Chapter 305 is over!

The human army began to be defeated, too deep into the Fujiyama tribe, and had to withdraw...

In the same year, General Zhennan suddenly withdrew his troops!The year-long war is over...

Because, Li Qingxian is going back!

"What, you want to go back? Why are you so reluctant? Do you always want to stay with us!" The cat demon who turned into a human is a handsome and beautiful boy with fair skin and handsome appearance. He is simply the ideal object in the girl's heart. He smiled, at the junction of a Lieshan tribe and the human world, the black cat is also there, and they are all transformed at the moment!Because, their roles are finished!

Because, the head of Agu village and his wife died. In a battle with humans, they became the great heroes of Karl village and were remembered by the world. And Karl village also became the key to the rise of Obogu!
The army of Karl Village is now Obergol's Praetorian Guard!

However, I don't know if it is a tradition, after the death of the leader of Lieshan!Inliel's mother became a plaything of Obergol, perhaps because of revenge...

Aobogu became a great hero of the Fujiyama tribe. With the help of the cat demon elixir, he changed from a high priest (Contra) to a titled high priest (Title Douluo). The Lieshan tribe changed his name to the Obogu tribe!
"Reluctance? Hehe, I dreamed of leaving you!" Li Qingxian gave Mao Xiaoyao a big roll of her eyes. This year, she was not feeling well. Thanks to her intelligence, the human army could win, but the death toll was also very high. ...

She blames herself so much!
She didn't understand why the cat demon with such a handsome appearance was so cruel and vicious!

"Yo yo, then you go back with me!" the cat demon said with a smirk.

Li Qingxian shook his head vigorously, hid behind the black cat, and would not follow the little cat even if he was killed.

"Okay, stop messing around!" Black Cat smiled, it was another year, time passed quickly, in a blink of an eye, they had been away from Shrek Academy for two years, and in two years, they had no What news, everything is so quiet...

Li Qingxian is wronged, for a year, she was bullied by the little cat every day, and she was called if she didn't obey...

"I'll give you a gift!" Mao Xiaoyao gave Li Qingxian a magic weapon called the Frost Sword, which can be fused with a martial soul, and looks like Li Qingxian's martial soul. After fusion, the martial soul will become even stronger!

Purpose built!

"This..." Li Qingxian held the Frost Sword, looked at it, touched it, it was icy cold and extremely sharp, she was silent for a moment, then suddenly pointed at Mao Xiaoyao, and said, "Aren't you afraid, I will kill you?" Sharp, with a cold light, extremely sharp!
Seeing blood seal the throat is not a problem.

"You can't kill me, because you will die before you do it!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled confidently.

Li Qingxian sighed, looking at the sharp claws on her neck, the black cat had already controlled her...

"Oh, you are so scary! Who are you, can you tell me before you leave?" Li Qingxian sighed softly, it was like this every time, if he wanted to deal with the little cat, the black cat always had to beat her up first...

However, these two strange guys started the war not for the orcs, nor for the humans, but more for themselves...

"To the east of the Mist Continent, there is an endless forest! If one day, you miss me, you can come to find me there!" The cat demon smiled, the balance between humans and orcs is the balance of soul beasts, because the balance of human beings The enemy is not a soul beast, but an orc!

"Foggy forest?" Li Qingxian was startled, with an expression of disbelief on his face, forest?No one lives there, a place where even the orcs don't want to live. Where did the little cat and the black cat come from?
"Now, it's called Star Dou Great Forest!" Black Cat also said.

"Okay!" Li Qingxian was a little confused, that place was indeed a forest, but because the orcs were lazy and didn't like to enter the forest, they preferred to plunder, so they didn't explore the forest.

"Don't blame yourself! Your father chose to go to war, it must be because of his consideration." Mao Xiaoyao lightly patted Li Qingxian's shoulder, and made her look in a distant direction, as if a human army was coming , looking at the banner: Lee!It should be to pick up Li Qingxian.

As for war?

The number of orcs has been too many in recent years, and it really needs to be cleaned up. However, in this one-year war, the human empire near the Fujiyama tribe can breathe for at least 20 years, because the orcs have lost too much. Of course, humans also the same……

The two sides have entered a truce period...

"Go!" said the cat demon.

Li Qingxian froze for a moment, then walked towards the army, she saw a familiar figure, that was her father...

Step by step and back...

"Haha, this child is reluctant." Mao Xiaoyao looked at Li Qingxian and suddenly wanted to laugh.


"Go to hell, little cat!" Saying this, Li Qingxian quickly returned to his father's side, making faces at the little cat.

This was the first time she scolded the cat demon, and she was not beaten!

"..." Mao Xiaoyao's face was full of black lines. It turns out that Li Qingxian scolded himself after turning around and calculating the distance...

The black cat snickered, then dragged the depressed cat demon and disappeared into the jungle...

"Damn cat demon!" Li Qingxian proudly looked at Han Bingjian quietly, she finally left the devil's side, why?Suddenly feel a little lost...

"Qing Xian!" The Great General Zhennan came, with a burly and powerful body, awe-inspiring righteousness, like a decent person, full of positive energy!

"Father, I'm back!" Li Qingxian hugged her father and cried bitterly. After a year, she finally came back and returned to her father's side...

"I have suffered!" General Zhennan hugged his daughter and patted her on the back lightly. His mood seemed to have suffered a lot...

Li Qingxian wept bitterly, got on his horse and went home, telling what happened in a year...


"Oh, you mean, those two mysterious people asked you to do that?" General Zhennan frowned, his face was very ugly. After all, the other party arrested his daughter, but luckily he didn't do anything excessive ...

At the beginning, when he knew that his daughter had fallen into the hands of the orcs, he assembled the army desperately, because human beings who fell into the hands of the orcs did not have a good end, let alone a girl...

However, I never expected that everything was the other party's conspiracy...

"Well, it's all them! Their purpose seems to be to let humans weaken the power of the orcs of the Fujishan tribe!" Li Qingxian replied. For a year, she usually only knew how to convey the news, but did not know the real purpose of the cat demon. what is it.

"No! What they need is time!" General Zhennan touched his chin and his eyes lit up, and said, "If what you just said is true, then their purpose should be time."

"The weakening of the orcs of the Fujishan tribe is only for one thing, and that is to unify the Lieshan tribe, just like you said just now, that forest..."

"It is surrounded by the sea, and the only connection to the land is the Lieshan Tribe. If the Lieshan Tribe becomes their puppet, no one will know that there is an ethnic group inside!"

Just this one Q, O is the New Star Dou Forest, surrounded by the sea, like a small land.

The Lieshan Tribe, once you control the Lieshan Tribe, then...

Li Qingxian was shocked, and finally realized the purpose of all this...

However, Li Qingxian asked: "Father, the cost of the war is so high, why did you..." Li Qingxian didn't understand why his father agreed to those plans, rushed into the Fujishan tribe and killed everyone...

Losing so many troops...

"Just like those two mysterious people!" General Zhennan patted the woman's head and said, "Human beings also need breathing time. In this battle, our empire can get at least 20 years of breathing time. Please, the orcs will not attack us!"

"Father is getting old! For 20 years, I don't know if he will be here. When the time comes, the orcs..."

The eyes of General Zhennan are full of sadness. His name can be worth thousands of troops. As long as he is one day, the orcs will never dare to attack on a large scale...

But what about death?

So, 20 years, no loss!

What will happen 20 years from now, who knows?

Li Qingxian was stunned, and Mao Xiaoyao said the same thing...

There was no cloud in the sky.

Mao Xiaoyao rides a suspension car and quietly looks at the Q-shaped map of the Xinxingdou Great Forest, surrounded by the sea, except for connecting with the Lieshan Tribe, no, it should be called the Obogu Tribe now, there is nothing but the border with the Obogu Elsewhere...

As for after 20?
Mao Xiaoyao smiled. At that time, he wanted to unify the Mist Continent, and it was probably not difficult.

But home, no matter how big it is, what's the use?
Home is where there is family.

 family, family.

(End of this chapter)

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