The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 218 The Weird Blacksmith Disappearance Case!

Chapter 218 The Weird Blacksmith Disappearance Case!

"Hey, have you heard recently? There are some blacksmiths missing, not just one."

"Yeah, I heard that the missing ones are basically level [-] blacksmiths and above..."

"Hey, it seems that Shrek City is not peaceful, it is probably made by evil soul masters."

"Not only the fifth-level blacksmith, but also the fifth-level mecha master, the fifth-level mecha maker, the fifth-level mecha repairer, the fifth-level soul tool maker..."


In Shrek City, a very strange thing happened recently. Many blacksmiths mysteriously disappeared, and there was no news of them. Most of the missing blacksmiths were fifth-level blacksmiths, and they were blacksmiths who could forge metals!

What's even more frightening is that just now, an eight-star saint craftsman blacksmith also disappeared. That eight-star saint craftsman is very powerful in forging, but his strength is only Contra, and the three-word armor master is a bit weak.

That is the existence that can make the three-word combat armor, but it also disappeared, and people in Shrek City were panicked!
Some people are also missing, the Shrek bosses are angry, who is doing things under their noses, who is it?
However, at this moment in Shrek Academy, Tang Wulin had just reunited with his younger sister Na'er, and was touching his little hands. You are thick and I am thick. There is endless talk between them...

Then, Tang Wulin was called over by his teachers, Feng Wuyu and Mu Chen, and explained the situation to him, telling him not to go out of Shrek Academy recently. It's dark, it's dangerous!

"Wu Lin, don't go out recently. Blacksmiths have been missing mysteriously. We suspect that it was done by evil soul masters. The targets are basically blacksmiths above level five, especially geniuses..." Feng Wuyu looked at him. It was full of anger, among those missing blacksmiths, some of them were members of their Shrek Academy Blacksmith Association.

Muchen sighed and said, "Well, it's not just blacksmiths, there are also mecha builders, mech repairers, soul tool builders, and..." The point is not just blacksmiths, there are many other missing persons, Then those missing persons add up to a lot of effects, because: mechs, soul guides, forged metals, battle armor...

They are all cutting-edge talents. What do those people want to do?
Tang Wulin looked shocked, could it really be those damn evil soul masters again?
"Teacher, is there someone who has been rescued? Do you have any clues?" Tang Wulin clenched his fists and was also angry. The evil soul master is really abominable. Such a vicious evil soul master, if those people are caught Go, then it must be bad luck.

Feng Wuyu held back his anger, lowered his voice, and said: "There is no clue at all, there is no clue at all, those people are very cunning, and they basically pick the ones who are left alone. However, there has been a lot of turmoil recently, and they should start to stop... We can't Investigate." The other party seemed to know the blacksmiths and the background of some talents very well, which made Feng Wuyu think for a while that there was some kind of traitor on their side!
"What about the little demon..." Mu Xi, who had been dazed by the side all this time, suddenly said something...

Since the last time she went to Heaven Dou City for no reason and was attacked by an evil soul master, she was forbidden by her father Muchen to go out and asked to stay in Shrek Academy.

Suddenly, Tang Wulin's eyes lit up. That's right, his junior brother is also a fifth-level blacksmith, so he couldn't help dialing, dialing...

Mu Chen glared at his daughter, Mu Xi stuck out her tongue cutely, she was actually worried...

"Hey, what are you doing?" After hanging up several times and finally getting through, Maoxiao on the communicator said impatiently.

Excited, Mu Xi looked satisfied. It was the voice of the little cat. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with his voice, but why was there a girl's voice next to him? It wasn't a black cat...

Who is it?

Mu Xi began to think wildly...

"Little brother, where are you? Shrek City is very dangerous right now. People above level [-] blacksmiths are disappearing inexplicably. Be careful..."

Tang Wulin, who was chanting scriptures, began to keep admonishing, telling the little cat that this is not allowed, this is not allowed...

"Get out, I'm in Mingdu!" Beep, beep, hang up the communication, and the cat demon scolded Tang Wulin.

"Mingdu?" Tang Wulin scratched his head in a little embarrassment. After talking so much, the little cat is actually in Mingdu...

Mingdu?Is the cat demon really from Mingdu?Mu Xi breathed a sigh of relief, it's fine if he's not in Shrek City, if he's not here, then there's nothing wrong.

Mu Chen and Feng Wuyu smiled helplessly, the two senior brothers, just like when they were young, always quarreling, the more noisy the relationship, the better!
"Xiao Yao, you told me a few days ago that he has something to do in tomorrow. The identity of the little demon is not simple. He actually knows someone from the royal family of the Sun-Moon Federation." Feng Wuyu said, this apprentice is not simple. People from the Spirit Pagoda, and now people from the royal family of the Sun-Moon Federation... each one of them is not a cheap lamp!
Tang Wulin heaved a sigh of relief if he wasn't in Shrek City, Mingdu?However, the cat demon is a soul beast, why did he go to Mingdu, where did he go to do it?

In fact, Tang Wulin was very curious, wondering if Mao Xiaoyao had any family members?And, are those family members all human-like, and are they in the human world now?
Thinking about it, Tang Wulin was a little creepy, because he didn't know that sometimes the person talking to him was actually a soul beast...

However, soul beasts do that and come out of the human world, probably for the sake of survival!
After all, the current living environment in the Star Dou Great Forest is so harsh...

"By the way, teacher, what do you think, those people captured blacksmiths, mecha manufacturers... and captured so many people, why are they? If they are really evil soul masters, then those people will definitely be killed!" Tang Wu Lin thought of a very serious problem. Missing persons are basically useful. Blacksmiths can forge metals, and blacksmiths above level [-] can forge metals spiritually, that is...

Two-word battle armor!

Alloy armor!

Soul Guidance Invention...

"And, the disappearance of ore and metal in metal mines happened in various places before. This seems to be a huge conspiracy. This conspiracy is very terrifying. Then the metal materials, things that can be made, and people who can handle them..." Tang Wulin I dare not even think about it, this is a terrible conspiracy, theft, disappearance, everything shows that the other party has a very large secret base, a place that can hold these things and people.

"Go on!" Mu Chen said in shock, his disciple analyzed it thoroughly.

Glancing at the two stunned teachers and the uninterested senior sister, Tang Wulin said: "They must have a very large base to research and manufacture those things. The direction of our investigation should not only be in Shrek It’s just inside the city, some larger places and facilities outside the city, that should also be the direction of the investigation!”

If the little cat is here, then he will say:
Just like the leader car thief back then, if you stole it, you must sell it. Only by staying at the purchase point and investigating there will there be clues.

Because if you steal it, you have to take it out and buy it!Even leaders have to go to jail to see talents.

In the same way, with so many things, if the other party sells or manufactures them, it will definitely require a relatively large venue...

"Good boy, you can see, we can't see anything." Feng Wuyu patted Tang Wulin's shoulder and laughed happily: "Haha, honestly stay at Shrek Academy, waiting for our good news. "Speaking, Mu Chen and Feng Wuyu went out and began to investigate. Tang Wulin's analysis was on point.

Mu Xi looked bored, and immediately wanted to go out and go back to forging, but she was so bored that she couldn't go out to play.

"Senior Sister...Did you call the little demon that day!" Tang Wulin thought of this question. That day, only his senior sister had access to his communicator. .

Mu Xi's face turned red, and then she glared at Tang Wulin, meaning: What's none of your business?

Then he turned his head and went out, leaving behind a fragrant breeze!
That day, she remembered the Mao Xiaoyao communication number again!
Tang Wulin scratched his head, it seems really...

The cat demon has a black cat, but she is very ambiguous with senior sister Mu Xi, and recently with Gu Yue...

bad cat!

Tang Wulin sighed, let's go find his sister!Still better sister!
 ! ! ! , Time to erase the memories of the past, presumptuous, name, thank you for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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