The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 174 Mechas and Battle Armors!

Chapter 174 Mechas and Battle Armors!
How could such a big thing happen without a teacher?
Therefore, Mao Xiaoyao and the others were severely caught and held accountable, and Mr. Cai came to interrogate himself!
"Mao Xiaoyao, why is it you again? You are very good at fighting in the work-student dormitory, aren't you?" Elder Cai glanced at Mao Xiaoyao in displeasure. Since the black cat and Gu Yue didn't participate, she was relieved Otherwise, she really wanted to slap this little cat to death.

Why do you mess around all day?

"It's none of my business. It's Xie Xie who was peeping at other girls. I just beat her because of my anger for the poor girl!" Said, the cat demon kicked and knelt down to the shirtless Xie Xie. negligent……

The cold wind was blowing, and he only had a pair of floral striped underwear on his body. The other clothes were torn to shreds by the cat demon and Tang Wulin♂...

Shen Yi covered his mouth to hold back his smile, Wu Changkong also frowned, took off his pants and clothes... What kind of operation was this, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen...

Xie Xie seems to have been beaten hard...

Peeping girls?Mr. Cai was naturally very angry, so Xie Xie was compensated for Yuanen's mental damage!If you don't pay compensation and don't contribute points to the academy, then you will be expelled!
The punishment can be said to be relatively light!
As a cat demon, if someone peeps at him taking a bath, he will definitely goug his eyes!

Tang Wulin and Lezheng Yu were also punished by foreigners for cleaning Lingbing Plaza for a month!

The cat demon snickered!

"Why are you laughing, you are very powerful? Fighting, right? Secretly transforming the forging room on the roof, right? You deduct [-] contribution points, within three days, if you don't demolish that forging room, you will be fired directly !" Cai Lao said angrily, as the murderer of the whole incident, Xie Chian didn't have as much punishment as Mao Xiaoyao...

[-] contribution points, what is that concept?Maybe it's the weight of other people's one-year task, but for the cat demon who is a blacksmith...

It doesn't seem to be a problem...

However, the little cat is poor now, and the contribution point has just bought the Transformation Grass, only a few plants...

Not enough at all!

"You..." Mao Xiaoyao was also angry. This old woman was obviously targeting him, but after being glared at by Wuchangkong, he immediately refrained from it. At this time, it is obviously of no benefit to quarrel with Mr. Cai.

"Hmph!" Elder Cai left, taking Yuan En with him. Before leaving, Yuan En gave a resentful look at Xie Xie.

Shen Yi is gone too!
Wuchangkong is ready to go!

"Teacher, can I hit him?" Mao Xiaoyao asked Wuchangkong with a smile. Today's loss is too serious. Fucking [-] contribution points... How many rare metals does this cost...

Tang Wulin and Lezheng Yu were stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled. They understood Mao Xiaoyao's words, and couldn't help but look at Wuchangkong,
Wuchangkong glanced at Xie Xie, and said, "Don't affect tomorrow's class!" With that, he also left!Although this behavior of peeping is unintentional, for a girl, her reputation is very important.

Mao Xiaoyao, Lezheng Yu, and Tang Wulin all walked slowly towards Xie Xie with wicked smiles on their faces. They would definitely not affect tomorrow's class!

Xie Xie shivered, swallowed his saliva, and asked, "What are you doing? Don't mess around!" She was very cute and naked, like a little lamb who had been bullied.


A hit!

Tonight is destined not to be peaceful!
So is the future!

The next day, when Xie Xie was in class normally, someone asked him why his limping face was so swollen...

Thank you for your pain...

He doesn't say it!
"Regroup, Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Wusiduo, Luo Guixing, and Mao Xiaoyao, Hei Mao, Lan Siyi, Hong Ling'er, a group of four class leaders, and the second group led by life committee member Mao Xiaoyao , this semester, you will manufacture a mecha for each of you."

Wuchangkong saw that Mao Xiaoyao and Wusiduo had a disagreement, so he couldn't help but separate. The two groups practiced, and the purpose was naturally to make them a little competitive.

There are rewards for completion, and penalties for failure!

Research office...

Mao Xiaoyao put on a stinky face. He was fined [-] contribution points last night. He was very angry. He didn't know when he would get [-] contribution points.

Once he starts making mechas, he will be very busy, so busy that he doesn't have much time to complete the task, the key is his own forging room...

This morning, Mao Xiaoyao had a thunderstorm and blew up his forging room...

Made, fried!
From now on, I can only go to Feng Wuyu to forge it!
Or, dig a new one by yourself, the same as in Donghai Academy.

At this time, in a rented laboratory, there was a tinkling sound...

"Master, how do we do it? I can only forge small parts, and Siyi can design." Hong Ling'er glanced at the black cat and said, "Master, what can you do?"

There shouldn't be any problem with titles, master, mistress, after all, the black cat is his master's girlfriend!There's nothing wrong with calling it!
She admired her master very much. At such a young age, she started looking for a girlfriend...

The black cat was stunned for a moment, and said with a little embarrassment: "I don't know anything, just leave everything to your master." As a sub-professional, the black cat didn't learn anything, because the cat demon learned everything...

She can only fight!

Hong Ling'er and Lan Siyi looked at the little cat expectantly, is it that powerful?
Glancing at the laboratory, the place where the dream started, Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile: "Mecha, from today we will study and break through the new operating system. Tang Wulin and the others will choose the battle armor, then we will choose the mecha. Use mechas to defeat their battle armors."

Doukai design?Mao Xiaoyao thought for a while, theirs was not called a battle armor, he wanted to create the armor for himself and the black cat, it was a more powerful armor, the perfect armor of mech + battle armor.

Now, he is going to break through the difficulty of the mech first!

"You go in, I want to start the experiment!" Mao Xiaoyao pointed to Hong Ling'er, and let her enter the thought-sensing consciousness cabin of Ascension to Lingtai. He wanted to start researching how to connect the consciousness to the mecha...

"Me?" Hong Ling'er scratched her head.What a weird experimental test this is...

Little White Mouse No. [-], Hong Linger sets off!
Little White Mouse No. [-], Lan Siyi set off!

Little black cat No. [-], the black cat is going!

Experiment, experiment, experiment...

the following few days!

There has been no new progress!
Mao Xiaoyao doesn't know what's going on, and has never been in the mood to study the data. During the experiment, she kept making mistakes. The steps were obviously successful, but at the critical moment, they just kept failing...

I have no clue...

On this day, Mao Xiaoyao was in the research laboratory, researching and thinking, how to make the entire mecha perfectly integrated with people, so that people's consciousness can enter...

Drip, Drip, Drip, Drip!
The communicator rang, and Tang Wulin turned on the communication!

Mao Xiaoyao said impatiently: "Talk quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have something to do, the young master is researching mechs and is very busy!"

These messy blueprints on the table are proof that the little cat is very annoying, can't study it, has no inspiration, and always feels that there is something missing...

For this reason, he didn't let the black cats and the others come. When he didn't come up with a new research plan, they didn't come to the laboratory and listened to him cursing...

"Mr. Mu Chen has come to Shrek Academy, and the senior sister is here too, do you want to go together?" Tang Wulin's voice came from the communicator!
When Mu Chen came, he was afraid that Feng Wuyu would snatch away his disciple Tang Wulin, so he gave up his position in the Tianhai Alliance!

Bringing the whole family to Shrek City!
That is...

Mu Xi is here!

The sound of things falling!
There was a long silence!
Over there, Mao Xiaoyao stepped on the communicator and exploded it. The communicator was torn apart, and he looked at the design drawing with cold eyes. This is what he hates Tang Wulin. Why, nothing can be changed!

Feng Wuyu accepted himself as an apprentice and focused on cultivating himself, which would not affect Tang Wulin at all, but why Mu Chen was still worried, still afraid that Tang Wulin would be snatched away, and brought Mu Xi to Shrek Academy.

Could it be that everything I did was useless?
"Hey, little brother, are you listening?" Tang Wulin was puzzled, glanced at the communication, and suddenly, buzzing...

It sounds like a signal interruption...

"Strange!" Tang Wulin was helpless, the little cat wouldn't go, so go by yourself!

 It's like an exclamation point! ! !Miss sister's tip!
(End of this chapter)

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