The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 260 Mu Xi's Golden Mecha!

Chapter 260 Mu Xi's Golden Mecha!
At this time, in an uninhabited area outside Shrek City, it is an abandoned factory, basically no one is there, it is very suitable for doing unknown transactions!
"Where is my mecha?" Mu Xi, who was full of expectations, looked around and found that there were weeds and some abandoned houses everywhere. This was just a dilapidated factory. What kind of mecha could there be here?

As soon as he got off the suspended soul guide vehicle, Mao Xiaoyao gave him a blank look, and said, "Anyway, it's impossible to put it here!"

"Er..." Mu Xi thought about it, and it seemed that she was the same, but where exactly was it?

Suddenly, Mao Xiaoyao took out a high-level soul guide, and the space inside could hold a mecha. Now, Mao Xiaoyao, who has mastered the space soul guide technology, no longer has to worry about the problem of space soul guides!

If the space magic weapon is combined with the space soul soul guide, then what is not a chemical reaction?
Will the space be larger?

The golden light is shining, a golden mecha, under the sunlight, the golden mecha looks extraordinarily shiny, the ten-meter giant mecha, tall, powerful and domineering...

Magic weapon armor!

Currently, only Mao Xiaoyao, Black Cat, and Mu Xi own it!The rest of the people are all metal mechas of spiritual training, and those who are rich and self-willed are called cat demons, because other people's mechas usually use thousands of training, and he directly uses more than spiritual training!
Of course, these can only be equipped with their own people!

"It's so beautiful..." When she saw the golden mech, Mu Xi was completely dumbfounded, she stared at it in a daze, it was bright golden, just like her hair color, she likes golden the most...

"Okay! I'll forgive you!" The happy Mu Xi stroked the mecha that Mao Xiaoyao gave her, and she felt very happy in her heart, and instantly forgave Mao Xiaoyao for ignoring her affairs for the past three months.

"How to drive?"

Mu Xi really wants to drive her own mecha, wants to experience the joy of being a mecha master, da da, a big guy, driving must be very fun!
The cat demon snickered, he knew that Mu Xi would definitely like it very much, "Hand out!"

Reach out?Mu Xi was surprised, "What are you doing!" Then she stretched out her little white hand...


Mao Xiaoyao controlled her soul power to turn it into a sharp blade, and with a light stroke, a wound instantly appeared on Mu Xi's white and tender palm, dripping with blood... It hurt so much that Mu Xi just punched Mao Xiaoyao's chest, It hurts.

Before she finished speaking, her palm was lightly pressed against the golden mecha by the little cat.

At this time, a strange thing happened. The golden mecha seemed to be activated by the injection of the soul. The eyes of the red mech lit up. It knelt down on one knee, and slowly opened an entrance on its chest, quietly waiting for its owner...

"What are you doing? It hurts, okay!" Mu Xi pouted, aggrieved and uncomfortable, do you need to use so much blood to activate a mecha?What is this strange way?

Back then, it was the same when she was in armor, she was tricked by the little cat!

"It's very sweet!" The cat demon licked the blood on Mu Xi's hand with his tongue, and gently penetrated the force of wood with his tongue. At this time, the wound on Mu Xi's hand was healed bit by bit.

Licking this little tongue, Mu Xi blushed, as if everything was worth it!

"Pervert, what are you doing drinking blood!" Mu Xi withdrew her hand, blew on it, and found that the wound was gone, and she didn't know what happened...

"If there's a chance, I'll eat you and drink your blood, nothing!" The little cat took Mu Xi's hand and said with a smile, "Let's go! I'll teach you how to drive a mech, and I'll show you what it means to be a mecha." Mecha!"

? ? ?how to eat?Just when Mu Xi was dreaming of something!
Mao Xiaoyao pulled her, jumped up, and then entered the cab, the entire golden mech was instantly activated, and stood up directly, as if injected with soul!

"My body..." Mu Xi kept floating in the cab, only the little cat could hold her steady.

The little cat tore open Mu Xi's chest.

Mu Xi was so frightened that she screamed, hugging her chest, "Why, why..." It was so sudden!This is the inside of the mech, what are we going to do?

Inside the mecha?

It seems a little exciting...

"Just wear it!" Mao Xiaoyao just glanced casually to see if Mu Xi was wearing the power thinking sensor suit she gave her. This is a magic weapon at the level of a magic weapon.

Mu Xi rolled her eyes at the little cat. Damn it, she actually scratched her, she thought she would do something...

"Put on the helmet, and you will truly merge with the mecha. You first learn how to move the mecha. Later, I will teach you how to fuse the soul, so that the soul can become a real soul of the mecha!" Next to it, the driver's cab can accommodate two people. After all, Mu Xi is different from Hong Ling'er and the others. She has never tested it, and she doesn't know how to drive, so she has to teach it bit by bit...

"I can't, help me!" However, Mu Xi suddenly played a little bit of temper, giggling, but why can't he, how can he break it?
Mao Xiaoyao cast a glance, slowly floated closer, put the helmet on Mu Xi's head, and Mu Xi was looking at Mao Xiaoyao the whole time, smiling happily!

"Concentrate, classmate Mu Xi!" The strict teacher Mao Xiaoyao knocked on the metal helmet to make classmate Mu Xi stay awake. Now it's mecha teaching time, so I can't think about other things.

Mu Xi came back to her senses and found that she had...

"Wow! What's going on, little monster, why did the mech move after I moved?" Mu Xi looked back at the little cat next to him, looking at her in disbelief, looking at her hand, while At this time, the golden mech was also looking at his hand, it was amazing, what a thing!

Originally, Mu Xi wondered why this mech doesn't even have a joystick, so how to control it?

Now, she seems to understand something!
I can't help but try to lift my legs, walk, punch...

However, the actions I make, the mecha also moves at the same time, it feels as if I am the mecha, and the mecha is me!
"Blood recognition is to make you the real master of this mecha. Put on the helmet, and you will be completely integrated. All the actions you do here can be synchronized with the mecha!" Mu Xi can do as long as he likes it, the cat Xiao Yao slowly explained: "The mecha will not slow down because it is too big. My mecha is different from other people's mecha!"

Those mechas on Douluo Continent may be delayed due to some technical reasons, the mechas are very slow in movement, and some extreme operations are impossible to complete!
However, the cat demon mecha, the actions that humans can complete, as long as they are not too excessive, the mecha can do it, it can be said that all wishes come true!

"Awesome!" Mu Xi wanted to kiss the little cat as a reward, but at this moment, wearing a helmet, she hit the little cat directly!
"Damn!" The little cat was in a suspended state, and when he hit it, he was directly hit on the transparent glass, and came into close contact with the glass!

"Haha! I didn't mean it!" Seeing Mu Xi laughing all the time, the golden mecha also made a laughing expression, which seemed a little funny...

"Don't make trouble, practice slowly! You know it, and I'll give you something more fun!" Mao Xiaoyao said.

It is said that the red god-level mecha has a soul as an intelligent life, referred to as: Jialing!

However, Mao Xiaoyao refuses to accept it, he can create souls, and the research on soul mechas is currently progressing well, and how to make a soul merge into mechas, Mao Xiaoyao can also do it now!
It is nothing more than similar to Qi Ling!

"Yes! I see!" Mu Xi nodded.

move, attack, fly...

She has a lot to learn, so Mao Xiaoyao can always be with her...


 The rice flowers in the fields are fragrant, and the small river is flowing.

  In the autumn harvest season, the old cat is harvesting rice recently, and the rural children are a bit busy recently, so they can only watch twice...

(End of this chapter)

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