Chapter 21
Under Ning Fengzhi's urging, Ning Rongrong was extremely reluctant to bring Ye Linian back to her boudoir.

Ning Rongrong was silent, Ye Linian did not speak.

Ning Rongrong was very conflicted and said: "Brother, we just met today and we sleep in the same room, is it not good?"

Ye Linian spread his hands and said, "I think it's pretty good."

Ning Rongrong clenched her fist tightly, she seemed to be hesitating what to do.

Ye Linian said: "For a girl of your background, it is difficult for others to get the approval of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, right? Although my talent is not very good, it seems that I have no problem being your fiancé."

"I'm only six years old!" Ning Rongrong said with a blushing face.

Ye Linian lied to her and said, "Because we are still young, it's okay to sleep together."

"Lonely men and widows are in the same room, how could it be okay? Brother Li Nian, don't you know whether men and women will kiss each other?" Ning Rongrong said angrily.

Ye Linian smiled and said, "You really know a lot."

"I don't understand" Ning Rongrong wanted to cover up, but she didn't realize that her expression had betrayed her long ago.

The wind and rain were still raging outside the window, with no intention of stopping.

Ye Linian said with a mean look: "It's getting late, Sister Rong'er, let's go to sleep together."

Ning Rongrong can't do anything anymore, although her father loves her, he has always been very strict, so she will only be able to share a room with Ye Linian in the future, and will marry Ye Linian when she grows up.

But Ning Rongrong wasn't very disgusted with this matter, Ye Linian helped her complete the Wuhun evolution, and her talent was also extremely outstanding.

Ning Rongrong suddenly remembered that just now in the main hall of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Jian Douluo said that Ye Linian is not only a three-life martial soul, but also a soul power of [-]th rank innately!

Ning Rongrong asked: "Brother Li Nian, did you innately attain level [-] soul power?"

Ye Linian nodded slightly and said: "That's right, I am the Sansheng Wuhun. When I fought Ning Lingxiao, the weapon Wuhun I used was Fang Tian's painted halberd. I also have a defensive beast Wuhun and a healing type. Auxiliary martial spirit."

Ning Rongrong was terrified, and only then did she understand how terrifying Ye Linian's talent is!
According to Douluo Continent records, there is only one existence with twin martial souls, but triple martial souls are unheard of!
What's more, Ye Linian's martial spirit is still so comprehensive, attacking, defending, and assisting, it is simply self-sufficient.
Ning Rongrong blinked slightly, and she said: "Brother Li Nian, you should be the prince charming of the princess in the book, right? I am so lucky to meet you, I feel that you are my prince charming~ "

Ye Linian was slightly taken aback and said, "Only the Heaven Dou Empire, the Star Luo Empire and their affiliated kingdoms have princesses, right? Even though you are the young master of the number one sect in the world, you don't have the title of princess. How could it be your Prince Charming?"

Ning Rongrong's expression froze, she wanted to beat Ye Linian with her pink fist again, but she held back.

Ye Linian lay sprawled on the bed with no image at all.

Seeing Ye Linian's slack posture, Ning Rongrong was instantly annoyed. She said coquettishly, "Hmph, Brother Li Nian, are you still letting him sleep?"

Ye Linian asked, "Are you sleeping inside or outside?"

Ning Rongrong suddenly thought, if at night, she only needs to kick Ye Linian off the bed, wouldn't she be relieved?
"Inside." Ning Rongrong said.

Ye Linian stepped aside and let Ning Rongrong go to the inner side of the bed.

The night rain outside the window disturbs people's dreams, but tonight is not destined to be easy!
Although the Douluo Continent already had electric lights, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School still generally used candles. Ye Linian extinguished the candles with his soul power, and then got into bed.

Ning Rongrong's room was pitch black.

Ye Linian said seriously, "Rong'er, are you sleeping in a skirt?"

Ning Rongrong wished to slap Ye Linian to wake him up, she gritted her teeth and said, "You still say you don't want to take advantage of me?"

Ye Linian said righteously, "I'm sure I won't take advantage of you."

But Ye Linian's [-] centimeters in rising status have already raised their heads, eager to try and get ready to go.

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong felt strange.

Ning Rongrong fumbled with her small hands, and she said in astonishment: "Brother Li Nian, why do you carry a rolling pin with you?"

Ye Linian's expression was extremely exciting.


So exciting!
Three seconds later, accompanied by a tremor, Ye Linian suddenly felt dull.

Ning Rongrong said in astonishment: "Brother Li Nian, the rolling pin hurts me so much, why did you bring the rolling pin into the room?"

Ye Liqing coughed, he thought of an excuse to prevaricate Ning Rongrong.

"Because I prefer rolling noodles, I carry a rolling pin with me. After all, it is convenient to cook anytime, anywhere."

Ning Rongrong suddenly realized, but the next moment she asked in confusion: "Brother Li Nian, why did the rolling pin suddenly shrink by itself?"

"This..." Ye Linian couldn't think of how to answer.

But Ning Rongrong soon stopped worrying about this matter, and fell asleep instead.

Ye Linian looked at Ning Rongrong's lovely face and was lost for a while.

Ye Linian knew that he was shameful, but if he didn't really like Ning Rongrong, why would he come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?

The little witch is the girl he wants to protect.

Sleeping together, even watching Ning Rongrong quietly like this, Ye Linian felt a sweet feeling in his heart.

"Rong'er, you are so cute."

Ye Linian smiled slightly, and he also fell into a deep sleep.

Outside the window, the torrential rain has stopped, the air has become extremely fresh, and above the night sky, a bright moon hangs high for a long time.

The next day, in the early morning, Ye Linian woke up.

Looking at Ning Rongrong who was still sleeping beside her, Ye Linian didn't wake her up, but wanted to get up on tiptoe alone.

"Brother Li Nian, are you awake?" Ning Rongrong who was at the side suddenly opened his eyes and said sleepily.

Ye Linian smiled and said: "Rong'er, even if you just woke up and didn't wash up, you are so beautiful and cute. You will definitely be a peerless beauty when you grow up."

Ning Rongrong giggled, and said confidently: "That's right, I'm the most beautiful!"

Ye Linian sighed and said, "You will be fine in everything in the future, but your figure is not satisfactory."

"Brother Li Nian, you haven't seen what I will look like in the future, so how dare you conclude that I will not be in good shape in the future?" Ning Rongrong pouted.

Ye Linian smiled, but he didn't say anything more.

Ning Rongrong will have the most C in the future, unlike Zhu Zhuqing who has 36D, it is simply inhuman.

In fact, Ning Rongrong will be pure, elegant and temperamental in the future, Zhu Zhuqing is mature and charming, Xiao Wu is cute and arrogant, each has its own characteristics, and there is no need to have a proud figure, anyway, Ye Linian really likes Ning Rongrong.

"Brother Li Nian, I'm hungry." Ning Rongrong jumped off the bed, but suddenly realized that she was not wearing a skirt!
(End of this chapter)

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