The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 105 The Depressed Cat Demon!

Chapter 105 The Depressed Cat Demon!

At this moment, Tang Wulin was being carried to the first aid by the medical staff at the Soul Master Competition Hall. The worried Gu Yue accompanied him throughout the entire process and stayed by his side, waiting for him to wake up safely.

The competition of the junior group of Donghai College, Class Zero, also came to an end.

"Wulin..." Gu Yue's eyes were very red and blurred her vision. She looked at the seriously injured Tang Wulin and cried, with a sad face.

At that time, Tang Wulin used his body, his mortal body, to protect her. He didn't seem to have thought about the look in his eyes at that time, the act of saving himself, that he would be in danger...

Gu Yue was very moved, but she felt that Tang Wulin was too stupid to protect herself so crazy...

But, myself...

"What's going on?" At this time, the cat demon came, is he dead?Shouldn't he be dead?That's the protagonist, and I can't even get si myself, if I get si by some secondary character...

So embarrassing!
Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan, Black Cat, everyone is here, everyone is here, looking sad, but Black Cat has no expression, very pale...

As if it had nothing to do with me!

Gu Yue, who had been crying all the time, turned her head and also took a look at Mao Xiaoyao.

Xie Xie immediately explained the situation just now!

What to do, I was a little excited, but Mao Xiaoyao clenched his fists and looked at Gu Yue and Tang Wulin.

No matter what, no matter how I try to destroy it, it seems to be of no use...

The plot of the script has been going on all the time, so he, the saboteur, is self-defeating?
Make the relationship between the hero and heroine better?

Could it be that his little cat is a matchmaker cat?

Sure enough, Tang Wulin did not die. The pain of flesh and bones, the medical conditions in Tianhai City are so good, plus the healing ability of the Golden Dragon King's blood.

Basically, they can't be killed!
The cat demon thinks too much!

"Little demon, what were you doing just now?" Xie Xie looked worried, and the cat demon's expression was very scary, even if he was angry, he must not do anything.

Now, it's a mess!

Glancing at Gu Yue indifferently, the cat demon didn't say anything, and walked straight out, staying here, he was afraid that he couldn't help scolding Gu Yue for being stupid.

Seeing that there was nothing to do with him, the black cat immediately followed out.

At this time, Mu Xi had just arrived, and came in to check on Tang Wulin's injury.

outside the door.

"Xiao Yao, are you angry?" The black cat looked at Mao Xiaoyao, so angry with Mao Xiaoyao, she was very worried.

"Black cat, do you like me?" Glancing at the sky, the little cat's face flashed with sadness, and he suddenly looked at the black cat gently, stroking her white and tender face and smiling.

"I like it, the black cat likes the little demon." The black cat hugged the cat demon, smiling happily, hoping that at that time they had escaped the crisis of human beings.

No matter how many times you ask this question, the answer will not change, just like her heart for the cat demon!
The sincerity will never change!
"For me, are you willing to give everything, even your own life?" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly looked a little sad, even more painful, and seemed a little at a loss, accompanied by a little loneliness.

"No matter who it is, if they dare to hurt the little demon, the black cat will make them pay the price with their lives. For the little demon, the black cat is willing to give up everything, even if it is his own life..." The black cat hadn't finished speaking...

One hugged, "Black cat, no matter what happens in the future, you must listen to me and protect yourself first." The cat demon also doesn't want anything to happen to the black cat, this black cat is too stupid...too naive, Sometimes you don't think about your situation at all.

"Be good!" The black cat patted Mao Xiaoyao on the back, breathing in the smell of his body, "Xiao Yao, what's wrong with you?" There seemed to be something wrong with Mao Xiaoyao, and the black cat knew that there must be something wrong with him. She also wants to help share some things, and doesn't want to make him too tired...

"No, let me give you a good hug." Mao Xiaoyao said.

The more you care about things, the more confused you become sometimes, trying desperately to change everything, but in the end, you can't stop the arrangement of fate.


At this time, Tang Wulin finally woke up. Everyone was very happy and relieved. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

"Wu Lin!" Gu Yue was excited, and everyone was also excited. Tang Wulin finally woke up.

"Gu Yue, everyone..." Tang Wulin looked weak, seeing that Gu Yue was fine, he was relieved, that opponent was really scary...

"Competition..." Tang Wulin blamed himself. If everyone is here, then the competition...

"Our three rings can be tortured, and our strength has been proved. We will not participate in the rest of the competition. This competition is not good at all." Xie Xie said.

Xu Xiaoyan also nodded.

Mu Xi also breathed a sigh of relief, this junior brother Tang Wulin, how should I put it, sometimes he is too strong, and that would be very tiring.

Unfortunately, a strange atmosphere spread. Tang Wulin looked at Gu Yue, and Gu Yue looked at Tang Wulin.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, so they left the room silently, leaving the two of them to talk slowly and understand slowly, there is no rush!
"Gu Yue, I made you worry." Tang Wulin said with a weak face. He was very happy to see that the girl he was desperately trying to protect was fine.

it just hurts...

"Don't talk, you need to rest." Gu Yue smiled.

Tang Wulin nodded obediently and looked at Gu Yue like this.

Gu Yue didn't leave either, just looking at him like this.

The two of them seemed a little quiet.

Outside, Wuchangkong also came, and came in to take a look at Tang Wulin.

"Teacher!" At the door, everyone said respectfully.

They didn't expect...

Teacher Wuchangkong turned out to be a Doukai Master, what a powerful person that is, but the named Doukai are all two-word Doukai Masters or above.

"Get ready, we'll leave when Wu Lin recovers from his injury." Wu Changkong said with a cold face, the competition was meaningless at the moment, he knew that he was impulsive and exposed his identity as Dou Kaishi to conflict with the organizer , however, he did not regret doing so.

He can do this for his students.

Walk?Mao Xiaoyao was taken aback for a moment. Finally, they were really only in the top sixteen. At first, he thought they would go back with No. 1, and continue to cultivate a bunch of resources.

"Well, teacher." Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan nodded, the captain was already like this, so they naturally didn't have the mood to stay here to compete.

A little sad, Mu Xi walked over slowly and looked at Mao Xiaoyao.

"Let's go back to the East China Sea! We're going back too, this time we're not going anywhere." The corner of Mao Xiaoyao's mouth rose.

Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Spirit Transferring Pagoda, Tang Wulin's injury this time may be a turning point. They will enter Tangmen to study and disappear for three years.

Gu Yue will also join the Spirit Pagoda.

So what about myself and the black cat?

The black cat looked at the cat demon!
The cat demon smiled, and squeezed the black cat's hand, Spirit Pagoda, since this is the case, then they have thought about everything and joined the Spirit Pagoda.

Investigate something!
"Well, I'll go back with Dad." Mu Xi nodded slightly. She could see that everyone was very sad. Now that the blacksmith competition was over, she had to go back.

Glancing at Mao Xiaoyao, he left.

go back, go back.

Didi, in a few days.

Tang Wulin, Xie Xie, Xu Xiaoyan really went to Tangmen to practice. This is a secret training camp.

Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao were also invited by Wuchangkong to Tangmen, but they refused and went to the Spirit Pagoda.

"Junior brother, are you really not going to Tangmen with us?" Tang Wulin asked at the gate of Donghai Academy.

The protagonist, the Golden Dragon King Bodyguard, recovered to full strength in a few days, and now he looks like a normal person.

Mao Xiaoyao said: "I don't want to stay in the same place with you, I like to roam around with Gu Yue."

Tangmen?Don't you fart, that's your family's property, you young master can go wherever you want.

Master, this is going to your brother-in-law's estate to investigate something.

What does it mean to like to wave with yourself?Gu Yue glared at Mao Xiaoyao, what does Lang mean?
"Um..." Tang Wulin looked embarrassed, this seemed to be a problem... He and Mao Xiaoyao seemed to quarrel and fight every time they stayed together.

Xie Xie and Xu Xiaoyan smiled, the two senior brothers, they are always angry, they said that the cat demon really dares to scold anything.

"Don't listen to the little demon's nonsense!" Gu Yue gave Mao Xiaoyao a white look, and said, "The teacher asked us to choose an organization to practice, but he didn't say to stay in the organization all the time. During training, we will be together."

Joining an organization does not restrict all personal freedom, they can come out.

Xie Xie also smiled: "Then let's see, which one of us is more powerful, don't wait for those few people who joined the Tang Sect to abuse you guys who went to the Spirit Pagoda, haha."

"Pfft..." Xu Xiaoyan chuckled, she obviously disagreed with Xie Xie's statement, after all, ugly people are abused...

(Tang Wulin: ???)
"That's right!" Tang Wulin thought for a while, and it seemed that he was also... In that case, they would meet often...

The black cat was speechless, looking a little bored. She had nothing to say to these humans.

Mao Xiaoyao looked indifferently, looked at Xu Xiaoyan, and said: "Xiaoyan, be careful, thank you for this person, he has no other skills, and his voyeurism is top-notch, you should pay attention, after all, you are so cute."

"En, um." Xu Xiaoyan smiled and nodded, as if Mao Xiaoyao said that every time...

Could it be that Xie Xie peeped at him?
"I..." Xie Chian really wanted to curse, peep, peep, when did he peep?

Tang Wulin was also smiling. Before parting, everyone seemed to be in a good mood. It seemed that he didn't have to worry too much. They were training together anyway.

Gu Yue even gave Mao Xiaoyao a blank look. This person is always so dishonest.

"Be careful with this Tang Wulin, he will make you unlucky, he likes older girls." At the same time, Mao Xiaoyao pointed at Tang Wulin. Damn, he liked mature girls from the beginning, ten years old I just like Ouyang Zixin, tsk tsk.

? ? ?What do you mean, Tang Wulin also wanted to curse people this time, so he couldn't help joining Xie Xie to fight the little cat!The big battle before parting!
The three girls smiled, yes, they will be separated for a while.

 Which cat demon is the first?
(End of this chapter)

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