The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 254 Pirate cat demon!

Chapter 254 Pirate cat demon!
"I don't have his father!" The little mermaid didn't slap the glass of the water tank, but returned to the huge water tank, in a small hole made of stones that Mao Xiaoyao prepared for her, ignoring Mao Xiaoyao!

"???" Mao Xiaoyao looked confused, what do you mean?
Forget it!
Keep the mermaids!
Mao Xiaoyao asked a female sea spirit beast that accompanied her to take care of the little mermaid. She has a special physique that can not be affected by the land. Originally, this water tank was prepared for their sea spirit beasts!

Because, when they are on land, they have very little time to move. They are always in the garden moat, and they may die if they leave the water!
However, the water tank is where they can survive when they are about to lose their hold!Now, it has become the place where the little mermaid is held!

The next day, Mao Xiaoyao's fleet set off!The three big ships are astonishingly large, just like the three warships, they are actually warships, on the surface they are cargo ships, but the defensive weapons and offensive weapons on board are no problem to attack the port!
However, Mao Xiaoyao is naturally not going to attack the port, but to make troubles. If he sees other merchant ships passing by, they will become pirate ships.

In the sea area controlled by the Shadow Ghost Shark King, only Mao Xiaoyao's fleet can be active now, and the other ships, those people are basically buried in the belly of fish!
Mao Xiaoyao has ambitions, he wants to control the Xingluo Continent, the Tiandou Continent, the Douluo Continent, and the sea transportation of the three continents!
Complete monopoly!

Sever communication possible!

However, the other fleets couldn't withstand the attack of the soul beasts in the sea, and they didn't dare to go out to sea, but the fleet of Mao Xiaoyao didn't need to be attacked, and the powerful defensive weapons proved it!

Then come and go, the little cat can slowly find another continent that belongs to the soul beasts!
"Xiao Yao, there is a ship ahead, do you want to do it? It's not a merchant ship, but a warship... It belongs to Xingluo Continent, and that's their flag!" At this time, Dai Shu held a super large telescope, looked at, looked at Then, I saw a warship in the distance, it seemed to be the warship of the royal family of Star Luo Continent, because this warship was very luxurious, and there were soldiers on board!

"That kind of junk is also called a warship? Let them see our, made, Xingluo Continent's soul guidance technology, it's really not good, it's just a hot chicken!" Mao Xiaoyao ordered, and then the turret aimed and locked the two ships Army, said: "Remember, the army on our Douluo Continent is invincible!" He smiled strangely.

In the Douluo Continent, the flag of the Sun-Moon Federation appeared, and there were three warships. Mao Xiaoyao and the others began to pretend to be the Sun-Moon Federation army. In the next period of time, they would harass the ships from the Star Luo Continent.

boom!boom!boom!The soul missile was launched, and a wisp of white smoke rose into the sky at high speed, turning into a perfect arc in the air, and hitting the warship on the Xingluo Continent!

The warship was on fire, screaming endlessly, some jumped into the sea, some were directly blown to death, and some were half dead!

The warship began to take in water.

Then, the invasion team set off, Mao Xiaoyao led them, directly boarded the soul guide speedboat and rushed towards the Xingluo Continental warship, and at this moment, Maoxiao's three warships began to surround the Xingluo Continental warship.

The Star Luo Continental Warship started to defend. However, all the turrets that the Star Luo Continental Warship could attack were destroyed, and they lost their long-range defense capabilities. However, when they used their soul guides to attack the soul guide speedboats at sea...

The huge purple mecha is here!

Several purple mechs landed firmly on the warship, and began to flex their fists, strafing those poor troops, and Mao Xiaoyao and the others also started to land!
Mao Xiaoyao brought a soul beast, which can be regarded as experience!One hundred soul beasts, one hundred, all of them are transformation pills refined from one hundred ghost grasses. The cat demon cooperated with the shadow ghost shark king, and now he has obtained a bunch of ghost grasses. Now each soul beast has After transforming successfully, the little cat naturally mobilized some spirit beasts to help, of course, they were all highly intelligent spirit beasts!
However, the other party resisted fiercely...

There is a three-word battle armor master, several two-word battle armor masters, a bunch of one-word battle armor masters, and the army...

Bang bang bang!
No matter who it is, the cat demon is here, one child is shot, three warships surround the Xingluo Continental warship, and more than a dozen purple mechs are in place. Yes, purple has to be purple in order to be more in line with the Sun-Moon Federation army. At this moment, the soul guide cannons were aiming.

Star Luo Continental Army Ship, the fire is spreading and burning, the hull has begun to take in water, the hull has been pierced with a big hole, and it may sink at any time!

However, that three-character combat armor master, a person with the strength of Contra, did not dare to move!He never left the deck, as if he was protecting someone.

"Who actually attacked the Xingluo royal army? Don't you want to live anymore? This is the sea area of ​​Xingluo Continent!" The well-equipped one-word combat armors one by one, and the silent hull...

Some attacks came too suddenly, they had no chance to react at all, and this is the sea area of ​​Xingluo Continent, no matter how arrogant the pirates are, this is the warship of the royal family of Xingluo Continent...

"Royal family? Look clearly, the young master is from the Sun Moon Federation!" Mao Xiaoyao suddenly appeared and was very disdainful to the three-word combat armor master. At this moment, under the disguise, his identity is Mao Da, and , Mao Da's appearance is actually the second prince... because cat demons cannot appear on the sea.

As for why the prince...

Take revenge!
Three-word battle armor master and the others glanced at the flag, the Sun-Moon Federation turned out to be the Sun-Moon Federation...

"Then, what do you mean, among these people, there are people from your Xingluo royal family!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, his body was covered with soul guidance devices, he had no battle armor, no armor, he could not reveal anything, he needed some Go back and report the situation alive.

The three-character combat armor master's complexion changed, and then he realized that he had said the wrong thing... And, the opponent's strength seemed to be a soul sect... a little soul sect...

The three-character combat armor master went berserk, burst out with all his strength, and wanted to attack Mao Xiaoyao, because he knew that most of the people who could speak were either commanders or important people!
Only by catching this person will they have a chance, waiting for rescue!
It's a pity that the three-word combat armor master, Contra, is indeed very powerful, however, he underestimated the strength of Mao Xiaoyao's soul tool, bang!

The explosive power of the three-character combat armor shook an energy shield, and the shield was instantly cracked. However, the cat demon disappeared and stayed where he was!There were only one-word battle armor masters, with soul guide guns in their hands, shooting at him!
"Not good!" The complexion of the three-character combat armor changed, a ray of terror attack made his scalp numb, bang, his armor was hit by something, and the powerful force made him fly away...

On the boat, a bullet fell, and the bullet was crushed, and there was a bullet hole in the armor part of the three-word combat armor master, but it was not penetrated, because the three-word combat armor is very powerful!

Magic weapon bullets can't penetrate it either!
However, what about the one-word combat armor master and the two-word combat armor master?
Some people without battle armor all died. On Dai Shu's warship, the soul beasts took out their soul-guided sniper rifles and aimed at those who act rashly!
Only Dai Shu can have magic weapon bullets!The other soul beasts are thousand-refined metal bullets!
Mao Xiaoyao will not easily take out something that he is afraid of!

"Ah!" There was a scream!A one-word combat armor master was beaten on the arm, and his head was blown off while screaming, and then died on the spot, and those who were not wearing the battle armor were basically killed...

"Stop!" The three-word battle armor master was furious, and quickly returned to the person he was supposed to protect. He is a three-word battle armor master, a level 89 Contra, he is powerful, but what can be done?
The entire warship has been surrounded and bombed, and the timer has started...

"What the hell are you trying to do!" The three-character combat armor master glared at Mao Xiaoyao. His attack just now failed?

In fact, it wasn't in vain. If a dozen one-word combat armor masters hadn't activated their soul guides to form a super energy shield to block the attack, then Mao Xiaoyao must be a deadly three-word combat armor master!
And, if the three-character combat armor continues to pursue, then the little cat will have nowhere to retreat!

However, Dai Shu's sniper attack and the death of several soldiers made the three-word combat armor master calm down...

The little cat is safe now!
 I don't know if my throat is stuck in a fishbone or broken bones in chicken wings. It hurts very much. I have to go to check it today.

  Life is miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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