The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 324 The World's Most Wanted Criminal!

Chapter 324 The World's Most Wanted Criminal!

"Why!" Tang Wulin looked up to the sky and sighed heavily, with a downcast face. He didn't understand why it was like this. Even if the little cat hurt himself, he would forgive him, and even if he hurt others, he could make up for it, but , why can't the little cat demon turn back...

Look back at him, look at everyone...

At this time, Qingtian Douluo Yunming ordered people to start checking the situation of Sea God Island to see if there was a soul guide bomb installed, and searched the entire Shrek Academy at the same time.

Make sure that even an evil soul master can't get in, and can't get out!The Sea God Fate Blind Date Conference ended, under the destruction of the little cat, there were short sweet and painful memories.

However, the students finally knew what happened in the first place. It turned out that the little cat killed the employee for revenge.

However, as the safest place in Douluo Continent, unexpectedly, it hides its own enemies, no wonder Mao Xiaoyao is so angry.

The truth doesn't seem scary.

"Go to my place!" Gu Yue stroked gently, touched Tang Wulin's handsome face, and smiled softly. Are you sad about parting?What if you leave too?
Would Tang Wulin be so sad?

"Yeah!" Tang Wulin nodded with sadness in his eyes. He really didn't have a place to live when he just came back. The previous place had been blown up by the little cat...

At this time, the students were all gone, some were in pairs and loved each other extremely, some left the scene in a dark and lonely way, and some were even arrested for interrogation...

For example, Marhei, the unlucky fellow, was arrested and interrogated as soon as he appeared...

The entire Shrek City raised the alarm and started a big search operation! ! !

Just for, cat demon!


Outside the city, a black mecha landed. It was very unstable and stumbled. It seemed that the driver's condition was not good. Booming, the mecha fell to the ground...

In the air, the hovercraft landed, and the black cat appeared, with an anxious expression on his face. He opened the entrance of the mech, carried the little cat out, and put him on the ground...

The black cat's eyes were red, and the trembling hands gently caressed, touched the painful face of the little cat, and wiped the painful sweat on his face, the soul bell on the neck kept tinkling, generally Sometimes, the Soul Requiem Bell won't ring, unless the little cat's mood is unstable and evil forces are invading...

"Little demon, don't be afraid!" The black cat gently hugged the cat demon, putting his own warmth and everything, slowly trying to appease the restless and chaotic cat demon!
Those terrifying auras seem to be confusing her cat demon again, no, she doesn't need a cat demon like that...


The soul-suppressing bell on Mao Xiaoyao's neck became smaller and smaller, gradually dissipating, and his breathing became more and more stable, and the chaotic breath gradually faded away!


long time, long time...

Slowly opening his blue eyes, the little cat woke up, breathing in the exclusive smell, very familiar, "Black cat, just now, did I start to get confused again?" The little cat lightly patted the back of the black cat. back, to show that he is fine, now that he is awake, don't cry, don't be sad, he is very distressed...

Thinking of what happened just now, Mao Xiaoyao fell silent, she was still too childish, not heartless enough...

The emotion that belongs to human beings has been interfering with his emotions all the time!
"Little demon, I'm so worried..." the black cat cried, she was really scared of that little cat demon, afraid that the cat demon would not be able to control herself...

"I overestimate myself after all!" The cat demon lay quietly in the warm and comfortable arms of the black cat, looked at her, gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "I am half human after all. In matters, I have never been able to be truly ruthless!"

Facing Hong Ling'er and the others, Mao Xiaoyao was still unable to make a real move, and didn't make up his mind!
Especially that idiot Tang Wulin, who obviously wanted to kill him several times when he treated him so well, but what about him?But use a face that is not angry, to forgive yourself?

What do you mean?
No, I don't need to forgive myself!Mao Xiaoyao would rather be hated and scolded by others than have so many complicated feelings...

Sometimes, he really doesn't understand why, why Tang Wulin can care about him so much every time, even if he is a wanted criminal in the world now...

Tang Wulin was always so kind to himself!

He would rather let Tang Wulin beat him up and scold him, so that he can also smile, scold him back, beat him back...

But what is it now?
"But that's the truth, you originally had half the blood of a human being!" At this time, the black cat used a knee pillow to let the cat demon lie down quietly, so that he could think about some things quietly...

Maybe, they shouldn't go back to Shrek Academy tonight, nor should they meet their old friends...

"This is..." The little cat hesitantly hesitated to speak, and couldn't help but sigh. He didn't despise his human blood, but was very grateful to the human mother for giving him life. However, because of half human blood, at this time, let When he deals with some things, he will be soft-hearted to human beings...

This is a very big trouble, it will affect the cat demon's judgment on some matters, such as tonight, Hong Ling'er's retention, and Tang Wulin's damn... let the cat demon fall into chaos...

Causes confusion in those absorbed evil thoughts and evil thoughts, affecting the mind...

"Gu Yue and Na'er are about to merge! Na'er, you should have seen it!" Can't stop it, Mao Xiaoyao knows that he can't stop Gu Yue and Na'er from marrying anyway, maybe in Gu Yue's eyes, Mao Xiaoyao The demon is a friend and a very important ally!
However, in the eyes of Mr. Xiong and the others, Mao Xiaoyao is still not qualified to cooperate. After all, some of their soul beasts already belong to the realm of divine beasts...

Beast God?Not necessarily impossible!

The cat demon is still not qualified!
He lowered his head slightly and looked at the cat demon. A trace of sadness flashed through the black cat's big purple eyes, and he said, "I see! Na'er is very beautiful, very human-like. I have talked with her for a long time, and this fusion is also Her fate!"

If the main body is separated, if it is not fused, then Na'er will also dissipate in the world. After all, the main body is the main body, and without the main body, even some sustaining power can't protect Na'er.

"Well! After that, Gu Yue will go to the Spirit Pagoda, defeat the genius there, and inherit the position of Chief Pagoda. Then the plan can be started."

Mao Xiaoyao looked at the night sky and stared at the stars, not knowing which one he belonged to. Is the earth or the Kunlun Demon Realm among them?
In the soul seed control plan, the soul seed technology has matured in one year, and all the technologies, the cat demon, have been handed over to Gu Yue, which will allow her to be invincible in the field of spiritual transmission!

In terms of strength, Mao Xiaoyao is not worried either!

In this age group, no one is Gu Yue's opponent. When she truly awakens her core, she will be the real Silver Dragon King!
Will be proud of the Douluo Continent!

"Then what should we do? Follow Gu Yue? Let's do something..." The black cat didn't know what to do. Now the other side Douluo Yan Wuhua led a special combat team to rescue soul beasts everywhere!

However, Snake Seven is also rushing to collect resources and transport them to the island base and Xingdou Village, as well as the underground base that protects Shrek City.

At this time, every soul beast is very busy, and Mao Xiaoyao and the others seem to be equally busy!
"Evil soul master Mao Xiaoyao appears in Shrek Academy, so it will naturally cause trouble, let's cover them!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, and the ants of Sea God Island have already started to move, sneaking into the ground with the soul guide bomb, after all, who Did you know that pieces the size of corn can form a bomb?

The black cat smiled, and it seemed to be the same, after all, they were being wanted!
Most Wanted in the World!
(End of this chapter)

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