The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 312 Are You Okay?

Chapter 312 Are You Okay?


Leaving the East China Sea, the next goal is Shrek City. Mao Xiaoyao is going to meet a man, a poor man who has been waiting for him for two years!

And, look at the current situation of the underground base!

The news of the cat demon's appearance, now, everyone basically knows, so it's definitely not okay to use their true colors. When they entered Shrek City in disguise, the whole city was already under martial law...

However, the people in Shrek City didn't know that Yan Wuhua had already left with the special operations team!Go to other cities to see and rescue those wandering spirit beasts.

Drop, drop, drop...

The communicator, which had been turned on for more than two years, finally got through, and the number showed that it was Mu Xi.

"Little demon..." Mu Xi's hoarse voice came from the communicator. It was nice to hear, but also very sad, very sad. Mu Xi cried...

"I'm here!" Mu Xi waited for two years for saying I'm here. At this moment, she finally heard Mao Xiaoyao's voice. She has been looking for Mao Xiaoyao for more than two years, and this communication was also interrupted. two years...

At this moment, finally through...

A newsletter two years late...

"Where are you? Little demon, I miss you so much!" It was already late at night, the wind was piercingly cold, and Mu Xi was wearing light pajamas, looking out the window with tears in her eyes, waiting for that familiar figure to appear. Time, she has always been looking forward to it.

"I'm here!" The cat demon hugged Mu Xi from behind, warmed his arms, and breathed in the faint scent of Mu Xi's body. He was the one who was sorry for Mu Xi. It would be two years since he disappeared. He didn't know, these two years How did Mu Xi live, but, it must be very sad!
After all, you can't see yourself!

"Little demon!" Mu Xi cried bitterly, feeling the familiar smell, the familiar hug, turned around and hugged her tightly, she won't let go at this moment, she won't let go!

a kiss!
two years!This kiss, after waiting for two years, the kiss was suffocating, the kiss was very devoted, they were all venting the two years of waiting...

Lying on the bed, the more she kissed, the more things became more and more. Mu Xi's clothes became less and less. She was originally pajamas, and she didn't wear anything inside. When she held and pinched, she felt a familiar feeling...

Feel, can't hold it!

Big again!
"Hey, hey!" At this moment, an untimely voice made the two reunited after a long absence calm down for an instant, and they were all looking at the thing that made the sound...

It was a small aircraft, sent by the black cat to monitor every move of the cat demon, and the life of the black cat was heard from inside, saying: "You two, if you do anything too extreme, I will blow up this place!" The black cat left The next sentence, control the small aircraft to leave, hateful, hateful, the picture is simply unsightly.

Big boobs?
In the air, above the suspended vehicle, only the black cat is present at the moment, while Yudie and Youlang are on the ground, monitoring the situation of Mu Xi's house to see if there are any unknown persons.

"Ahh..." The black cat exploded in anger, that bastard Mao Xiaoyao is really a bastard, he is so devoted to meeting his little lover, damn it...

On the bed, Mu Xi blushed and hurriedly put on her pajamas, tidied up, looked around, and suddenly laughed...

Black cat, unexpectedly...

The cat demon breathed a sigh of relief, scratched his head, the little black cat didn't seem to be very angry, "You, you are such a tempting little demon, you almost forgot about business!" The cat demon poked Mu Xi's head, and the two The feeling of longing for the year is so terrible. If the black cat hadn't reminded me, what would the little cat have done!
The delicate and attractive Mu Xi blushed, hugged the little cat and did not let go, and said, "I won't let you go, even if you go again, you have to take me away, I don't want to leave you!" Mu Xi had had enough She waited for the days of Mao Xiaoyao alone, she didn't want to leave Mao Xiaoyao again, even if she wandered the world, she would go together...

She is about to graduate!

"Then are you really ready?" Mao Xiaoyao pointed at the door, a little embarrassed...

Mu Xi frowned, what do you mean, went to open the door, and found...

"Mom, why are you..." Mu Xi was completely stunned, and then blushed, her mother stayed at the door for so long, eavesdropping?Then I and the cat demon just now...

Mu Xi's mother was also embarrassed, "Passing by..."

However, when she looked at the messy sheets on the bed and her daughter in disheveled clothes, she was a little unhappy.

"Auntie!" Mao Xiaoyao said respectfully, a little embarrassed, she is also her future mother-in-law, so she should respect her a bit, no mother-in-law is really beautiful!
Mu Xi blushed in embarrassment and said, "Mom, he's the little demon, the one I've been telling you about!" As she said that, she straightened her pajamas with missing buttons. She was a little embarrassed, and her mother found out...

"Evil soul master, Mao Xiaoyao, the one that offers a sky-high price, I know, everyone in Shrek City knows, this is a big celebrity!" Mu Xi's mother was not afraid of anything, but carefully observed Mao Xiaoyao, The person my daughter likes is indeed extraordinary. Under such circumstances, she can live freely in Shrek City, and even enter other people's homes without anyone noticing.

Mao Xiaoyao scratched his head, "Actually, those rumors must be misrepresented! Actually, I am not an evil soul master!" He is not an evil soul master, he is just a demon clan, evil soul master, that is the identity given to him by humans.

Mu Xi nodded, and returned to Mao Xiaoyao, holding his arm, "I can testify!" Saying that, she smiled at Mao Xiaoyao.

The cat demon also smiled.

"Come here!" Mu Xi's mother gave her daughter a hard look.

Mu Xi felt aggrieved, and looked back at Mao Xiaoyao. Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and she reluctantly walked over.

Mu Xi's mother knocked Mu Xi on the forehead, and then scolded: "I'll deal with you later, you don't have any girlish restraint, shame on you!" She wished she could slap her daughter's ass, this daughter is really embarrassing, dating a lover in the middle of the night, Came to the house.

Mao Xiaoyao stood up obediently and was scolded seriously.

Mu Xi bowed her head aggrieved.

"Say it! What's your matter? I won't agree to my daughter marrying an evil soul master. Don't even think about it!" Mu Xi's mother's attitude is very clear. An evil soul master is the enemy of all mankind. Marrying an evil soul The teacher is the enemy of the whole world, very dangerous.

She can't put her only daughter in danger!
"Mom..." Mu Xi pouted.

"Shut up, there is no need to discuss this matter! Before, I agreed that it was his identity, not an evil soul master." Mu Xi's mother looked at the little demon Mao with a very unhappy expression, and said, "Besides, I I also heard that you already have a girlfriend, but you came to get close to my daughter, what is your intention?" She will not be wronged by her daughter, like this kind of philandering, she should be beaten and killed, she will not It is impossible to make my daughter fall in love with Mao Xiaoyao, this relationship is not allowed!
"Actually, there is no problem with us having three wives and four concubines." Monster monks, both men and women can find a few casually, and they are very open. The cat demon smiled and said: "As for why you approach Mu Xi, because , she is beautiful, cute, super invincible and beautiful, she is so different, I like her very much, auntie, whether you agree or not, this is a fact."

Mu Xi turned her head and gave Mao Xiaoyao a white look. It was really sensual, but she was secretly happy. He was very happy to hear the confession from Mao Xiaoyao.

"You, you, you..." Mu Xi's mother was furious instantly. She had never seen such a brazen person before. She rolled up her sleeves and was about to hit the cat demon. Mu Xi quickly grabbed her...

"Mom..." Mu Xi held her mother tightly, turned her head and said, "Little demon, go!"

"Mu Xi, I'll be here when I have time!"

"Goodbye, Auntie!" Mao Xiaoyao nodded in understanding, then slipped away, slipped away...

The mother-in-law beating someone is terrible...

"Get lost!" Mu Xi's mother finally couldn't help cursing, this damned cat demon deserves a beating...

Seeing that the little cat was gone, Mu Xi also let go of her mother, but her mother didn't let her go...

Mu Xi was taught by her mother...

Spank! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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