Knock down the monster with one punch

Chapter 531 After you sing, I will appear on stage, come again!

Chapter 531 After you sing, I will appear on stage, come again!

Liu Lei guessed right, this team of gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and punishing Buddhas is exactly 17!

As the captain, as the core and soul of the whole team, Beast's example finally exaggerated the fighting spirit of the whole team, and the feeling of the other three became hotter and hotter under the blessing of their mental state!
What is the status of a professional player?
Nervous gun!Every few bullets fired has the potential to hit a nerve gun!

Unreasonable!Meeting is a lock, even if you shoot first, you can only watch your opponent enjoy your urn loot while dragging his blood bar!
Team 17 is exactly like this now!

Everyone has shown their state on the horizontal line, and the beasts are even more out of the box to the point of being super gods!
For a moment, it seemed as if there were gun lines from Team 17 everywhere in the small safe zone, and Team 17's machetes were waving everywhere!

The three of Liu Lei were still on their way against the drug. Before they entered the drug circle, the number of survivors on the battlefield had dropped by a dozen, and half of them were the souls of the 17th team!
"Starlight doesn't care about passers-by, time pays off for those with a heart. Your success is not only hidden in your strength, but also hidden in your unknown efforts! The harder you work, the luckier you are!"

Master Du sighed with emotion!
"The strength of 4am did not affect the confidence of the 17th team! Even if they were reversed by 100 points in one game, and then surpassed by more than [-] points, they still did not lose heart, let alone give up!"

"I never complained or gave up on myself, and worked hard with a down-to-earth attitude! So, when the destiny came, Team 17 told 4am with an unstoppable performance: Want to get tickets? Let's talk after three rounds!"

Master Du didn't object to Tianming's addition to Team 17, but Master Du consciously ignored it.

The reason is very simple: there is more than 17 teams with destiny bonus, but only 17 teams are as brilliant as fireworks.

Games are just like life, accidents always follow.No one can have smooth sailing all the time, and no one has bad luck all the time.

Faced with the favor of the goddess of fate, some people watched it slip away from their hands, and then continued to wait for the next arrival.After repeating this, I finally waited for bad luck and ups and downs, then sighed "how unfair fate is", and then comforted myself with the words "loss is a blessing".Looking back and summarizing: I have done nothing in my life, but I am amazed that the ordinary is precious!

And some people soar into the sky!In the end, by virtue of the advantages obtained by seizing the opportunity, he smiled at the ups and downs of life.After the storm, the stubborn stone remains, 17 remains the same!

"Team 17, with their crazy performance, practiced the spiritual principles of being a professional player. No matter who the final World Championship ticket belongs to, Team 17 is the winner! They did not let themselves down, let alone the fans who supported them!"

"Let's see how long their crazy performance can last!"

"Facing the crazy performance of Team 17, what will 4am do in the future?"

Solution?Cough cough cough!So what. Is drug running counted?

Although they knew that Master Du meant the next two games, countless 4am fans still subconsciously connected it to this game, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

That's right, my team is struggling, but the fans are watching jokes, pointing fingers, having fun, the real ones!
Liu Lei's comeback not only brought a spiritual boost to the team, but also made the fans completely relieved.Under the premise of trusting Liu Lei to bring 4am to the stage of the World Championship, many fans let themselves go, let's be happy together!
Especially the fans watching the first-person view of the team, watching the three of Liu Lei run and run~ Boom!It's the circle, it's the circle of scourge again!Keep running, running, running~ Boom!After brushing, mmp is still in the circle of scourge!
Keep running, keep running!

It is impossible to enter the circle, and I have been running poison all my life!
Then I remembered the rumors from the team: Liu Lei took the lead in accusing Ga Dewei of swine fever, which affected the team's luck!
Later, under the hint of the traitor Bee Boy, I learned that Mr. Wang joined because Liu Lei and Long Ma took a fancy to Mr. Wang's ability to attract rings, so they bought it to neutralize the pig's head.Tsk tsk tsk, neutralization, but it’s okay!
In addition, in the first perspective, the pig's head cut out the grenade several times, throwing it directly at Liu Lei, and aiming at Alu from time to time.In an instant, the fans' brains were wide open, and they were infinitely looking forward to the announcement of the team's voice!
It is conceivable: Liu Lei must be crazy about bb Ga Dewei, and then Aluka and Xingming are still fanning the flames and constantly helping.

Hey~ I feel sorry for the pig's head!

Not only being targeted by the game, but also by opponents, and even by teammates!Even my own wife would target me from time to time, what a damn pig this is!

In the end, Principal Wang, who was watching the match, picked up his mobile phone and spent a lot of money:
66 Buddha jumps over the wall one by one "he~tui! This pig is really a plague, mmp Gadwen, 66 neutralization!"

Instantly detonated the live broadcast room!

But this time no one teased them anymore, they all turned into red-eyed monsters one by one mmp, I am also sick, I also want 66, or 69 is also fine!
Just as the fans thought, Liu Lei is indeed crazy about bb Ga Dewei at the moment.

"What do people's pigs eat? Then what grows is meat, and what is sold is money. Pork grows fat, pig bones supplement calcium, pig kidneys and pig whips are still strong, how about you?"

"Hehehe, the pig's head ate leeks, gnawed mutton, drank asan oil, swallowed rehmannia pills, and took care of chickens of the same kind from time to time. But what the hell grows out is all plague!" Aluka Yin Start with a smile and make up the knife!

"Hey~ Tell me about you, what's your use? Why don't you go back and discuss with Longma about renting the pig's head to the 17th team? Wait until the World Championship and then rent it to Li Zi and Li Kui. Damn, I'm afraid I can lie down Win? Isn't it flattering?" Eye-catching made another stab.

Knife after knife, knife knife, nagging!Finally, the pig's head can't stand it anymore!
Take out the grenade!

"Re-bb? Re-bb, believe it or not, I'll kill you bastard?"

"Hehe! Come on! If you have a chrysanthemum, stuff it into my chrysanthemum. Recently, my intestines are blocked and I'm constipated. I'm waiting for you to unclog it!"

"Hehe! Come on! If you have a dick, stuff it deeper. If you don't make me an intestinal ulcer today, I'll stab you into an esophageal spasm!"

"Hehe! Come on. emm~ wait a minute! Alu, what the hell is your esophagus? Isn't the esophagus we're talking about?"

"Stupid! I'm so talented, I can reach the stomach in one step, but I'm even more fierce. The stomach has been pierced by this bastard, isn't the upper part just the esophagus?"

"Fuck! Can you explain it like this? Turtle, that pig's head is so cool, you won't be hungry anymore! As long as you're hungry, you can squat down, and a grilled sausage will pop out of your mouth immediately, it's so beautiful~"

Ga Dewei:
Suddenly there was retching, and at the same time, I couldn't help but feel sorry for my daughter-in-law.

emm why do you feel distressed?Guess what?

After the constant scourges came, everyone knew that this game was over, so they simply put down the game and enlivened the atmosphere.

Of course, this is also to adjust the mentality, so as to better meet the next two games.As for the crazy performance of Team 17, everyone chose to ignore it.

In Liu Lei's words: It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married.Since you don't care, why bother.

You are strong and you are strong, and I call me three wolves.You can pick it up as you like, and eat another big bird.

Since so many points could be recovered in the first round, wouldn't it be enough to make another wave in the next two rounds?
Focusing so much on others that you lose focus on yourself is what fools do.In this regard, under Liu Lei's optimistic attitude, everyone regained the tradition of DGL, ran away with optimism, and enjoyed the rankings.Just drive and you're done!

As for driving, it will hurt Gadviche!Haven't you already gotten used to this product?There is nothing to worry about when you have the antibodies!
So, while Zhutou was constantly being bb'd, the four of them finally ran into the circle, only to be held up by a team head-on.After the medical supply was almost exhausted, the heads of the two were forcibly replaced, and they were directly hanged to death after the power grid was refreshed. The whole team was once again left with only a single wolf to survive.

It seems to be the same scene as the previous round: the lone wolf is eye-catching, the final round, the full number of 17 is extremely strong!

But the ending was quite different: Team 17 bulldozed them step by step, cleansing the safe zone!Just before the arrival of the plum blossom stakes, the game is officially over: good luck, chicken tonight!
19 Kill and eat chicken!

Including the fpp mode trials, it was second only to the 4 kills at 28 am in the previous round!A full score of 785 points!
But Xing Ming got fourth place and stole his head. 4am ended the game with the triple kill ranking fourth, and the total points ranking was regained by the 17th team, and the point difference was once again widened to more than 300 points.

In the interview area, Beast said to the host like this: I can't stop paying attention to the total points ranking, and I can't hypocritically imply myself: pretending that I have no advantage, pretending that I am still behind.All I can do is to do my best with my teammates in every game until I get the ticket to the World Championship!
Players leave the field, intermission time.

Halfway through today's competition schedule, the tpp mode trials are about to usher in the final two rounds of sprint time!

The current scoreboard situation, 17 first 4 am second, although the SSS team led by the second brother is third, but has been opened by the 17 team by more than 500 points, the hope of getting the last World Championship ticket is almost only in the in theory.Therefore, the last two rounds will be the confrontation between 17 and 4am, which is almost recognized by everyone.

The second brother has become a tragic character, regrettably lost to OMG in the FPP mode trials, and now he has to watch others advance to the World Championship in the TPP mode trials, which has attracted countless netizens' distress.

But e-sports is so cruel. The losers get sympathy, but sympathy has a shelf life, which is very short.The victors receive flowers and applause, and the glory is recorded in history and will never be erased.

In the backstage lounge, unlike msjoy who was busy explaining tactical points to the members of the 17th team, the coaching staff led by Long Ma almost became a nanny, giving bananas and mineral water to the elders.

Not a word about the game.

It can be seen from the extremely normal faces of several people after being regained by the 17th team that they have adjusted their mentality.As for the tactics, what should be said has been said long ago, and what should be practiced is almost done. In addition, Liu Lei is in charge, so they don't need to waste their words.

Wang Xin, as a new player who just transferred, shouldn't have appeared in the backstage lounge, but Dragon God Jue brought him here on purpose.

After watching the two games, Mr. Wang was very interested in Liu Lei's risky gambling in the first game. Now he was pulling Liu Lei to discuss and throwing out his accumulated questions.In this regard, Dragon God is definitely happy to see it.Wang Xin took the initiative to understand the team's core tactical thinking and style, which will make the short run-in before the start of the World Championship go more smoothly.

Of course, Alu will retire after finishing the trials, and Wang Xin has not told Wang Xin of his decision to take the top spot in the World Championship.This will be a big surprise and a big opportunity for Wang Xin!But correspondingly, it is also a lot of pressure, and it may even bring about counterproductive effects: after all, it is too easy to get and you will slack off.This is the nature of living beings, and the Dragon God must guard against it, even if Wang Xin has shown admirable self-control.

"Betting on this thing does not qualify it in a certain way."

"You can't touch it when you are a big winner, you can consider it when you are a small winner, and it may be the only way out when you are a disadvantage! This is the same as the inferior side in a masturbation game."

"It was a gamble that the pig's head went directly to P City in the last game yesterday, and I am also betting on the first game today! But we are not red-eyed gamblers, we have the strength, and we have great confidence to control the direction of the situation! So I prefer to call it a special tactic in a special situation rather than a gamble!"

Facing Liu Lei's explanation, Wang Xin nodded thoughtfully.

"What do you think we will do in the next two rounds?" Liu Lei continued to ask.

"Another gamble?"

"No!" Liu Lei shook his head with a smile and stood up.Just as the staff reminded that the intermission time is coming to an end, players are invited to enter.

The moment I went out, I suddenly turned around,

"I gambled in the first round, and the effect I wanted to achieve has already been achieved! The effect is not only chasing points, but also psychological pressure on other teams. So there is no need to do it again in two, two, three, four."

"Fantastic moves are useful, but they are not the ones that determine the outcome of most games."

"What's more, I don't think it takes a lot of effort to make a surprise victory in the domestic trials!"

"Even if! The opponent is 17!!!"

"Bang~" The door closed, and Liu Lei led the three of them out with Zhu Tou!

And Wang Xin looked at the door, after a moment of stupefaction, his eyes became brighter and brighter!
"The intermission is over! The game starts again!"

"TPP mode trial, the third round of the second schedule day! The penultimate round of the trial officially begins!"


The roar of the flight engine sounded, and the vast map of the island jumped into view!

"Look at my mark!"

"Let's go to the school and dormitory for this game!" Liu Lei cut out the map and immediately made punctuation marks.

"Wait? Aren't you going to the airport for this round?" Aluka wondered, "And there are people in the school dormitory! We went to the airport, it seems that Team Dae jumped here!"

"Is this important? What's wrong with someone, the school and the dormitory don't have their team's name written on it!" Liu Lei raised the corner of his mouth,
"Hehe, we are here, he has to go!"

"Unconvinced? Hold on! Unhappy? Hold on! Won't you leave? Then burn incense and see them off!"

(End of this chapter)

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