The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 270 Deal with the Shadow Ghost Shark King!

Chapter 270 Deal with the Shadow Ghost Shark King!

Of course, before leaving, Mao Xiaoyao would naturally have to tell the Shadow Ghost Shark King...

Unavoidably, it was another dinner party. Unfortunately, apart from fish, Mao Xiaoyao really can't bear to look down on other sea foods...

"Brother Xiaoyao, why are you in such a hurry to go back? Since the land is so dangerous, it is better for you to stay in my East China Sea, and I will keep you safe in the East China Sea! There is nothing that dares to provoke you!" Shadow Ghost Shark King still had a grimace on his face. No matter how many transformation pills can save his devil face...

Unless the beauty pill!
The cuttlefish king also said: "Being the high priest of the East China Sea, wouldn't it be easier to go to the human world to be angry?"

Other soul beasts also expressed their views on Mao Xiaoyao, which means, if you stay, you will have a lot of prosperity, wealth and resources and will be safe...

Anyway, it is to arrange and protect the little cat properly!

"Go back, that's because the brothers and sisters in the clan need me, they are not out of the crisis of the human world, I have to go back and lead them!" Mao Xiaoyao raised his glass and said, the wine of the Shadow Ghost Shark King is really hard to drink, Not as good as self-brewed wine, rubbish, undrinkable.

After returning, Mao Xiaoyao will be busy with a lot of things. He came here only for cooperation, and it is impossible to stay here all the time.

Just as the soul beasts in the sea are not suitable for life on land, the little cat is only used to life on land, and he is not used to the world in the sea...

"That's a pity..." The Shadow Ghost Shark King said a little disappointed. In fact, he hoped that the little cat could stay and help him...

The other soul beasts were also a pity.

"Ghost Shark King, don't worry, even if I leave! However, our cooperation still exists. The island base is the bridge for our cooperation. My people will always be there. At the same time, I also hope that Ghost Shark King can protect them."

Dai Shu and the others will stay and build the island base well. Even if they can't find land in the future, they must have a place to stay in the future.

Once exposed, evacuate immediately!

"It's natural!" The Shadow Ghost Shark King smiled. The basis of cooperation is a win-win situation. The little cat needs a lot of resources, and he also needs to benefit from it.

Otherwise, this cooperation is impossible!
In order to reassure the Shadow Ghost Shark King, Mao Xiaoyao specially recommended Anying, because Anying's talent is the most talented blacksmith among all the soul beasts in the sea, and the future can be expected...


And leave a bunch of Transformation Pills and hand them over to the Shadow Ghost Shark King...

Anyway, if the cat demon doesn't suffer, and the shadow ghost shark king is also satisfied, then nothing will happen.


After the reception was over, they returned to the island and explained some things to Dai Shu.

"Have you gone back?" At this time, Dai Shu and the others were all there, and the warship was on standby in the sea, and they all came to see Mao Xiaoyao off.

Today, the island base is also the place where the No. [-] soul beast lives!Every soul beast is transformed into a human form to participate in the construction and work of the island base!
However, they basically use mechas and armors to participate, which can get twice the result with half the effort.

"On the Douluo Continent, so many brothers are still suffering. I can't stay here forever. The task of finding the land is entrusted to you. Come here!" The cat demon understands the current situation of the soul beasts, once the transformation is activated, they don't have to live the primitive life before, and they can enter a civilized society and have their own national system...

At that time, there will be nothing to eat in the sea, and you can live!

As long as there are no human beings, there will be no conflicts!

Mao Xiaoyao knew that humans could never be killed. Due to Tang Wulin's existence, his father would definitely come out to meddle in the later stage. Therefore, killing all humans and robbing a continent is very unwise and unrealistic.

"We will speed up the search for land. With those transformation pills you gave, some flying soul beasts have joined our team. This is very helpful for us to find land!" Dai Shu laughed. Yes, Dai Shu persuaded several of them to join the island base and become the vanguard in search of land.

"I believe in your ability!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, Dai Shu's ability is trusted by Mao Xiaoyao, except for Snake Seven, she is the most intelligent among soul beasts, and also knows what Mao Xiaoyao is thinking best, so, Only the cat demon can give Dai Shu such an important task!
Dai Shu also smiled, for the future, for the soul beast, she can dedicate everything, even her life!
for freedom!

"In the future, some companions will come to the island base one after another. Then you can take good care of them." Mao Xiaoyao has asked Snake Qi to run all over the Douluo Continent to see where there are soul beast gardens, register, record, They must rescue those companions...

As for the soul beasts in the Spirit Pagoda, Mao Xiaoyao will also find a way...

As for Gu Yue, Mao Xiaoyao will give her a batch of Transformation Pills and Lingyin Pills. How to use them and how to use them depends on her, the Silver Dragon King!

Even if all the soul beasts rescued or followed by him in the future run to Gu Yue, Mao Xiaoyao will not regret it, because it is all for the soul beasts, as long as the soul beasts are safe!

Everything is indifferent!
"Well, I know!" The task is heavy, but she also worked hard to complete it. Dai Shu nodded and said, "Then you should be careful in the human world. Human beings are too cunning. Regarding the murderer of your mother, I suspect that someone deliberately hid them , The purpose is probably very sinister..." Dai Shu suspects that someone deliberately hid the murderer for the purpose of dealing with the little cat or using him...

Otherwise, Spirit Pagoda, Shrek Academy, and Sun Moon Federation would not be able to find the murderer?
Unless the murderer is really dead!

Or, someone lied!
Someone is hiding something!
"I'll be careful!" Mao Xiaoyao clenched his fists. Since the master of the Sea God Pavilion from Shrek Academy didn't know the pattern, he had already started to suspect, who is the murderer?

Why, no one can know?
Is someone hiding something?
Tost?Sea God Pavilion Master?Xu Haoqing?

Which one should I believe?
Who lied to him again!


With a gloomy face, Mao Xiaoyao patted Dai Shu on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry! I will be careful, and you should be careful too. The Shadow Ghost Shark King's ambition is more than that. You have to grasp this appetite!"

Giving too much is not enough, and too little is the same. The Shadow Ghost Shark King is a very ambitious overlord. During the reception, he even stated that he would secretly marry the little cat, and have a marriage...

It's a pity that they were all fooled by the little cat!

Presumably, I also know Mao Xiaoyao's answer in my heart, a cooperative relationship is a cooperative relationship, and their relationship is just a cooperative relationship, nothing more.

The Shadow Ghost Shark King must be very upset.

"Then what should we do?" Dai Shu asked.

"Anying, his daughter, is more ambitious than him. Get in touch with Anying more. In the future, she will be a good helper for us." Mao Xiaoyao laughed, putting aside those sad things, he thought of Something, that is An Ying's identity...

It seems that it is not just as simple as the soul beast in the sea...

That faint human breath...

It seems that neither is easy!
Dai Shu nodded, writing down all the little books in her heart!
There will never be enough words to say, and after the explanation is over, Mao Xiaoyao should also set off and go back to the Douluo Continent!

Solve the big trouble that Tang Wulin caused him!

Second Prince!

 After returning, Mao Xiaoyao will know who the enemy is, and blow up Sea God Island, becoming the most wanted criminal in Shrek Academy.

  The bombing of Sea God Island was only the first step. When the Shrek Academy was bombed in the future, it was Mao Xiaoyao who bombed it himself!
  However, when Tang Wulin came back from Star Luo Continent, it was also when they really turned against each other...

  To be continued...

  Stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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