breaking through the air from all around.

Men in Tsing Yi with a strong figure flew over, waving long swords in their hands.

Amidst the sword qi, the man on the hunchback kept screaming and fell, falling from the hunchback to the ground.

"Who dares to kill my brothers from the Black Camel Gang?" the leader asked angrily.

"Dare to rob at the foot of my Kunlun Mountain, your black camel gang seems to be living too comfortably! If you come today, don't even think about leaving!" one person said coldly.

"Are you Kunlun disciples? This dart is fake, and I didn't kill anyone! You Kunlun faction don't bully people too much!" The leader of the black camel gang shouted loudly.

"If it's a real dart, can't you not be robbed? If someone resists, can you not kill? You scum in the Jianghu will all be killed today!" Another Kunlun disciple gritted his teeth.

Having said that, no one opened their mouths anymore.Only the sound of swords colliding and occasional screams were heard...

In less than a stick of incense, all members of the Black Camel Gang were killed!

After the members of the Black Camel Gang were killed, the Kunlun disciples surrounded the ghost king Zhong, the white horse, the golden trotter, and the golden knife horse who were hiding aside.

The leader of the Kunlun faction is about 40 years old, and he looks like a fairy, but when he killed the black camel gang just now, he was extremely ruthless.

"Are you Ghost King Zhong?" the leader of the Kunlun faction asked.

"If you want to kill or scrape, it's up to you. Ask knowingly!" Ghost King Zhong said.

The man was not angry, but turned his eyes to the crowd and said: "Whoever you have news about the benevolent bodyguards, I will let you go! If not, I will do justice for the sky today and kill you gangsters who are causing trouble in the world. !"

"If you want to kill, say kill! If you want to ask for news, ask for news! I can't bear to see you bluffing and cheating everywhere under the banner of justice, and doing such nonsense!" White Horse and Golden Hoofed Man said with a sneer.

"Junior Brother Fan! It's up to you to ask about the darts!" Seeing that the monsters in the rivers and lakes were not cooperating, the person headed by the Kunlun faction shouted.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, Junior Brother Fan?Could it be that Fan Tianlu, the head of the Tianyou Escort Bureau, is here?

Everyone looked up at the Kunlun disciples.

One person separated from the crowd and walked out. Although he was dressed as a Kunlun disciple and disguised deliberately, they recognized him at a glance as the head of the Tianyou Escort Bureau.

"You and I, Fan, have some friendship in the future. This time, the dart silver was stolen, and I hope you can help me. Who knows who robbed the Renyi dart, I will be very grateful!" Fan Tianlu stepped forward and said He clasped his fists and said.

"Don't say thank you again! Let us go first!"

Seeing that it was Fan Tianlu, they became more courageous and opened their mouths to talk about the conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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