Douluo's Bacchus

Chapter 399 Companion

Chapter 399 Companion
"Are you burning all your strength to cut out the ultimate knife? What a strong boy, after this knife, your life will end." Above the Nine Heavens Tower, a mirror appeared in front of the Seagod who lived high in the Seagod Temple.

In the mirror light, everything was burned like a blazing sun coming into the world, and his incarnation of divine sense also melted in the blazing knife light...

At this moment, a cold voice resounded in the magnificent Hall of the Sea God, "Sea God, this is your plan. For the sake of the inheritor you have chosen, deliberately kill the descendant chosen by Thor?"

A man dressed in blood appeared in front of the sea god, and his icy killing intent made people feel like falling into an abyss.

Shura God.

"Hey, hey, I can be blamed for this too. It's just a divine sense I left in the world. You know, the biggest purpose of our divine mind left in the world is to help our chosen inheritors inherit our gods, Thunder God His successor is so monstrous, it's not surprising that my divine sense can't help but attack him, and it's all within the rules, I believe you don't know, right?" Sea God said flatly.

God Shura said indifferently: "This is indeed within the rules, but Thunder God has made great achievements in this side of the God Realm, and his divine power and divine sense are about to dissipate. This may be his last chance. You are really so decisive." ?

Sea God said curiously: "Sura, I don't understand. If you say that the person in the world who doesn't want the descendant of Thunder God to appear, it should be you, but you are the only one among us who cares so much about the descendant of Thunder God. If I see That's right, that kid's artifact should be inseparable from you, right? You see that the artifact of Thor is broken, so you want to replace it with another artifact and let him inherit the throne?"

God Shura is the most special god in the God Realm, one of the executive members of the God Realm Committee, and the law enforcer of the God Realm.

And there are only four people with the same status as him in the God Realm.

The god king of good and evil, the god of life, and the god of destruction.

These four gods are all congenital gods, representing a part of the rules of the God Realm, but only Shura God is the only god who has become a god after birth, is also a member of the God Realm Committee, and is also in charge of the God Realm law enforcement.

However, a long time ago, the member in charge of law enforcement in the God Realm was not Shura, but Thor.

Thunder God is in charge of Thunder Tribulation, and the law enforcement power in many planes of the God Realm. It is exactly the same. In the last war, Thunder God was targeted and became the only one of the five members of the God Realm Committee to fall.

After Thor's death, God Shura took over the position of Thor and became the law enforcer of the God Realm.

Therefore, if it is said that among the gods that the descendants of Thor are least expected to appear, God Shura will definitely be ranked in the top three.

God Shura glanced at Seagod indifferently, and there was also a bit of sadness in his eyes. Although Seagod is also a first-level god, he is still much younger than others, so there are many things he doesn't understand. At the same time, the god of thunder was of great help to him, and the god of thunder was always fair and strict, and he was also a taciturn character, so except for a few gods who were older than him, other gods did not know his relationship with the god of thunder.

A stern look flashed in God Shura's eyes, no matter what, he would not let any accident happen to the descendant chosen by Thunder God.

The Sea God also saw the momentum that was constantly accumulating on God Shura, and quickly said: "Hey, I said, old Shura, don't be impulsive, I'm not that kind of selfish god, okay, that kid is fine, he's in a I stayed in a special trial place in the human world, and dying in it would not really die, but would be resurrected continuously, and it would not stop until the trial place was completely broken or his opponent was defeated..."


The golden light bloomed, and the fiery red light was completely swallowed up, and the incarnation of the Seagod's divine sense, which had melted most of its body, also recovered in the golden light. Then, the fiery red light retreated, and a group of powerful life energy was also revived in the golden light.

The golden light receded like a tide, Chen Hu slowly opened his eyes, his consciousness was still a bit hazy, and the incarnation of the Sea God's divine sense appeared in front of him holding the Sea God's Trident, Chen Hu's eyes froze, and his huge mental power instantly penetrated the state of the whole body, I couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Except for the more solid soul power in his body, his state is exactly the same as when he entered this place. If the memory just now was not clearly engraved in his mind, Chen Hu would doubt whether everything just now was a dream.

Chen Hu is not a stupid person either. Seeing the smiling incarnation of the Seagod's Divine Sense in front of him, he instantly understood what was going on, his eyes narrowed, and he said apologetically, "This junior misunderstood the painstaking efforts of the senior. Please forgive me, senior!"

"Boy, your thoughts are too heavy. No matter how I say it, I'm still a god. I can't do things like bullying the small with the big!" The sea god's spiritual incarnation said with a faint smile.

Chen Hu said: "Senior taught me that."

"Ha! You bastard!" The incarnation of Seagod's Divine Sense shook his head helplessly, and said, "You may be blaming me for not explaining to you in advance, but becoming a god is a matter of narrow escape, if it wasn't for the incineration you erupted just now All the decisive knives can't even injure my spiritual incarnation, so if you die, you are dead, and there is no regret."

"Come on, your time is only two years. If you can't completely defeat me in two years, then you will be broken together with this trial ground. Even if you survive, you will be lost in the turbulence of space. With you It only takes an hour in the turbulent flow of space, and it will be wiped out."

Although the Avatar of Sea God's Divine Intent explained a few words, his eyes were still indifferent. If he couldn't even hurt his Avatar of Divine Intent, he would die if he died.

In the God Realm, God Shura also watched this scene through the God Realm in front of Sea God, and did not have any doubts.

Thunder God has fallen for many years, and his divine power has been seriously broken. He may not be able to give too much support to the inheritors. Therefore, the requirements for inheriting the throne of Thor are much stricter than inheriting his throne and Seagod's throne.

If Chen Hu had been born 1 years earlier, he might have been able to inherit the throne of Thor without their help, but now, if it weren't for the gift of heaven, inheriting the throne of Thor would be even more dangerous than becoming a god himself.

The sea god lowered the top nine tests, and also had the idea of ​​strengthening Chen Hu's background.

However, Chen Hu didn't know what the thoughts of the gods high above the nine heavens were, but he also had no doubts about the authenticity of the words of the incarnation of the Seagod's divine thoughts.

In other words, he still has less than two years to defeat the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense.

The knife he burned everything only injured the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense. In two years, Chen Hu was not very sure that he could defeat the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense.

However, since childhood, Chen Hu has never had an enemy he cannot defeat. In this place of trials, no matter how many times he fails, he can start all over again, so what else can he be afraid of?

The human sword merged into one, the Hunxiao sword trembled again, Chen Hu had already killed, and the sword still had no regrets, decisive and fierce!
There was also a trace of fighting intent in the eyes of the incarnation of Seagod's divine sense, and the Seagod's trident waved out. Since he became a god, he hasn't met such an interesting opponent in a long time...

time flies.

A year and a half later.

The Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar, Lin Xiaoxiao's spear was sharp, and the jet-black light surrounded the Overlord Spear in her hand. Except for the eighth blood-red soul ring that did not shine, the other seven soul rings all bloomed. Brilliant black light.

Possessed by the seven great soul skills, Lin Xiaoxiao stabbed out with a spear, the shining spear light shattered the void, and charged towards Sea Dragon Douluo.

Terrible divine power surged in all directions, Sea Dragon Douluo struggled to crawl out of the sea, the corners of his mouth couldn't help bursting into wry smiles, this was the third time, this was the third time he was in such a mess.

How many perverts have come to Sea God Island during this period, everyone is so evil!

"Congratulations, you have completed the sixth test of the top nine tests." Sea Dragon Douluo arched his hands, although he was not reconciled, but the opponent's strength was indeed recognized by him, the seven soul skills were released together, and the attack power was stronger than before. Those two are even stronger.

That's right, a year and a half later, this is Lin Xiaoxiao's sixth assessment.

After tidal training, the test they encountered was without a doubt the complete annihilation of the evil orca family.

Chen Hu's knife had severely damaged the evil orca family, and after tidal body training, Lin Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qi also broke through level [-] one after another, and were promoted to the realm of Contra with the help of the god-given spirit ring.

Both Lin Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qi's accumulations are incomparably thick. It is no surprise that the eighth spirit ring is an incomparably powerful 10-year spirit ring, which gave them a qualitative leap in strength.

There is also Tang San who has reached the eightieth level, a group of people have already wiped out the evil spirit killer whale family without the help of the evil spirit great white shark family.

Tang San got the 10-year spirit ring of the evil killer whale king, but the spirit bone of the evil killer whale king was in the hands of Lin Xiaoxiao and others.

Then the fifth test was also to challenge the seven sacred pillars, but they only needed to challenge three of the other six sacred pillars except for the sea dragon sacred pillar in the fifth test.

And the sixth test is to challenge Sea Dragon Douluo.

However, Lin Xiaoxiao and Xiao Qi challenged Sea Dragon Douluo single-handedly, while Ning Rongrong and Hu Liena challenged Sea Dragon Douluo together.

"Congratulations, you have completed the fifth test and the sixth test. The next seventh test will not start until half a year later. You can rest in Sea God Island for a period of time to recharge your batteries!"

The red shadow appeared in front of the five people, it was Bo Saixi, the great priest of Sea God Island.

Lin Xiaoxiao held the gun in one hand, stared at Bo Saixi with a pair of black eyes, and asked: "Senior, we want to know how Chen Hu is doing now. It has been a year and a half. After he defeated Sea Dragon Douluo for the first time, he seemed to disappear in the entire Sea God Island."

Hearing this, Xiaoqi, Ning Rongrong, Hu Liena and Bai Chenxiang also stepped forward, came to Lin Xiaoxiao's side, and looked at Bo Saixi together.

In a year and a half, except for the third test which took them nearly a year, the next three tests were almost completed in one go, and the Shrek Seven are still preparing for their fifth test.

And for a year and a half, Chen Hu was always the person they cared about the most.

Bo Saixi looked at the five menacing men in front of him, and it was a bit funny, and asked lightly: "If I say he is dead, what will you do?"

Lin Xiaoxiaowu's heart sank, and they looked at Bo Saixi with indifferent eyes, "Senior, is what you said true?"

Seeing the look of the five people choosing and devouring others, Bo Saixi couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and said, "Don't worry, he is accepting the seventh and eighth exams at the Sea God Temple, and his two exams are due to unknown factors. The reasons have merged together, so the difficulty will also increase sharply, but the news I got is that he is still alive and well, but if he still cannot complete the assessment in the last half a year, you should know the result without me telling you gone."

After getting the exact news, the tense heartstrings of several people were loosened. Lin Xiaoxiao continued: "Senior, can you take us to the Sea God Temple? We want to accompany him."

"In that case, then come with me!" Bo Saixi nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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