The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 316 Sea God Fate!

Chapter 316 Sea God Fate!
"But, you are brothers..." Gu Yue really couldn't bear it, Mao Xiaoyao and Tang Wulin, she would feel sad when she saw anyone get hurt...

After several years of getting along, there is affection!
"I have killed him so many times, when he comes back to know everything, the battle between me and him is inevitable! At that time, I also hope that you can consider the overall situation and don't participate!" Brother?Mao Xiaoyao sneered. He could clearly sense that Tang Wulin was very kind to him and had always treated him as a brother. However, the more this happened, the more Mao Xiaoyao wanted to kill him...

Because, Mao Xiaoyao was afraid that he would not be able to make a move later...

"What about Mu Xi? Clan, do you know that you like a human being? Then Mu Xi, do you know what you've done?" Gu Yue knew that she couldn't dissuade the cat demon, so she changed the question, which was Mu Xi She knew that it was not enough for the cat demon, a big-hearted radish, to have a black cat, and she also liked a human, Mu Xi.

How to deal with it?

Soul beasts hate humans, will the tribe accept Mu Xi as a human?

The cat demon is silent, this question...

He doesn't know, maybe he will, maybe he won't...

"I will take Mu Xi to Xingdou Village and keep her away from the center of this struggle! I will protect her!" Mao Xiaoyao has already thought of a way, that is to take Mu Xi back, and at a suitable time, go back and let the clansmen I know, no matter whether I accept it or not, Mu Xi is his woman, that's all. Even if the tribe disagrees, the cat demon can take Mu Xi to the island base and become the owner of the salted fish island.

Of course, that was after the matter on Douluo Dalu was resolved!
"I hope..." Gu Yue fell silent. If she did the same, would the clansmen agree?Will Tang Wulin agree?
She didn't know, she really didn't know, but Mao Xiaoyao just said that Tang Wulin was fine, which made her very happy.

I don't know why, but she chooses to believe in the cat demon!
Unknown future.

"Recently, a batch of mechas will be sent to you. You should know how to use them. No matter what you do, don't worry, I will help you! I will take care of the soul guide." Mao Xiaoyao knew that he couldn't stop it. Gu Yue liked Tang Wulin, but he could try to get rid of Tang Wulin so that Gu Yue wouldn't worry about this problem.

"Yeah!" Gu Yue nodded, and then discussed other things. A big network was unfolded, starting from Shrek City and spreading to the entire Douluo Continent.

A month later...

Sea God Island, Sea God Fate, simply put, is a form of If You Are the One, holding events, arranging blind dates, what kind of scary academy is this, encouraging puppy love?
No wonder, when Mao Xiaoyao and Black Cat fell in love at the beginning, no one said anything, and now the college is holding a blind date.

Just today, just tonight.

"Hey, there are so many beautiful senior girls!" In the inner courtyard, Xie Xie saw a lot of beautiful girls. Although they were all wearing masks, there was basically nothing wrong with their bodies, and so did their faces.

They are already students of the inner courtyard.

"Pretty, what does it matter to you?" Lezheng Yu is also wearing a mask, everyone who participates has it, this seems to be a tradition, abbreviated: if you want to reveal your face and leave, if you don't, you're just wandering around...

Anyway, everyone didn't know what it looked like at first!
Taking off the mask is just the first step, the next confession, and a few words to express yourself, made, don't say it, it's If You Are the One...

Behind, there is actually a link to keep the lights on...

so horrible……

As for whether the little cat and the black cat will come today, who knows!

However, Tang Wulin will come, so will Gu Yue, and everyone will come.

"Damn it, you think we don't know about the relationship with Yuan En?? You must just join in the fun. Dog abuse is so abominable!" Lezheng Yu cursed, next to Xu Lizhi, Chu Shouwei, Xie Xie, and several boys Now, I'm going to go to Sea God's Fate to have a try, and slowly bring a senior back home.

The girl Xu Xiaoyan and the others have already prepared for some things that they dare not say on weekdays. Tonight's Sea God's Fate will make everything predestined...

"You guys can't be envious! Haha!" Xie Xie smiled triumphantly. He abused the dog like that. He and Yuan benefactor didn't know each other.

"It's just you, if it wasn't Xiao Yao and Wulin back then, you would have..." Le Zhengyu slapped his family before he finished speaking, why is he always talking nonsense with his mouth, and now Tang Wulin is missing , Mao Xiaoyao became a wanted criminal again...

Today, the entire Shrek Academy is fully armed, just to guard against the little cat...

The cat demon's terrorist attack, although nothing has happened in Shrek Academy or Shrek City recently, but it has been happening in other places...

The bosses are also afraid, because there is no clue at all...

Mao Xiaoyao is the public enemy of the people, the most wanted criminal, and an evil evil soul master.

"It's okay!" Xie Xie was also helpless, everything was in the past, he believed that Tang Wulin would come back, as for the little cat...hope, he won't be an enemy in the future!
"Let's go! Target senior, junior!" Chu Shou smiled strangely, the cat demon has always been their injury, their pain...


"Yeah!" They then entered Sea God Island. Sea God Island has returned to its former appearance. It was blown up by the cat demon. Now, a bunch of sensor bombs and soul guidance instruments are installed to prevent similar things!

There are many people, and it is very lively. There are couples who abuse dogs, cuddling and hugging, holding high, and there are also single dogs wiping tears alone...

Sea God's Fate begins!
Qingtian Douluo Yunming and his wife Yali were there, and next to him were Light and Dark Douluo Yeyue, Chilong Douluo Zhuoshi, Mr. Cai and the others...

The bosses of Shrek Academy are all there, looking at the students, reminiscing about their youth, thinking about it as if it was just yesterday, the seniors, the juniors, the seniors, seemed to be...

However, they are old!

Now, it's a young man's world...

Just as Sea God's Fate was in full swing, two figures appeared, with cat masks on their faces, and when no one else had succeeded in holding hands, they had already appeared in front of everyone hand in hand.

"I really miss the atmosphere of Shrek Academy. The juniors are still so cute, and the seniors are all so handsome and beautiful." Mao Xiaoyao smiled, how could he be missing on such an important day?Moreover, Tang Wulin came back today to confess his love to Gu Yue?He will not stop it, he will only be an opponent!
However, there was no other way, Mu Xi also came to participate, so the little cat naturally couldn't run away with his own woman!

And yes, here comes the black cat!

"Let's go play too! Hee hee, let's see if you can find me!" The black cat mischievously changed a mask, disappeared into the crowd, and disappeared... She also wanted to play, and she also wanted the little cat to find herself , and confess...

"Eh? Be careful..."

The cat demon was speechless, what a fat thing, Mu Xi went to find it by herself, and the black cat also wanted to find it by herself, so the question came, how to find it, and what should I do after finding two people?
 Tang Wulin is coming back
(End of this chapter)

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