The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 326 Love and righteousness?

Chapter 326 Love and righteousness?

"I'm just here to visit the teacher!" Tang Wulin said quietly, frowning, as if slightly unsure about the threat from the little cat.

Beside, Mu Xi was very nervous looking at the door, to prevent her parents from coming in suddenly...

"Tell me! What's the matter!" Mao Xiaoyao said impatiently.

The black cat next to him was also biting the straw, and rolled his big eyes. She didn't know what Tang Wulin meant?
At this time, the hover car is parked in the air, and after coming out of Tiandou City, it can fly in the sky.

Except for the induction of the soul guide in Star Dou City, some air defense soul guide systems can't sense the existence of the hovering vehicle at all.

"Where are Gu Yue and Na'er!"

Tang Wulin went straight to the point and asked Mao Xiaoyao about Gu Yue and Na'er, because the two of them disappeared at the same time, which reminded him of Mao Xiaoyao's threats to him!
"For Gu Yue's concern, I will not be weaker than you! As for why Gu Yue left, you should know a little bit. I don't need to say more about it, and Gu Yue would not want me to say it!" Yue is finally going to merge with Na'er, and he is really not qualified to stop anything, they are one, "As for Na'er, hehe, I will not threaten you by catching a child in the battle between us !"

Your woman ran away with her sister?What does come to me mean?
Find it yourself, crazy.

Mao Xiaoyao wanted to scold people very much, did this Tang Wulin have a brain hole!

It was inevitable for Gu Yue to leave, because, as the Silver Dragon King, Gu Yue had her own mission. As for Na'er, they were originally one!
"I think so!" Over the communicator, Tang Wulin sighed softly and said, "We were going to be training in the military, but we were attacked by an evil spirit master on the way!"

Before the words fell, the cat demon said: "It's not me. Although I really want to kill you, I will not hurt Xiaoyan and the others! It's not that I don't have feelings, it's just that we have different positions, friend? That's just the good old days. It's just a memory!" Tang Wulin was attacked?Then it is probably the Zunfang mentioned just now, which makes the cooperation that Mao Xiaoyao just thought about a little bit uneasy!

What if it was Mu Xi?

What if it happens to be there too?
Tang Wulin said: "I believe you..."

The communicators are silent with each other...

"I'm going back! I went to the training base for military training. I just came back to ask you a question. Take care, little brother. In fact, not all human beings are..."

beep beep...

Before the voice finished speaking, Mao Xiaoyao hung up the communication. There was nothing to do, that is, there was nothing to say. Mao Xiaoyao didn't want to talk nonsense with Tang Wulin.

"This..." Sighing softly, Tang Wulin smiled wryly and looked at Mu Xi helplessly. After all, Mao Xiaoyao still didn't want to talk to him too much, so he immediately returned the communicator to Mu Xi.

"Just came here, and you're going back again?" Mu Xi put away her communicator, feeling a little sad suddenly, she didn't dare to send too many messages to Mao Xiaoyao...

Afraid to disturb!
However, according to what Tang Wulin said just now, they seemed to be on the way to the training base and encountered an attack by an evil soul master. Tang Wulin suspected that it was the cat demon.

But Mu Xi knew that it was definitely not the cat demon!

Mu Xi has seen the incidents of the so-called cat monsters. Every case has one thing in common, that is: around the soul beast!

The soul beast pets, the soul beast garden, and some people who hurt the soul beast are all in the scope of revenge, and some things that harm innocent humans are definitely not the little cat.

Because, without a purpose, the cat demon will not do it!
"Well! Lezheng Yu gave ten years of his life to save Xiaoyan, and the only thing I can do is to ask the little demon!" After all, no matter what happens now, it is all related to the cat demon, Tang Wu Lin trusted Mao Xiaoyao, but what about Lezheng Yu?

But what about everyone?

So, Tang Wulin came back to ask!

Just for one sentence!

"I don't believe it's the little demon. In his eyes, other humans are enemies, but we are the only ones. As for his identity, you should know that he is not an evil soul master!" Implied, Mu Xi looked at Tang Wu Lin wanted to see his reaction, because if he didn't believe that Mao Xiaoyao was an evil soul master, then there was only one possibility, that is, Tang Wulin also knew another identity of Mao Xiaoyao.

"Senior sister, could it be that you..." Tang Wulin was surprised. He didn't expect that Senior Sister Mu Xi would ask himself that. Did she also know that the little cat is a soul beast?
Yes, they like each other...

"As you think!" Mu Xi smiled without saying a word. She already knew about the identity of the little cat, and she had no way to stop what the little cat was going to do. After all, what could be done to stop it?
Every time she saw Mao Xiaoyao, Mu Xi wanted to say, Xiaoyao, give up!Let's live together...

However, Mu Xi was afraid, afraid that at that time, the little cat would leave her...

Because, Mao Xiaoyao once gave her a choice, that is, to choose between human beings and him. So far, Mu Xi has no choice, she just defaults to being with Mao Xiaoyao...

"Senior Sister, sometimes I envy you very much. At least Xiao Yao will share some things with you!" Tang Wulin sighed softly. He still doesn't know everything about Gu Yue. Gu Yue's mystery is like that of the night. You can see , but I can't touch it...

"No, you can't imagine the price I will pay for liking the little demon!" Mu Xi shook her head with a hint of sadness in her eyes, that choice was too expensive...

"May all lovers in the world get married!" Tang Wulin was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, "Senior sister, take care, I'm going back! Everyone is waiting for me, and I'm very satisfied with today's answer." Go back Training, Gu Yue has his own way, Mao Xiaoyao has his own way, he too, Tang Wulin wants to become stronger, then he can hug Gu Yue very aggressively, and say to the world: This is my woman!

And completely wake up the cat demon!
"Take care!" Mu Xi smiled, happy senior brother, in fact, Mao Xiaoyao still cares about Tang Wulin very much, right?

That night, Mu Xi didn't go back, even in the dark, she also saw what the little cat did...

In fact, Mao Xiaoyao is not a ruthless person, but now everyone has different positions, maybe Mao Xiaoyao is also very painful in his heart!
Farewell teacher, teacher wife, Tang Wulin is gone!
The room was empty, and Mu Xi looked at the sky with longing in her eyes, and said, "Xiao Yao, will you miss me? I miss you so much..." Mu Xi hugged the pillow, sobbing in the room, this is no longer The first time tears wet the pillow...

At this time, in the suspension car, the little cat sneezed very badly...

"Who is scolding me?" Mao Xiaoyao stroked his nose, feeling a little lost. Damn Tang Wulin, a communication made him very unhappy.

Totally disrupt some plans!
It seems very dangerous to be in contact with evil soul masters, let Gu Yue and the others go!I don't seem to be suitable, and sometimes my sense of justice is overwhelming, but I just can't understand what the evil soul master does.

Although I am not a good thing myself!
"Black Cat, I want to take Mu Xi to the Soul Beast Village! Douluo Dalu is too dangerous, I'm afraid that someone with a heart will stare at her!" Mao Xiaoyao asked while looking at the black cat who was staring at the clouds outside the window in a daze. Yan is so beautiful, he looks a little dumbfounded...

Without saying anything, the black cat turned back and smiled naturally, and said, "I have no problem, anyway, Xingdou Village is my territory, if she goes, she must be bullied by me every day!"

"Just, is she willing?"

The black cat knows that the concept of human beings is different from that of soul beasts, will there be conflicts?

Like Mu Xi's parents!

Will they agree with Mu Xi to do that?

 Another month!
(End of this chapter)

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