Chapter 479


"Crush the bridge??"

"You sure???"

The three of jeemzz turned their heads with disbelief on their faces.All eyes on scoom's face!The face of the captain who has always maintained a "calm and wise" image in their hearts!

This circle shape, not to mention 4AM has the first initiative.Even Li Kui's team would never be the first batch of those who rushed to the bridge, even if they stopped searching immediately and set off immediately.

Jeemzz couldn't believe his ears, he didn't think the captain couldn't analyze what he could see!
Cross the bridge?

The bridgehead is a quagmire!

Not to mention there is a 4AM behind the bridge!

There is also that slippery, hateful 4AM_hunter who has itchy teeth but has nothing to do with him!

Jeemzz still can't forget the scene of his whole team being dragged to death by this guy at the bridgehead on the first match day!

At that time he was just a person, but now?


Jeemzz could feel the beating of his heart, and subconsciously told him: the bridgehead is very dangerous!The hunter at the bridgehead is extremely dangerous!

This is a ruthless character with a clear mind, a daily madness, and the ability to risk his life!
In the early stage of the game, when the opponent has the upper hand, and the overall standings are extremely tense and stability is urgently needed, 4AM on the anus is definitely an unwise choice!


Swallowing, jeemzz hesitated and said,

"Captain, how about... let's find a boat?"

"What? Are you scared?" Scoom bit his lip, turned his head,
"You guys, are you scared?"

Quiet!The voice channel of the team instantly fell silent!
The strange atmosphere of silence not only did not make Scoom dispel the idea of ​​rushing to the bridge, but became more determined.

He continued to speak to himself,

"I like a word from Huaxia very much!"


"If you give up, you will get something!"

"If you give up safety and low risk, you can get unimaginable gains!"

"We're number one right now, and we've got two guys chasing after us. They're eyeing, they're confident. They're going to keep putting pressure on us, but! To wear the crown, you have to bear the weight. That's it. We cannot escape!"

"Hehe! Why, are you planning to honestly put down the crown?"

"how is this possible?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Although I know you are using aggressive methods, I still want to tell you: Fuck it! No way!"

Represented by jeemzz, staring at scoom aggressively,

"Now, I only have one question: why did I choose to cross the bridge! It's very dangerous! You know, the hunter is probably waiting for us there, this is a naked trap!"


Scoom didn't feel angry at all because the team members questioned his command authority, he still had a chuckling tone and a calm face,

"I know, this is indeed a trap! As you said, it's still a naked trap! It's dangerous!"

"Then why do you still..."

"Still choose Chongqiao?"

Turning his head, his eyes refocused on the computer screen in front of him,
"Jeemzz, you have to understand! A naked trap like this may not necessarily bury the prey, but may also be the hunter!"

"I don't know if 4AM will be right at the bridgehead we chose to break out of! But if I were a hunter, I would definitely choose to divide my forces and harvest the big gift packages from the two bridgeheads at the same time!"

"Because they are still lagging behind, they are eager to catch up with us! Hunter is a master of psychological tactics. He knows that if he can defeat us in this stalemate, it will be a blow to us and a boost to their confidence. All will have a great impact on the next schedule, especially the sprint battle on the last day!"

"So! They will definitely divide their troops!"

"So! This is also our chance!"

The corners of the mouth are raised, and the eyes are like torches!
Scoom said calmly, as if boiling hot magma!
"So what if you're stuck at the end of a bridge?"

"There are so many fish, as long as our teeth are strong enough!"

"Don't forget, we are Liquid! We are currently number one in the overall standings!"

"So, are there any questions now?"

"It's gone!" Jeemzz nodded resolutely, and the worries and panic that had been emerging in the hearts of the three just now were instantly overwhelmed by the surging momentum after Scoom's words!

"OK! Then get ready to go!"

"The other teams are all looking for ships, so we have enough vehicle resources for this round! Go, get the vehicles in twos! Only jeeps!"

"After we get four jeeps, we will go to the bridge!"

Scoom is ready to be stuck in the middle!With a jeep as a cover, he will have enough confidence to transform his role from prey to hunter!

"set off!"


On the other hand, Scoom guessed right: Lilizi team really took the boat and moved to Port N immediately.

When skydiving, mexy paid special attention, there is no jumping person in Port N!It is also analyzed that 4AM dominates the airport island, and it must have occupied the output position of the bridgehead in the first time when the safety zone is refreshed.

Therefore, Mexy is not in a hurry to participate in the wave of Qiaotou.He didn't intend to fight 4AM so early!
"Don't worry, do a search in Port N!"

mexy cuts out the map,

"The highest mountain will definitely not be let go by 4AM. Our movement in Port N cannot escape their sight. There is no need to bother to find trouble!"

"Come on steady!"

"The most anxious thing now is Li Kui's team. They are anxious to get rid of the crisis in the scourge circle and maintain their lead! The second most anxious thing is 4AM. They will take advantage of the victory and pursue the team. They can't wait to counterattack Li Kui's team immediately!"

"Hey hey, we are the third! What's the hurry?"

"Just watch these two get angry in a hurry! You will make mistakes when you are anxious, and it is easier to make mistakes when you are angry!"

"At this time, let's talk!"

Mexy's Buddha-like posture also infected his teammates. At the moment when the airport circle came, the Lizi team seemed to be alone in the world, and the team was filled with a relaxed atmosphere!
It seems that this is not the SLI International Invitational Tournament, not the prelude to the final sprint day, but just an ordinary rank!An entertainment live broadcast!
"Da da da!"

"Da da da!"

In the distance, the crisp gunshots seemed to be a signal. After breaking the silence, there were one after another, and it was very lively!It immediately attracted the attention of the four members of Lilizi team.

"It's started!"

Mexy squinted her eyes with intoxication and longing for the smoke and flames of war, but her body was still moving steadily through the buildings, searching for supplies.

Not only him, but the other three as well!

The prickly heat team that can control itself is always waiting to come out! ! !

"Bang bang bang!"

Gao Dewei's side fired, and Liu Lei's side did the same!

At this moment, it has only been a minute and a half since the first safe zone was refreshed!There is still a long time before the first-level power grid is refreshed, but for professional teams, large-scale transfers have become a unified picture on PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds!

Port G, Port P, Port L, including M Town and Fishing Village, the teams from these resource points became the happiest teams besides 4AM.There is no need to worry about the problem of crossing the bridge, you can take the boat to transfer immediately.

Among them is the OEA team from Port S, yes that's right!Still playing the stick of S port, the wise stick, and the stick of psychological warfare with Liu Lei!Bang Zi, who Liu Lei thought was going to sneak out again, but did the opposite, was also grinning from ear to ear.

Even if, they are the theoretical limit circle of divine punishment!

"Do not care!"

"Not in a hurry!"

"Search! Continue to search Temeow's Smecta!"

"Bring two more barrels of gasoline and more medicine!"

"In this game, we must get points steadily!"

Captain Stick looked at the two boats by the sea, but the figure of Evermore magnified infinitely in his mind.

Poisonous little prince!
This game is stable, Smecta!
The more I think about it, the happier I am, and the more I think about it, the more excited I am!
Finally, following the footsteps of the power grid starting to refresh, the sticks finally boarded a yacht and embarked on a great Columbus journey around the earth!At this moment, the two bridges at the airport have been reduced to purgatory!

Jedi Naihe Bridge!

"Oh buy ga!"

"Team Li Kui chooses to cross the bridge!"

"They rushed in!"

"They were stopped!"

"Li Kui's team used four jeeps to build a bunker with the abandoned cars and obstacles in the middle of the bridge. They chose to fight back on the spot!"

"Oh my god! Li Kui's team is not only counterattacking the team that blocked them, but also taking care of the output of the team that was blocked at the bridgehead!"

"This this……"

"Isn't that too bold?"

Shroud was dumbfounded by this scene!
But the message conveyed in the upper right corner of the big screen is: Li Kui team is leading a wave of frantic swiping!
Four jeeps!
Scoom didn't feel bad at all, and directly chose to disable him!Make full output after becoming a permanent safe bunker!

In fact, they have only just arrived.After all, the journey is far away, and after all, it took more time to search for supplies than other teams.

However, the other teams stuck at the bridge are all restraining themselves!Seeing Li Kui's convoy coming, he simply let them be pathfinders.This allowed Li Kui's team to completely control the obstacle cover in the middle of the bridge, and under the cover of four jeeps, it became a nail stuck in the center!Nails are sharp and bloodthirsty!

In terms of psychological games, using psychological warfare to find opportunities for oneself to gain an advantage, scoom is also a good player!
"Now, don't worry about anything!"

"Output! Full output!"

"You want heads, you want points!"


The scoom roared in his throat, his murderous aura boiled over!
There were Confucian generals in ancient times!Play soldiers in the sand table, strategize!Bloodthirsty on the battlefield, possessed by a demon god!
Nothing more than that!

"The arrival of Li Kui's team is like a tiger rushing in from a pack of wolves! No, this is not an ordinary tiger, this is a king tiger!"

"The already messy battlefield situation has been completely detonated!"

"It's killing time!"

"Team Li Kui refuses to compromise with the censure circle!"

"They chose the most manly way! The bravest fight!"

"They have enough confidence! They also have enough strength to support their confidence!"

"What does the 4AM team say? godv! gucun! cpt! With Hunter alone guarding the other bridge, what choice will they make?"

Shroud's infected blood boils!

In an instant, it seems to return to the professional years of the year, and I can't wait to join it!

"The 4am formation is not chaotic! They are not disturbed by the rhythm of Li Kui's team!" In the Huaxia commentary seat, Master Du was also roaring loudly, crazily outputting salivary amylase.

"Lonely at the high point of the bridge, Gao Dewei and Eye-catching firmly hold the bridge. The vehicle is hidden behind, the tires are well protected, and Li Kui's team has no vision output."

"4AM can fight and retreat, advance and retreat freely!"

"This is great! This is the right way to fight!" Xiaoyao took the words,
"You are strong and you are strong, and the breeze blows the mountains!"

"The rhythm can't be chaotic, no matter what the situation is, my heart can't be chaotic!"

"From this point of view, 4AM has become more and more mature after these few days of competition training!"

"In fact, it's a psychological battle right now! Team Li Kui knew that 4AM was blocking them, and the three of Gao Dewei also knew that they fought bloody storms in the middle of the bridge. Team Li Kui was the one who crazily harvested and eliminated points!"

"The two are not just a momentary dispute, but also related to the ranking competition in the total points leaderboard!"

"As long as 4AM stabilizes its own rhythm, the advantage will not be lost! Similarly, Li Kui's team is waiting for 4AM to make a mistake. Once Gao Dewei and Eye-catching are knocked down, there is no doubt! Press on, charge with guns!"

The contest from the world's top level made Xiaoyao, who is an OMG coach, mesmerized by watching!The game between the two has benefited him a lot.

Coupled with the still Buddhist attitude of the prickly heat team, the collision of different styles gave Xiaoyao a spring of inspiration, and his guiding ideas for his team became clearer!
On the big screen, the camera zoomed past and locked onto another bridge!Here, Liu Lei stands on the highest mountain like a god of death, swiping down his sickle to reap the souls of the dead.

As for the bridgehead teams, including the countermeasures of strong teams like the Pittsburgh Cavaliers, Xiaoyao's eyes lit up.

The same goal with the Li Kui team!
It's just that they let the convoy go, and then sealed the tail.

But the bridge!Full output!

Just kill them all!At that time, you only need to face a team defending the bridge, not to mention that behind this team blocking the bridge, Liu Lei is harassing!At that time, the Pittsburgh Cavaliers will be able to forcibly rush the bridge!

Simple, brutal and practical!
You don't need too many bells and whistles, and you don't need to toss any tricks!
The confidence of European and American strong teams in their own strength gives them a wider room to operate!
Involuntarily, Little Lion, Xiao Hai, BT, and smiles flashed through Xiaoyao's mind...cough cough cough!Forget it, forget about the carbine monster with a smile, it’s OK to command with peace of mind!
As for the other three...

Thinking about it, the corners of Xiaoyao's mouth raised!

I silently said in my heart:

"Now all eyes are on this super rookie Gu Cun!"

"But! Hehehe, we OMG have more than one little lion, Xiaohai and BT, their talents are no worse than Gucun's!"

Full body OMG!OMG with the power of European and American anal guns!

Give me some more time!
See you soon on the field!

Xiaoyao's smile is getting brighter...

"How about your side? You can retreat almost!"

Because he didn't have the energy to pay attention to the knockout prompt in the upper right corner, Liu Lei didn't know the situation of the battle at Zhutou's side, only that the three of them were still safe.

"How? Damn it, dog!"

Gao Dewei spat hard,
"Fuck! The stage we set up was sung by Li Kui!"

ps: Thanks for the reward, MMP!Thanks for the reward!Push the book "I want to be a newcomer", and I am going to add more.

(End of this chapter)

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