The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 281 Life Management Problems!

Chapter 281 Life Management Problems!


Coming down, Mao Xiaoyao was also not at peace. He could feel the sadness and sadness of the black cat just now. Why didn't he want to live here forever?
However, some grudges, some hatred, he never let go...

"Leader!" Some soul beasts saw Mao Xiaoyao and respected him. Now Mao Xiaoyao is their leader. In the defense base, the supreme status, every soul beast is convinced.

"En!" Mao Xiaoyao said calmly, looking at the busy soul beasts, he fell into deep thought. Everyone was preparing soul tools and strategic materials, but in terms of food, there were no soul beasts to plant.

This is very embarrassing, because every soul beast can do other things, and those things get more contribution points. On the other hand, planting food, the income is slow, and the contribution points are less, so naturally there is no soul. The beast is willing to do it.

After all, every soul beast can cultivate.

They don't think about these things too.

Mao Xiaoyao is caught in a difficult problem. The contribution point system makes contribution points a kind of virtual currency, which can indeed allow soul beasts to work and work hard.

However, soul beasts are now pursuing a high-quality life and high contribution points, and they don't care much about some ordinary things...

But without food, what would the soul beasts eat?

It is impossible to kill each other.

The cat demon has specially improved some grains to make them suitable for soul beasts to eat, but it is very embarrassing to plant them without soul beasts.

Look, look, Mao Xiaoyao came to the yard, and came to a little soul beast. He looked ten years old, and he was learning forging with his father, the big cat...

Small hammer, not big, but very heavy for his age.

"Little demon, why are you here?" Big Mao, who was teaching his son how to forge, couldn't help smiling when he saw the little cat. No matter what the status of the little cat is, he is always his younger brother.

The big cat got married early, as early as in the Star Forest, he already had his own partner, and now his son has grown up, he is a handsome young man.

Soul beasts reproduce slowly and grow slowly.

However, after the transformation, it is different!
"Nothing to do, let's go!" Mao Xiaoyao came into the yard and looked at it quietly. The house is not big, it is about 100 square meters. Every soul beast member is assigned to such a house, and there is an open space in the yard. You can grow some side dishes or something. Mao Xiaoyao thought very carefully when designing.

But an open space is still an open space.

no vegetables...

"Uncle Chief!" Big Cat's son, after seeing the little cat, immediately dropped the hammer in his hand, and hid behind the little cat, forging is really tiring...

Don't want to forge!
"Brat!" The big cat glared fiercely.

The son was too frightened to speak, and kept hiding behind the cat demon, very frightened.

"Why, are you tired? Let's go play!" The little demon cat touched his head and smiled. Sometimes he is very envious of the big cat, because he has already married and established a business, and has become a father...

Seeing his son running out, the big cat shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Son, you can't be used to it! Every time he is asked to learn forging, he will be very resistant."

"Resist? Then you should ask him, does he like it? Transformation can be cultivated to become a soul master, maybe, he wants to do other things?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and he, who has the spirit transfer technique, is naturally established I set up my own soul production and research office, and the soul beasts cultivated in form, and they needed souls, and each soul was tailor-made, and they had to use their own blood...

There is no soul selling, only customization!
In this way, the created soul will be very suitable, and will not be rejected, nor will it be wasted.

There is no soul for sale, it is all customized!

"Mecha master!" Big Cat said helplessly, "He wants to be a mecha master, and now he has secretly started learning mecha technology."

In the defense base, there is a small school that can teach the basic knowledge of the soul beasts. It is currently under construction. Now the soul beasts have not come, and there are not many soul beasts in the defense base.

However, it will come in handy in the future!
"Then mecha!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, "You should listen to your son more, forging is important, but sometimes you need to be flexible, since he likes mecha, you tell him, good Learn forging, and forge a mecha yourself in the future, instead of restricting him blindly."

In terms of management and education, everyone is now groping. In the past, when teaching children, everyone taught how to use survival skills.

Today, the direction of thinking is different.

Big Cat froze for a moment, this is indeed a good way.

"Why, what happened?" The big cat saw that the cat demon seemed to have something on his mind.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled wryly, "It is said that conquering the country is easy but defending the country is difficult. Now I understand a little bit!"

Management is really difficult. Mao Xiaoyao knows that he has no talent in this area. Although the position of leader is expected by everyone, he is really not suitable...

"Food! Just like you taught your son just now, you let him become a blacksmith, instead of teaching him how to plant a grain." Mao Xiaoyao looked at the other soul beasts, as if every soul beast Didn't think about food...

With ample food and clothing, no one seems to worry about the lack of food, but Mao Xiaoyao always feels that something is missing.

"I'm very worried, worried. Soul beasts can't get used to social and civilized life. Everything needs to be explored and time is needed." Mao Xiaoyao sighed softly. If there is no food, then the combat effectiveness of this army will definitely be affected, although now It's big fish and big meat, but it's a soul beast that goes fishing, is there any?

Is there logistical support?

"What do you want to do?" Big Cat frowned. Indeed, the current atmosphere has changed. When the contribution point system came out, soul beasts all considered jobs with high contribution points...

Like this kind of logistics service, no soul beast is willing to do it...

"I want you to lead the dark night cat demon clan to start planting food and discover some sideline businesses. The improved life will be enjoyed by the soul beasts. I want them to know what high-priced consumption is. Let them know that they should not underestimate any profession. "If the monthly salary is 3000 contribution points, a meal is more than 100, water and electricity bills are several hundred, and some other things, Mao Xiaoyao smiled and said: "I will help you, give you some of what you need, and the contribution points will naturally not few."

Mao Xiaoyao wants to let the soul beasts know not to look down on any kind of profession, every profession has its own value of existence, and don't force to do some professions that you don't like.

"Well, we've always supported you." The big cat nodded, and belonged to the Dark Night Cat Demon Clan, but it's not a problem to say that it is the Cat Little Demon Imperial Guard, because some important positions are all from the Dark Night Cat Demon Clan.

Since Mao Xiaoyao said he would not let them suffer, then he would not suffer!

"Thank you!" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the sky outside and said: "This continent has also begun to be uneasy. Recently, there have been many strange auras appearing outside. I believe that in a short time, there will be real creatures on this continent. Appear."

"To survive, we must fight!"

Recently, the cameras installed outside by Mao Xiaoyao will all be destroyed, it must be man-made...

There are other creatures in the misty land.

I just don't know whether it's an enemy or a friend.

The big cat nodded, and then summoned the clansmen to discuss things with the little cat.

 How can we grow crops without gold!
(End of this chapter)

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