The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 192 In Linming Capital!

Chapter 192 In Linming Capital!
"Haoqing! I'm here. Your guard stopped me. Come out and scold him a few words." A message passed, and Mao Xiaoyao looked at several soldiers, Mingducheng, the gatekeepers of the imperial palace, very unhappy.

"You guys, just wait and get out!"

Showing the token doesn't work?
Could it be that the sixth prince Xu Haoqing's token is fake?What the hell...

Block yourself with the black cat?
What do you mean?
However, the soldiers didn't seem to be afraid.

"Hey, which blind thing is dangling around with my sixth brother's token?" A lowly voice, full of sissy and coquettish, made people roll their eyes. What the hell is this?
The cat demon rolled his eyes, who is that stupid coin?

The soldiers respectfully said: "Second Prince!"

The second prince is naturally Xu Haoqing's second brother, the second son of the federal emperor, the second child, the second prince.

"En!" The second prince nodded, and then glanced at the black cat, ignoring the cat demon, without hiding his gaze, and kept staring at the black cat's aggressive gaze.

"What are you looking at!" The black cat wanted to hit you hard, what were you looking at, it was looking, and gouged your eyes.

"Yo, you have a temper?" The second prince smiled, and then looked at the cat demon with a little wretchedness, and said, "You are looking for my sixth brother? Who are you, why do you have his token?" The second prince also looked at it carefully Looking at Mao Xiaoyao, who is this person, why doesn't he know him?However, looking at the token in this person's hand, it doesn't seem to be fake!That is his sixth brother's personal belongings!

"Me? I'm his sworn brother, are you Haoqing's second brother? What about others, I want to find him, I have something to do." The cat demon smiled, then protected the black cat, let her be behind him, endured, Don't be impulsive, this person is not someone they can confront head-on.

Second prince?
It seems that this family is not of one mind!

Then cooperation has fun!

What did the second prince suddenly think of, big brother?Second brother?So wouldn't I be younger than this person?
The second prince said angrily: "What do you mean?" As he said that, he rolled up his sleeves, wanting to teach the little cat a lesson. He didn't look like what a prince should look like, but more like a street hooligan.

The black cat is also patient, if it is in another place, it will definitely kill this person.

Sting?It's not easy to get along with, and the cat demon is also ready, driving the mecha to prepare to retreat, but when he comes in, he provokes the second prince of some kind, bad luck, bad luck.

At this time, Xu Haoqing came.

"Second brother, is this how you treat my guests?" Behind them, there were two girls who looked exactly the same, they were Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue, they hadn't seen each other for three years, the two girls were getting more and more beautiful, and they looked good. Beautiful and cute, perfectly developed, royal food is good.

"Little demon!" The two girls came up to hold Mao Xiaoyao, each with perfectly developed breasts, and rubbed against Mao Xiaoyao vigorously. The black cat was so angry that he pushed the two girls away, glaring, with a look like a little demon. be mine!

The soldiers were surprised, pushing the princess?
The second prince was also taken aback.

"Girlfriend?" Xu Xiaomeng asked Mao Xiaoyao.

"Sister?" Xu Xiaoxue asked the cat demon.

The black cat said to them, "Daughter-in-law!"

The two princesses were stunned, daughter-in-law?

The three girls didn't know what was going on, so they went to the side to play happily!Completely ignore what happened next.

The second prince had black lines on his face. Could it be that he was ignored like that?
"Sixth brother, what kind of friends are you? It's not that the second emperor said you. Be careful when you make friends. Don't let others take advantage of you. You can't just give tokens. If you let the emperor know, you will definitely be punished. "The second prince said disdainfully, with a hint of threat in his tone. It seems that the relationship between the two brothers is not very good.

"How to make friends is my business. I don't need you to bother about this. As for the token, Grandpa Huang knows about it." Xu Haoqing looked at Mao Xiaoyao and nodded at him with a slight smile, then said: "Besides , he is not an ordinary person, he is a student of Shrek Academy." As he said that, Xu Haoqing scolded the soldiers and told them not to come tomorrow. The cat walked away, completely ignoring the distraught look of his second brother.

In the boring fight for power, Xu Haoqing said hehe, why is everyone hostile to him?He obviously just wanted to be a blacksmith and inventor in peace, to invent some soul guides.


He has no idea at all, and he doesn't know why, everyone is so hostile to him!

Is there something wrong with excellence?
Before leaving, the black cat gave the second prince a look of contempt, and then used the way the cat demon taught her to despise people, and gave the second prince a world-swearing middle finger.

The second prince of anger wanted to curse, so he snorted coldly, very good, he came to Mingdu City, he has time to deal with these two people slowly, students of Shrek Academy?

Ha ha!

very powerful?

On the way to where Xu Haoqing lives!
Mao Xiaoyao kept looking at Xu Haoqing, the guy who was threatened by him back then seemed to have grown up a lot, and he was also quite handsome, "Your brother is really boring, I didn't even mess with him, he just wanted to mess with me , Is there something wrong with his mind?" Who wouldn't bully others, if it wasn't because he was in Mingdu, Mao Xiaoyao would have shot this damned second prince to death long ago.

What is the air?
"Xiao Yao, why don't you call me earlier? Then I'll come out to pick you up, and you won't meet my unlucky second brother. He has nothing wrong with his mind, but he likes to target people. You mess with him. Be careful in the future." Xu Haoqing warned, when he received the communication from the cat demon just now, he came out straight away and put down the important research in his hand.

Mao Xiaoyao waved his hands helplessly and said: "I didn't know your second brother would come, I thought I could go in and find you with the token, but..."

Who knows, why did he meet such a second prince when he came here?
"Damn it, this is your place, you have to protect us." Mao Xiaoyao said.

He immediately glanced at the black cat and found that she didn't seem to be nervous, so he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. The black cat should also remember these three guys back then, right?
Xu Haoqing laughed loudly, patted Mao Xiaoyao on the shoulder, and said, "Haha, don't worry!" He then glanced at the black cat, this girl is so beautiful, "Your girlfriend?"

The black cat also took a look at Xu Haoqing, that brat back then?
"She calls Black Cat my girlfriend, um, are you envious? Haha, you, the sixth prince, don't have a girlfriend!" Mao Xiaoyao said with a smug smile.

Xu Xiaoxue and Xu Xiaomeng covered their mouths and gave a pooh-chih smile. Now, the branches of laughter were trembling, and the little cat couldn't tell which one was the older sister and which was the younger sister.

so awkward!Xu Haoqing glanced blankly, "Could it be that I must have a girlfriend?" What's the use of a girlfriend?

No, he didn't meet anyone he liked, but he didn't lack any women either.

When I met them, they didn't like me either...

"Ha!" The cat demon smiled.

Soon, they arrived at Xu Haoqing's residence, and the delicious food and drinks will be here soon.

Yuyu, the black cat looked at the delicious fish, his eyes were shining, and his eyes never left the sight of the fish.

"I guess you must be hungry. The distance from Shrek Academy to Mingdu is not as simple as walking a few steps." Xu Haoqing smiled and pointed to a lot of dishes, and said, "This is for you to meet the black cat." Xichen, welcome to Mingdu."

"Do you drink?" Xu Haoqing asked with a smile.

"Come!" The cat demon raised his glass!

The two drank it all in one gulp!

Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue were drinking fruit juice. The girls naturally didn't have alcohol or milk. After all, what they eat is what they eat. Originally, they also wanted to drink juice and milk with the black cat, but...

The black cat was eating crazily, and the foodie looked like a reincarnated starving ghost, completely ignoring them.


The two girls are ashamed, so terrible?

"Haha, it's a blessing to be able to eat, eat a little more, eat and sleep, enough!" Xu Haoqing said with a smile, telling the black cat what she wanted to eat, and he would make someone serve it, anyway, just eat whatever she wanted.

The cat demon scratched his head and said awkwardly, "Excuse me!" Black cat, black cat, can we be more graceful when we eat?

We are elegant cats.

Why every time, so unladylike!

we agreed!Elegant cat too!

 Thanks, time erases the memories of the past, Zhaozhou Bridge, and Miss Exclamation Mark for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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