The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 124 A demon scum cat demon!

Chapter 124 A demon scum cat demon!

Pain, pain, pain, Mao Xiaoyao wanted to yell, but he was afraid of revealing his current position, so he covered his mouth with his hand, resisting the huge pain in his waist...

It hurts!

"What are you doing, be careful not to be discovered by them." The cat demon sneaked a glance at Tang Wulin and the others, and found that Tang Wulin had already begun to express his love, and he began to express his feelings, but he didn't seem to notice the movement on the bed.

Mu Xi was angry, "Who told you to go to Shrek Academy, isn't Donghai Academy bad? Why don't you stay, I will curse you for failing the exam."

Sure enough, what Mao Xiaoyao said was correct. At this time, Tang Wulin failed in his confession, and Ouyang Zixin decisively rejected him. After a very simple hug, she pitied Tang Wulin and ended her path of unrequited love.

Poor Tang Wulin left, devastated, with a sad face, and failed to confess. This was the first time he liked a girl so much.

Eye circles were red, Ouyang Zixin was in a complicated mood, and she also walked out of the dormitory, she just wanted to find a place where no one was around, to be quiet and calm down.

"Phew, I'm finally leaving." The cat demon breathed a sigh of relief, and he also thought, let's go like this...

"Come back and answer my words!" At this time, there was no one around, and Mu Xi would not speak in such a low voice, and pulled the little cat back.

Plopping, her body softened, she lay on the little cat by herself, and the two stared at each other...

The cat demon really wanted to push her away. The 17-year-old Mu Xi has a good figure and perfect development. She has beautiful golden double ponytails and exudes a mature and charming smell.

"Let me hold you for a while, okay?"

Mu Xi burst into tears suddenly, looked at Mao Xiaoyao in front of her, hugged him and cried bitterly... After all, she couldn't bear Mao Xiaoyao to leave.

"Yeah." The little cat couldn't bear it, he didn't reject Mu Xi, and he didn't know what to do with the girl in front of him. Human beings have different paths, and he didn't really dare to get so close to a human girl back then.

Like it?
Hate it?
Mao Xiaoyao has asked herself countless times, but there is no real answer. Maybe Mu Xi likes herself as a human being, but is she a human being?
At least for now!

"Xiao Yao, can you stay at Donghai Academy?" Mu Xi's eyes were full of pleading, she knew that her request was so capricious and naive, but she wanted to say it...

What if, what if...

"Mu Xi, I..." The little cat suddenly stopped talking. He had just laughed at Tang Wulin's cowardice, but when it was so critical, he was stuck here and didn't know what to do.

She can't like Mu Xi, and Mu Xi can't like herself, she just likes herself as a human being.

How to refuse?

How to do?
"After all, I am not alone. I need to learn, never-ending learning. Donghai is just a small place. Donghai College is just a starting point in my life, and my pace will not stop here."

Mao Xiaoyao pushed Mu Xi away vigorously, regardless of whether she was in pain or not, she stood up and looked at Mu Xi coldly. When he came to this dormitory, he made a wrong choice, he shouldn't have come...

But, after saying that, Mu Xi should know her choice, right?
Humans and monsters have different paths, they are not the same way after all.

Mu Xi was stunned and in great pain. She was pushed to the corner of the bed and hit the bed frame, which was made of metal.

"Mu Xi, goodbye, your talent is not good, and your temper is also bad. I came today to tell you that I have my own girlfriend, so don't pester me anymore. I will be a student of Shrek Academy in the future..."

Mao Xiaoyao began to learn the lines of those people who reject girls in TV dramas, how wicked and scumbag how to say...

She also started to mock Mu Xi...

"You? An idiot, the only reason I approached you was to let you help me forge a soul guide, hehe, the so-called first secret, the black cat Gu Yue actually knew it before you..."

"Now, the entire Spirit Pagoda knows my secret. I am a genius of the Spirit Pagoda."


Evil words, no matter how unpleasant they are, how can I say them, Mao Xiaoyao, say things that I would never say in my life.

I wanted to kill myself when I heard it!
How can it be so scumbag?
Very exciting!

also very……

"If I were you, I wouldn't be so obsessed. As a girl, you should learn to be reserved and show some face!" Mao Xiaoyao pinched Mu Xi's cheek and said, "You are not even qualified to sleep with me." No, who do you think you are? The daughter of the president of the East China Sea Blacksmith Association, hehe, your father, I have endured him for a long time, one day, I will step on their East China Sea Blacksmith Association..."

"And you, at that time, hehe..."

Said, Mao Xiaoyao sneered, patted Mu Xi's small face, did not pay attention to her sad and sad expression, and suppressed the strange mood...

For Mu Xi, he can't be truly heartless...

However, there has to be a bad guy!

Mao Xiaoyao really wanted to give himself a few slaps!

"Cat demon, you bastard!" Unable to bear it any longer, Mu Xi was furious, activated her soul skill, and instantly knocked this damned cat demon into the air...

Bang, the cat demon flew out and fell out of the dormitory. It was miserable. All the girls were attracted by the noise at this moment, and they all looked out the window... Which domineering girl actually took the boy back to the dormitory?
Mu Xi wiped away her tears, trotted, and looked out of the window, the cat demon had disappeared...

Slip away, slip away.

"Ah, damn cat demon, I'm blind if I like you." Mu Xi yelled out the window, sat limply on the ground, and cried bitterly.

It turns out that this is the purpose of the little cat to get close to him?

Even the cat demon has a girlfriend, and he is so shameless to get close to her.

"Shameless!" Mu Xi slapped herself severely. The little cat was right, but she was just shameless, but her heart ached...

feeling bad……

The door opened and Ouyang Zixin came in.

"Mu Xi, what are you doing, why are you beating yourself? It's not worth it for that kind of man." Ouyang Zixin was also thinking about life in a deserted corner just now, when suddenly, she saw a soul skill fluctuating in the direction of her dormitory, and then, Seeing a boy get knocked down...

It just occurred to her that Mu Xi seemed to be in the dormitory just now...

"Zixin!" Mu Xi burst into tears, hugging Ouyang Zixin very wronged, she had never been so wronged or scolded so much.

"Okay, okay." Ouyang Zixin patted Mu Xi's back, and comforted her: "It's not worth it for that little man, look, didn't I refuse one just now?" Ouyang Zixin smiled with a forced face That's right, I also rejected a little man...Suddenly I feel very uncomfortable ╯﹏╰.

Mu Xi sobbed, "He used me, said I was stupid, said I was shameless, said I had no right to sleep with him..." Mu Xi was crying, crying bitterly about the bad behavior of the cat demon just now.

When Ouyang Zixin heard it, did the little cat really say that?Then it is true that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured, so it is impossible to see this scum.

"There are so many men in the world. As the daughter of the president of the East China Sea Blacksmith Association and the first genius of the East China Sea Blacksmith Association, there are a lot of people chasing you!" Ouyang Zixin wiped the tears from the corners of Mu Xi's eyes and said, "No Cry, don't cry, let's not cry, you are just a dog passing by in your life, a piece of shit, you will be bitten by a dog and stepped on shit."

(Cat demon: I’m a cat! That’s cat feces)
Mu Xi was instantly amused by Ouyang Zixin, if the little cat is a dog, then wouldn't she be bullied by a dog?

Hey, thinking about it seems even more uncomfortable ╯﹏╰.

East China Sea Blacksmith Association genius?

Crying, crying, Mu Xi sighed, Tang Wulin was more talented than herself, and Tang Wulin had an even more perverted and damned cat demon on top of him.

On the first day, it was just fake.

"Don't cry, let's go, let's go drink, forget about these little men, let's not look for these little men in the future." Ouyang Zixin is also in a bad mood, she can only pray now, drinking can really relieve her troubles.

little man...

Mu Xi wiped her tears, with a strong face, said: "I will also find a handsome guy in the future, the kind who is very powerful, talented, genius, you go to hell, little cat!!!"

Mu Xi yelled out the window again, the whole girls' dormitory area remembered the name Mao Xiaoyao, the person who sneaked into the girls' dormitory was actually called Mao Xiaoyao.

It's a pity that the auntie of the dormitory administrator suddenly came in and scolded Mu Xi and Ouyang Zixin, and began to give them ideological education. Auntie Hunsheng, fortunately, the little cat runs fast, otherwise, she would definitely be beaten up.


 Mu Xi...

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(End of this chapter)

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