The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 122 Junior brother, robbery is really fun!

Chapter 122 Junior brother, robbery is really fun!

"Be careful, these are four soul masters with three rings." Tang Wulin frowned. The soul beasts were not encountered, but they encountered a few guys blocking the way and robbed them?
A bunch of spirit rings surrounded them, as if they were afraid that people would not know their strength.

Xu Xiaoyan held the Xinglun Ice Stick in his hand, his small face was a little nervous, the other party was a soul master, she was the peak of level 29... just a little bit.

Gu Yue summoned the elementalist, surrounded by six elements.

Elementalist, ice, fire, earth, wind, light, space, six elemental abilities, Gu Yue is full of mystery, as if she is another profession, it seems that she is not a soul master, but an elemental magician.

Sanhuan Hunzun, she will not be afraid now, after all, her own is too.

Xie Xie, holding the Guanglong dagger in his hand, he is also a third-ring soul master. Facing these four third-ring soul masters, he is really not afraid at all. His current Guanglong dagger, at this moment, has entered a state of In stealth, no one knows when he will make a move.

Sneak attack, maybe instant kill!

"You guys, don't you understand people's words, robbery, we are going to rob you, can you react?" The leader was a fat man, he was very upset, when they went to rob others just now, others, They were all so frightened and trembling, they directly handed over their spiritual halos.

Press the distress signaler, eliminated!

But, what's the situation with these people, didn't they see that they are four soul masters?

Then the Great Soul Master...

Tang Wulin, level 26, great soul master.

Gu Yue, Soul Venerable.

Thank you, Hun Zun.

Black cat, level 35 soul master.

Mao Xiaoyao, the pinnacle of a thirty-level great soul master.

Xu Xiaoyan, a level 29 great soul master.

At first glance, it turned out that Tang Wulin, who possessed the Blue Silver Grass Wuhun, was the weakest. Now, Gu Yue and the black cat could defeat him.

Just beat it!

Now, Mao Xiaoyao didn't dare to say that he could defeat Tang Wulin. After all, he failed once, and he knew Tang Wulin's life-saving methods were terrible.

So here comes the question, Mao Xiaoyao and the others are so powerful, so why do these four unlucky soul masters think that Mao Xiaoyao and the others are so easy to bully?
"It's Nima!" Without giving Tang Wulin and the others a chance to do something, the cat demon suddenly moved, kicked the invincible cat demon leg, and kicked that damned fat man flying far away, just like kicking football... Gulu chatter.

Fatty flew!Roll a few laps!
The other three soul masters were also instantly killed by the black cat. The fake ten-thousand-year souls were actually million-year-old souls, two-winged white tigers!

A roar of tigers and roars of tigers shook the entire Living Altar, and the soul beasts trembled and ran around...

Those soul masters were sent flying very far in an instant, they couldn't be killed, they couldn't be killed..., the halo of spiritual power would drop when they were killed, and the black cat was also enduring it.

"You don't need to come here, leave these rubbish to me and the black cat." The cat demon is also holding back, run quickly, hot chicken, fat man, get up and run quickly...

What the hell, you have so much spiritual halo on your body, did you come here on purpose to give away the head?
"Little brother is so powerful..." Tang Wulin was stunned. Why, the little cat is so powerful... Can the soul master play in seconds?

And the black cat... 35 soul masters, this is simply crushing... the soul of ten thousand years is indeed a bull coin boom.

The breath of the black cat just now... Gu Yue frowned.

Xu Xiaoyan cheered up^^^^~, "Little demon, black cat, beat them to death, and rob them of their spiritual halo." Xu Xiaoyan's attention was always on those soul masters. The halo of spiritual power is shining, if they can get it, then they must be fat, slowly absorb it...

"Cut, this kind of rubbish, I'll hit ten of them." Xie Xie was very unhappy, all the limelight was given to the little cat and the black cat, and it was fine to show affection normally, why didn't he give him this opportunity?
Maybe it was because of Xie Xie's complaint, the fat man stood up strongly, looked at Mao Xiaoyao unsteadily, and said, "I want to kill you, but you dare to hit me!" The fat man was very angry, and Mao Xiaoyao This is a sneak attack, he will not be convinced.

The other three soul masters were also very angry, and they all summoned their own strange martial souls to surround them, wanting to seek revenge from the little cat and the black cat.

Just now, the cat demon and the black cat wanted to ensure that the four soul masters could run away smoothly after being knocked into the air... They didn't use all their strength at all...

But who knows, they didn't leave at all, but they had a brain hole, trying to kill the little cat and the black cat, Nima, how do you fight?
"Little demon, what should we do now? Do you want to kill them?" The black cat looked at those annoying humans, and she just wanted to go up and tear them apart.

Very annoying, very annoying, the little cat has a headache, looking at the fat man and the three soul masters, he collapsed instantly, the four human brothers, you can't beat it, run quickly, please, don't come to send spiritual halos, Please.

"Damn it!" That fat man's martial spirit is a kitchen knife. Originally, he would become an excellent senior chef, but he wanted to become a qualified soul master.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, so what exactly is he?
He activated his soul skills, "Look at me, Xie Niu Ba cuts thirteen knives!!!" The name is very domineering, saying thirteen knives means thirteen knives, no more, no less, just right, and the attack comes , slash!
Seeing this, the other three soul masters joined together, launched their martial soul fusion skills, cooperated very tacitly, and attacked and flew towards the black cat.

"You are going to die!" The black cat made an angry little face, and then summoned its own martial soul, the dark night cat demon.

However, it can no longer be called the Dark Night Cat Demon, because the black cat's martial soul has mutated, and the Dark Night Cat Demon has a pair of wings on its back, which are as white as jade, faded, and its hair has turned white...

Temporarily called: Winged Civet!
This is a strange mutation of the black cat's martial soul after merging with the two-winged flying tiger of the soul for millions of years. Moreover, the black cat also has this mutated wings!
However, the hair did not turn white!
Wings appeared, and they were a pair of white wings. If the wings of the white tiger with two wings were pure white, then the wings on the back of the black cat at this moment are like angels, pure and pure...

At this time, a voice said: "Little brother, black cat, don't be afraid, we are here to help you." The moment the cat spoke, the cat demon and the black cat were directly surrounded by blue silver grass, protecting them tightly, let them take any harm.

Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Xu Xiaoyan, and Xie Xie appeared, and the four protagonists...showed a strong teamwork and began to tyrannize these four soul masters.

"It's over!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the blue silver grass around him. Once Tang Wulin and the others stepped in...then these unlucky soul masters would probably have to confess, so their own efforts...

It will also be in vain...

The black cat was also forced to withdraw its wings and landed next to the cat demon.

"Little demon, if those humans are killed and the halo of spiritual power falls into Tang Wulin's hands, then our previous efforts..." I'm so angry, the black cat is very upset, hard work for so long, will it be in vain?
The cat demon became very angry just thinking about it, and instantly tore all the blue silver grass with one claw, and found that Tang Wulin and the others were beating the four unlucky soul masters.

"Made, kill those four stupid coin soul masters, what the fuck is wrong with your brain." The cat demon was angry, very angry, and he came to die even though he couldn't beat him. Heart out, let those human beings never forget this fear of death!
It's really exciting, and the black cat just flies over there!
Join the team that blasted those four soul masters!

In a while!
"Haha, junior brother, it's really cool to rob. Tsk tsk, look, there are soul bones..."

At this moment, the four soul masters were vomiting outside, and the little cat killed them one by one... It was very cruel, and they would never forget it for the rest of their lives!

At this time, Tang Wulin took all the gains and smiled happily. There were so many halos of spiritual power, which came faster and more than they killed the soul beasts.

Looting, seems very promising!
 In the future, Mao Xiaoyao will be even more depressed!

(End of this chapter)

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