The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 152 Evolution of ants and armor concepts!

Chapter 152 Evolution of ants and armor concepts!
It's none of your business, hang up!
Just snap your fingers!

Soon, Elder Cai and the others reacted quickly, immediately reinforced the protection of the Lingbing Douluo statue, sealed off the entire Lingbing Square, and prohibited everyone from approaching. At the same time, the opening ceremony ended hastily.

next day!

Mao Xiaoyao and the others went to class normally, and it didn't have any effect. The first lesson was taught by Shen Yi, and it was also the battle armor knowledge that Mao Xiaoyao most hoped to learn.

Duan Xuan once taught him, but he also wanted to know the teaching philosophy of Shrek Academy.

"What's the result of the investigation?"

In the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, in the dean's office, Cai Lao had a gloomy face. She was very unhappy. During the opening ceremony, such a terrible thing happened. She suspected that someone had done something to the statue .

If she knew who it was, she would definitely tear that person into pieces! Made, the statue of Dare to move Bingdouluo, so fucking tired of working!
(Mao Xiaoyao: Slightly)
"There is no trace of man-made damage. We found this at the scene." The teacher in charge of the investigation took out a small transparent bottle, which contained a rotten fire ant. This kind of fire ant has a very terrible corrosive slime. Can corrode all buildings...

The statue of Ling Bingdou Luo Huo Yuhao is naturally made of architectural metal, but what is the use of metal?Corrosive fire ants are not afraid of anything, give them a certain amount of time, spirit forging metal, they can all be corroded.

Of course, they still prefer soil, rocks, etc. They generally rarely corrode metal buildings, unless there is something they need in the building...

"Don't tell me that such a small thing destroyed the statue of Lingbingdouluo?" Cai Lao glanced at the rotten ants in the bottle, and couldn't help frowning.

At this time, this cute little ant is corroding the glass bottle little by little. Although the speed is very slow, as long as it is given a little time to corrode slowly, it can escape from the bottle.

It seems that it is not difficult.

"The monitoring did not find anyone approaching the statue of Lingbing Douluo. Everyone is within the range that cannot be destroyed. The key is, if we destroy it, we will definitely find something." The investigating teacher was also very helpless_`, he also I thought it was a human factor, but nothing was found.

Only traces of corrosion by rotten fire ants were found!
"Issuing a mission to eliminate this kind of ants. I don't want to see these hateful ants in Shrek Academy." Cai Lao was very angry, and then crushed the bottle. The poor little ant was crushed, leaving nothing behind , there is no ashes...

Title Douluo's anger is just that terrifying!
"Yes, I'll do it right away!" The investigating teacher immediately went out to announce the task, so in the next few days, the entire Shrek Academy was looking for ants.

At this moment, at this moment, Mao Xiaoyao, he is on the roof.

"You take these things, dig a hole and move them quickly, don't stay in Shrek Academy, it's very dangerous here, understand?" Mao Xiaoyao said to the dense rotting fire ant colony on the ground, in his hand, there was a The big big ant queen, she is holding a pill, and she is eating madly. This is a pill that is beneficial to monsters, souls and beasts. The little cat gave these ants a lot, enough for each of them to eat. a mouthful.

Complete evolution!

They made Huo Yuhao's statue collapse. They were the great contributors. The little cat didn't expect that he could also communicate with these ants.

It turns out that not only soul beasts, but other creatures, he can communicate with...

This is also one of the abilities of the Desire Evil Cat, peeking at the heart!Infiltrate minds, create evil, take control!

The little cat demon knows what these ants are thinking, which is why the evil cat can absorb evil thoughts.

It is to peek into the heart, to peek into the evil minds of those people, then the evil thoughts will naturally be attracted.

It's like a mind-peeping technique!Not like mind reading!

This resulted in the cat demon's ability to communicate with all things!

The ants nodded in a very humane way, with two antennae on their heads, they kept sharing information and communicating.

After devouring the entire elixir, the queen ant also fell into a deep sleep, and seemed to be undergoing transformation...

Mao Xiaoyao put down the ant queen who was slowly transforming into sleep, and a group of ants protected her. Immediately, the entire ant colony began to move, digging holes under the house, and the dense army of ants began to move.

For these ants that helped him, Mao Xiaoyao naturally hoped that they could live and stay in Shrek Academy. They would definitely be wiped out. It would be better to retreat, so there would be no danger.

As for the pills, Mao Xiaoyao also hopes that they can evolve!

Get these things done!

Mao Xiaoyao also went back to class. He was lazy and asked for leave because his stomach was uncomfortable, and he couldn't be out for too long. He had to go back to study and learn the knowledge of Doukai.

The Tianhai Blacksmith Association has a profound background, so there is no controversy about this. After all, Mao Xiaoyao has studied it himself, and he knows this himself.

However, Shrek Academy's knowledge about forging is naturally not bad. Mao Xiaoyao has to integrate hundreds of schools, and finally forge his and the black cat's exclusive armor, which is the armor, not the battle armor.

And the beast armor of the soul beasts!

Beast armor!

On the way back to class, Mao Xiaoyao saw many people digging holes in the grass, as if they were looking for something.

"Student, what are you looking for?" Mao Xiaoyao was very curious, so many people were looking for it, could it be that there is something amazing in Zaodi?
Classmate A: "Look for ants, a very corrosive ant."

Classmate B: "I heard that this ant is the main culprit that caused the statue of Lingbing Douluo to collapse."

Classmate C: "One ant, one contribution point!"

Everyone is searching desperately, but there seems to be no gain. The gain is just other ants, not the ants on the mission at all...

Contribution points one by one?Mao Xiaoyao had a funny face, so he missed hundreds of thousands of contribution points?Smile secretly, slip away, slip away, these people must not find anything, after all, the rotten fire ants are gone.

Back to class!

Mao Xiaoyao listened carefully to Shen Yi's lecture, and at the same time, holding a pen, kept drawing, kept drawing...

Shen Yi explained the knowledge of Doukai very well, but those are basic knowledge. For Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin, their blacksmith teacher taught them before, so now it is a review!
As for choosing a sub-profession, what about mecha design, mecha maintenance, etc...

This is the same as the car home!

Sell ​​a car!
Fix the car!
Maintenance, beauty, etc...

Martial soul, naturally, I know a little more about my own martial soul!Then for his own battle armor in the future, it is best to design it yourself!
Of course, no, you can also ask someone to help with the design, and these sub-professions will be derived.

Besides, although the Doukai is very good!

However, Mao Xiaoyao believes that mechas will be the dominant players in the future. To become a battle armor master, not a few of the 1000 people will be able to succeed. As for mechas, as the operating system becomes more and more simple, ordinary people can drive them casually. The era is slowly approaching...

Then at that time, after-sales service such as mech maintenance should be very popular.

That's the second career direction!

Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin don't need to think about anything. They are blacksmiths. A perfect second job is to help others forge metals, battle armors, mechas, and soul guides. They will never worry about money in this life.

As for the black cat, it's fine to have a little cat to raise it. She didn't learn any sub-professions.

At the same table, they have been sitting next to Mao Xiaoyao, watching him draw design drawings, and together they design a new battle armor for the two of them—the armor.

 Armor fit!
  Later, Mao Xiaoyao used the fusion of mecha and soul to create a new race. Guess what it is called?
  In fact, call, recommend, reward, monthly pass!

  Alas, no one confesses on Qixi Festival, even men, come on!
  Boom, go with my wife Luo Tianyi!

(End of this chapter)

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