The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 118 The Unobtainable Redemption!

Chapter 118 The Unobtainable Redemption!

This base is very large, with many cages. Each black cage is made of thousand-forged metal pillars, which are very strong. Moreover, this is not just a cage. When the cage is formed, each cage is a giant soul. Director!

The kind that can discharge attacks...

Lika was talking about everything, and Mao Xiaoyao was also listening with a serious smile on his face. He was suppressing his anger in his heart and trying to control his emotions.

Forbearance, the cat demon never will!

But, now, the little cat must learn!
He slowly walked in front of the poor soul beasts, and suddenly found that some of the soul beasts had wounds all over their bodies, the old ones had not healed, and many new wounds had been added.

"Call Nima, be quiet."

At this time, a studio staff looked at a cage very angrily.

The soul beasts there seemed to be very noisy and disobedient, without saying a word, he pulled out the soul conductive rod, and the whole iron cage was glowing with electric sparks.

One punch!
That studio staff was sent flying by the angry cat demon, the cat demon was very angry, I will tolerate your paralysis!
The staff member of the studio is the soul master of the three rings, and he couldn't resist the sudden attack of the little cat, and flew away with a punch, which shows the current strength of the little cat.

Lika, who had been explaining all the time, was stunned, what is the cat demon doing...

"You, who the hell... cat, cat, cat, Deacon!" The staff member looked terrified... Obviously, he knew the cat demon, and he also knew the horror of the cat demon.

In three years, Mao Xiaoyao can do everything, after all, he is not an angel.

"Aren't these soul beasts life? Are you the one who abuses life like this?" The finger began to change, and it became the shape of a cat's claw.


kill! !
"Forgive me, forgive me, I know I was wrong." The staff member knelt down and begged for mercy, kowtowed to admit his mistake, terrified...

"Xiao Yao!" Just when Mao Xiaoyao was about to make a move, Lika suddenly stopped him... It's not good to make a move here. What a mistake!
Calm down, calm down, the little cat's fingers returned to normal, glanced at Lika and seemed to think of something, kicked the staff member away, and said: "These experimental soul beasts are all the treasures of our East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, You are asked to take care of the soul beasts so that you can protect the precious wealth of our Eastern Sea Spirit Pagoda. Do you want to destroy everything with your actions just now?

"Huh?" The cat demon glared at the staff member. If it wasn't for Lika being here, he really wanted to go up to the cat demon to dig out his heart to see if this human heart is won't bleed!

Poor soul beast...

Mao Xiaoyao roughly counted, there seemed to be hundreds of soul beasts under the ground...more than the soul beasts surviving in the foggy swamp of the Star Dou Forest.

The soul beasts were all captured by the Spirit Pagoda for experiments, that is, experiments with artificial souls... For example, the artificial soul fusion materials that Mao Xiaoyao saw actually came from here.

The difference between souls and soul beasts is that one is a spirit body and the other is a physical body, and the rest are the same.

The soul is also created based on the genetic data of the soul beast.

Of course, recently, the Spirit Pagoda is also trying to combine the data of ordinary animals with the data of soul beasts. Success is naturally a success. Unfortunately, those artificial souls are very weak.

The little cat soul of the cat demon is!
"I'm sorry, Deacon Mao, it's my fault. I won't dare to do it anymore. Please spare my life and forgive my wrong behavior." The staff member had a broken forehead and was bleeding all the time, but he just kept kowtow , bleeding from the head is better than bleeding from the head...

"Inside, there is a soul beast leader who is disobedient, that's why I just..." After seeing Mao Xiaoyao's cold gaze, the staff member didn't dare to say anything, shut up immediately, and kowtowed non-stop.

It was too miserable, Lika couldn't stand it, and said: "Xiao Yao, look, he didn't do it on purpose."

This old employee is very serious about his work, Lika doesn't want Mao Xiaoyao to kill him.

The little cat turned his head, and then he didn't pay attention to anything, but this person will die one day, but not now, if he is alive, then cherish it!
"Go away?" Lika cursed.

"Yes, yes." The employee, speaking, really rolled out on the ground...

Lika has a headache on her face, the little cat has a bad temper... is it really suitable for management?Once managed, people are either scolded away or killed...

At this moment, at this moment, the cat demon came, next to the cage.

It was very stinky, smelly, and there was no hygiene at all. There were several hundred-year-old soul beasts, and at this moment, they were surrounding a seriously injured soul beast.

Those soul beasts are glaring at the cat demon!
Mao Xiaoyao actually wants to say that we are of the same race... Unfortunately, he is a demon race... I don't know if the soul beasts can sense my breath...

Lika was right next to her, and Mao Xiaoyao didn't dare to use any demonic aura, so she could only watch like that.

"Sister Lika, I want to see that soul beast." Suddenly, the eyes lit up, as if thinking of something, the cat demon pointed to the wounded black ape-like soul beast lying in the cage.

Lika frowned, she didn't know what the little cat was going to do, it was a ten thousand year soul beast...there were so many chains on it to restrict its movements.

This is one of the few ten-thousand-year soul beasts in the East China Sea Spirit Pagoda. Now, even among the eighteen Spirit Pagodas in the Douluo Continent, there may not be many ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

"No, that's too dangerous. You can only watch it from outside. It's a ten-thousand-year soul beast, Grimace Ape. Although it's very weak now, a ten-thousand-year soul beast is a ten-thousand-year soul beast. It's very dangerous. "Lika wants to refuse the cat demon's request. Lika can make decisions and suppress other spirit beasts. However, when this ten-thousand-year spirit beast usually goes crazy, it needs several strong men and soul guides. The device can be suppressed.

"Oh, then I'll take a look outside!" The cat demon smiled, and then turned around with a cold face, not looking at Lika, but at a rotten fruit on the ground. God, he frowned, picked it up and wiped it, staring at the fruit in a daze.

Lika looked helpless_`, she has no other choice, if this ten-thousand-year soul beast riots, then this underground base.

At that time, the soul beasts will definitely follow suit.

The cat demon holding the rotten fruit suddenly came to the side of the metal cage.

At this moment, it was very strange again, all the soul beasts were looking at Mao Xiaoyao, and every soul beast was looking at the fruit in Mao Xiaoyao's hand, as if some magic power was attracting them.

"Quiet!" Lika yelled at the soul beasts, what's going on with these soul beasts, have you ever seen fruit scolding?What do you do looking at a fruit?
"Be careful, little demon, it must be the ten thousand soul beast commanding the soul beasts again." Lika had a headache. Inside the ten thousand year soul beast, several ten year soul beasts were imprisoned, and the cage was far away from other soul beasts. However, the soul beasts don't seem to need to speak and communicate.

It seems that the place for the ten thousand year soul beast Grimace Ape has to be changed.

"It's okay, it's okay!" The little cat was not afraid of anything, but instead, he held the fruit to the extremely weak grimacing ape, hooked his hands, and seduced it, meaning: Come here and eat the fruit.

The cat demon who has the experience of soul beast survival naturally knows how to communicate. He is communicating with the ten thousand year soul beast Grimace Ape. Of course, the premise is that the other party is like him...

After all, right now, he is just a human child, so the Grimacing Ape can't see anything, and the little cat doesn't dare to reveal anything.

Rika is very strange, she doesn't know what the little cat is doing.

Seeing the cat demon who failed to seduce him, he was so angry that he threw the fruit viciously, and directly threw it into the cage where the ten thousand soul beast Grimace Ape was. The soul beasts were also glaring at the little cat.

The cat demon smiled, not caring at all, and then walked up to Lika and said, "Sister Lika, I think so! The environment here needs to be changed. If these spirit beasts are really important treasures of our East China Sea Spirit Pagoda, then Be nice to them, there are not many of them left, and if they die, they will really be gone!"

Now, there are only so many things Mao Xiaoyao can do. Before he rises up in the future, before he has time to save these soul beasts, Mao Xiaoyao hopes that these soul beasts can live well.

Saying that, Mao Xiaoyao left with a complicated mood.

Improve it?Maybe, Lika was stunned for a moment, and went out too.

At this time, in the cage, the grimacing ape looked at the fruit with a puzzled look on his face, and then he opened it to take a look, and his eyes suddenly enlarged!

Then swallowed it in one gulp!
 Thank you, Mr. Zhou Hongyu's 999 Book Coin Mr., Mr. Niubi Hm, on the shelves, be the first to reward! ! !
  Cow coins!

(End of this chapter)

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