The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 198 Cat and Dog Battle!

Chapter 198 Cat and Dog Battle!

The sound of cheering was loud, and the crowd of onlookers was getting more and more.

Not knowing what was going on, the students gathered around, passing by, they couldn't help but stop to have a look, to see what was going on.

Some wait and see, some are curious, some are idle...

Look, look, they soon discovered the situation of this cat-dog fight!

The cat is naturally: the cat demon!

The dog is: Wang Wu!
Wang Wu, male, the pinnacle of the four-ringed soul sect, with a soul power of level [-], he can raise his realm by adding a soul ring, and his strength can be said to be very powerful.

However, the problem that gave him a headache came. I don't know what happened, but his hell two-headed dog martial soul didn't seem so domineering in front of the cat demon's lustful evil cat.

He also didn't show the kind of suppression and dominance that he usually has over other spirits.

"Soft attack, are you a girl? Can you use some strength, Soul Sect? Can you buy it, a Soul Sect Master?" The cat demon smiled mockingly. The two-headed dog, uh, the two-headed dog, seemed to It looks very powerful, with two huge heads that are ferocious and terrifying, and the whole body is burning with the Fire Emblem, like anger. It also seems to dislike the breath of the lustful evil cat.

However, with the same martial soul possessed, Wang Wu is like a vicious dog, attacking like a mad dog. When he sees the cat demon, he will attack wildly. Cats and dogs are enemies in the first place, no, they just got on!

At this time when they were actually fighting, the cat demon realized that this wind dog was indeed very ferocious, its fangs were poisonous, and its claws were probably similar to his own claws, which were probably poisonous, so he had to be careful not to be caught.

"Hehe, your attack isn't very good, it's just a tickle." Wang Wu said coldly, as a Soul Sect realm, he couldn't do anything about this little cat in front of him. Was this soul sect really bought?He began to doubt life.

"Oh, then you come and try." The cat demon smiled.

Anyway, he doesn't like the smell of dogs very much. This dog is very annoying, very annoying. He thought of the proud dog girl back then.

I don’t know, has it been wiped out by the tiger queen now!
There is nothing to say about that figure!

"Just try it!" Wang Wu said angrily, looking down on himself?
Genius, huh?
He doesn't believe it!
Wang Wu rushed forward, his claws were full of flame power, as if he wanted to burn everything, he moved forward extremely fast, his body moved forward, and he swung his claws vigorously, a bunch of fiery red flaming claw blades came to attack the little cat, with blades of fire all over the sky.

"Hehe, I hate dogs!" The cat demon fought back, and a transparent protective shield appeared. It was a protective shield from soul power. His attack was evolved from soul power, not from demon power.

Soul power, Mao Xiaoyao is used to using soul power to attack. In the past, when fighting, he always wanted to use demon power to solve it, because it was a habit.

Now, using more soul power has become a habit.

Besides, he really hates dogs, no matter the little girl of the dog clan, or, when he was patrolling the mountains and passing by the dog clan's territory, he was actually chased by a group of dogs.

Get angry just thinking about it!
The protective cover and the formation of soul power are the cat demon's defensive means. Naturally, Wang Wu has never seen this kind of attack method, "Hehe, it seems that the soul skills must be used." , millennium, millennium, millennium, three 3000-year soul rings.

The strength is very powerful, with three thousand-year soul rings, this Wang Wu doesn't seem to be a simple character, he is the boss of a thousand years.

Mao Xiaoyao understands soul beasts, and 1-year souls are not cabbages, and they are basically expensive.

However, the spirit ring of Mao Xiaoyao will not be weak!
One ten-thousand-year soul ring, two hundred-year soul rings, and two hundred-year soul rings were provided by the little white tiger soul. It was a ten-year soul before, but now it has been upgraded to a hundred years. If you have time to go to the Spirit Pagoda, It is estimated that it can be a thousand years.

As for the little cat's soul, at this moment, it is not on the little cat's body. The little white tiger's soul is on the little cat's body. It has been a hundred years old, and it looks a little weak.

The onlookers were shocked. One was that the ten-thousand-year spirit ring was awesome and powerful, but the other two were hundred-year-old spirit rings. Comparing them, it seemed a little unbalanced and embarrassing.

At this time, outside the venue.

The second prince grinned from ear to ear, "Sixth brother, is your friend's spirit ring funny? Two century-old spirit rings mean two century-old spirit abilities. No matter how powerful the ten-thousand-year spirit ability is, What about after the blow?"

Tsk tsk, he likes this kind of feeling, the feeling that he has surpassed his younger brother in everything. This time, when he saw the spirit ring of Mao Xiaoyao, the only thing he was worried about was the ten thousand year spirit ring. The remaining two spirit rings were only a hundred years old. , it doesn't seem to be very powerful.

Xu Haoqing didn't care that his second brother looked down on Mao Xiaoyao. After all, he didn't know Mao Xiaoyao's soul ring very well. He said, "Maybe, a ten thousand year soul skill is enough!" Sitting with this second brother of mine, sitting together, is simply not in a good mood, and keeps pushing.

As for Mao Xiaoyao, he was able to persist for so long in front of the Sihuan Soul Sect.

He must have his own way of coping!
Xu Haoqing believed him!

On the other side, Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue were also puzzled. Seeing the ten thousand year spirit ring, they said that the cat demon is really powerful, but what the hell are the two hundred year spirit rings?

"Black cat, isn't the little demon from the Spirit Pagoda? Why does one of his soul rings have ten thousand years, but the others have hundreds of years?" Xu Xiaomeng couldn't help asking, her fair and pretty face was full of doubts, Logically speaking, as a member of the Spirit Pagoda, Mao Xiaoyao shouldn't be very worried about his soul and soul ring.

Like her!
As a member of the royal family, she is not very worried about this aspect. The soul ring and soul are all of the highest level, and they are all within the limit of her body.

century?The black cat saw the cat demon's century-old soul ring, its purple eyes moved, thought for a while and explained: "The little demon has a century-old soul, he probably doesn't have much time to improve it! When he was in Shrek Academy, he Very busy, doing tasks every day, for those contribution points." In fact, Mao Xiaoyao has another soul, but now that soul is not by his side.

Xu Xiaomeng nodded, "Okay!"

However, a century-old soul ring?Will it be a disadvantage?After all, the other party's three thousand year spirit rings seemed very arrogant.

Screen, back to the battle.

"Hehe, a hundred years, what do you use to fight with me, even if you have a ten thousand year soul ring?" Wang Wu laughed, and then moved like a vicious dog, biting the cat demon fiercely, fighting , the Wuhun double-headed hellhound on the back also bit the little cat, and the two huge heads opened their bloody mouths. This is the rhythm of eating people.

"Then you will kill me!" The cat demon saw the attack of the double-headed hellhound, facing two huge heads, referred to as: dog head, he jumped up, perfectly avoided one of the dog heads, twisted hard, twisted Move the dog's head so that it meets another dog's head.

Kiss yourself!
Just when Mao Xiaoyao was beating Goutou violently, the real Goutou strategist, that is, the man behind the scenes, that is, Wang Wu, hit Mao Xiaoyao's chest with a flaming iron fist like red-hot metal. .

The cat demon was smashed on the grass, and pushed far away, leaving a trace, destroying the flowers and plants!

"Genius from Shrek Academy, are you such a waste?" Wang Wu sneered, he couldn't help but look smug, the so-called genius was beaten to the ground by himself, hehe, what's the use of genius?

Seeing that the little cat was defeated, the second prince was very proud, and then kept talking nonsense next to Xu Haoqing...

Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue's faces were full of worry, as if they were in pain...

On the contrary, the black cat is very calm, because she knows that is not the limit of Mao Xiaoyao, his limit cannot be defeated by a bastard!

At this time, the onlookers were also shouting wildly, seeing that the little cat was defeated, they were very happy, just when they thought that the little cat was going to stand on his head and eat shit.


 Thanks for the daily rewards of the exclamation point lady who has changed her name, and the 588 rewards that time erased the memories.

(End of this chapter)

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