Chapter 168 Big fight!
It's messed up, it's messed up, the entire northwest... well, the entire virtual world is in chaos.

There are fights everywhere, and there is no gold and silver, especially on Mao Xiaoyao's side, which is even more terrifying. Under the power of Hong Linger's flaming rockets, the sound of explosions is endless...

Boom boom boom boom!
"You don't want to fight with me, do you? You are the fourth-ring soul master, and I am only the third-ring soul master. The difference in strength is so big, how can we fight?"


When Mao Xiaoyao's bloodline was awakened, he began to improve his strength. The spirit ring was provided by the ten-year spirit little white tiger.

Although, it is also possible to upgrade in Shrek Academy, but Mao Xiaoyao goes to the Spirit Pagoda to upgrade the soul and soul ring, basically without killing the soul beast, it is as simple as charging.

Wusiduo licked her lips with her soft tongue, showing her charm, and said with a smile: "In you, I see the joy of fighting as martial souls of the same kind, come on! Let me see, your black wings just now Just how powerful is your big cat martial soul."

Today, no matter what, she will eliminate this cat demon, no one can escape under her attack, the cat demon is the first person who failed to assassinate after she entered the virtual world.

"You, this person..." The little cat was speechless.


Wusiduo rushed to face and attacked with speed, her body was unbelievably soft, and Mao Xiaoyao defended resolutely, he would not lose to anyone even in melee combat, come on!
and many more!

so fast?

Isn't this Wusiduo afraid of herself?

Dodging the claw blade sideways, the little cat slapped its paw, and also issued a purple giant blade, attacking, next to Wusiduo who came, the attack of the soul power blade, cut by the giant blade, it would become several pieces...

However, Wusiduo's body was as nimble as a spirit snake, twisting and twisting, very soft, and she dodged those giant purple blades inconceivably!
Just when Mao Xiaoyao was surprised!
She fell on her back and threw the little cat out of the way!Then, he pushed his knee hard against Mao Xiaoyao's chest, it hurt very much, and Mao Xiaoyao was in pain...

What is this attack?
She wanted to push the little cat to the ground, sharp claws appeared, and raised her hand to stab the little cat's throat, in the virtual world, if it dies, it dies, as long as the body is fine.

"Made, you forced me!" A fight is a fight, and naturally there can be no distinction between men and women.

Mao Xiaoyao suddenly gave a wretched smile, tightly grasped Wusiduo's elastic thigh with both hands, and then pinched it fiercely, tsk tsk, that white and tender energy, it is estimated that water can be squeezed out, the key is...

"You!" Wusiduo got angry, and slapped her backhand, hitting the little cat's face, slap...

Her thigh was burning hot, even if Mao Xiaoyao gave her a knife, she didn't feel that pain. Is this person a fool?Fighting, fighting, touching legs, pinching legs for what?
However, Mao Xiaoyao was not convinced, so he pulled hard and grabbed Wusiduo's calf, his face was burning with pain, so angry that Mao Xiaoyao bit Wusiduo's thigh, hugged her, even if he had something Things, he also has to pull a back.

Landing instant!

However, Wusiduo was tricked by the little cat!

In the end, Mao Xiaoyao's bite made her lose all ability to resist!

She was bitten...

Landing on the ground, Wusiduo became a human flesh pad.

Everything in the virtual world also has feelings in reality. For example, when the cat demon bit her, she also felt the feeling of being bitten by a cat in the body of the world now!

It hurts!

Wusiduo hit the ground so hard that the ground sank little by little, which showed that the force of the landing just now was not a joke.


"Ah, shameless!" The furious Wusiduo waved her sharp claws and issued a giant blade. She wanted to kill this bastard who bit her thigh. How could a cat or a dog dare to bite her like that when she grows so big?
What about people?

At this moment, a pair of black wings suddenly appeared behind Mao Xiaoyao. With one block, all the feathers fell off, and it was important to block this fatal blow!
"Made, don't force me, don't think that you are a four-ring soul sect, a girl, I dare not hit you, I will not be afraid of you!" Mao Xiaoyao is very angry, if in this virtual world, you can Using the power of the soul guide, then this Wusiduo will definitely not be his opponent, if there is no monitoring here...

You can also use other skills yourself!

But, who the hell knows what boss is watching him?

At this time, outside...

"Senior brother, this cat demon is so powerful, he is not afraid of the Sihuan Soul Sect, and dares to fight him head-on. His physical strength is really terrifying, and he seems to have room for it." Shen Yi sipped his tea, turning his beautiful eyes, Slowly take a small notebook to register the performance of the students, and inform them that the space of the virtual world has been shrinking all the time, and the number of survivors...

The purpose of shrinking the space is naturally to let the students fight, otherwise, there will be no vitality and no passion at all.

Since it is the competition for the position of squad leader, it is natural that it should be more intense. They all fight and fight together, and the strongest person left in the end is naturally the squad leader, and everyone else should be convinced.

Wuchangkong said indifferently: "The people who come out of the Spirit Pagoda will definitely not have any simple tasks. Gu Yue, Hei Mao, you pay attention to them, they are all crushing their opponents, but with such a powerful strength, the Spirit Pagoda doesn't have any Rank them..." This question is worth thinking about, why not rank them?


Shen Yi also took a look, it seemed so, the students are doing very well, it seems that their class will be very lively in the future.

At this moment, Wuchangkong looked at Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin. If these two were left in the end...then he would choose Tang Wulin as well.

Because Tang Wulin is suitable for the position of squad leader, he has a strong cohesive force!
However, Mao Xiaoyao is too arbitrary and has a bad temper, so he is not suitable for the leadership position.

At this time, in the virtual world...

Gu Yue and the black cat fought together, and Luo Guixing and the others regretted attacking the cat demon...

they want to go...

However, Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Black Cat, Hong Ling'er, Lan Siyi, Tentacle Monster, and Xu Xiaoyan, whose opponents had all been eliminated, now had 7 people vs 7 people.

want to go?That's impossible, now is the time for Tang Wulin and the others to counterattack...

But what about the little cat demon?

They couldn't find the cat demon...

When I looked back, I found that the cat demon was fighting with a girl...

The eighth cat demon, who is not human, is fighting hard with Wusiduo at this time. Facing the furious Wusiduo, the cat demon wants to slap herself, why bite someone's thigh if it's okay?

This is bad!
Be abused by others!

"You fight again? When my teammates come, you wait to be beaten by the group!" Mao Xiaoyao turned on the mode of reading the Bible, and kept talking nonsense to divert Wusiduo's attention, because Wusiduo who was engrossed in it really What's more, it's too scary, every move is a fatal blow!
If Mao Xiaoyao hadn't relied on his rich actual combat experience and fast speed, he would have been tortured and cried by Wu Siduo, the Sihuan Soul Venerable.

Is this woman crazy?
If you were bitten by a cat, and you don't need to get any vaccinations, what are you doing so angry?
"Why don't I give you a bite too?" The cat demon stretched out her white and tender arm, and smiled cheaply...

"Go to hell!" Looking at Mao Xiaoyao's teammates, Wusiduo knew that she had to make a quick decision and couldn't delay any longer...

Otherwise, when those teammates came, she wouldn't be able to beat so many people...

However, this cunning cat demon...

Ah, ah, she was mad.

No, she has to use a unique trick!

 Hungry Ghost Festival, very busy.

(End of this chapter)

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