The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 336 The troubles of the 2 princes!

Chapter 336 The troubles of the second prince!

In the dead of night, the hotel is also very quiet. After all, it is a high-end hotel that mainly provides accommodation services. It is not like the kind of food stalls that are noisy until late at night...

The hotel is very quiet, bustling, just a few people!

The second prince and the others started to take action. In order to cooperate with the operation, the second prince found the hotel owner on purpose and told him that the most wanted criminal in the Federation was hidden in his hotel—the cat demon!

After the boss heard it, he was almost scared to pee, and he cooperated with the second prince and the others very honestly, and told the second prince about the camera installed in the hotel...

The boss has a bad taste, that is, he hopes to install a monitor in the couple's suite, and likes to peek at the XXOO between other couples, but unfortunately, there is no picture in the room of the little cat...

Those monitors were all scanned by the cat demon with his consciousness, and they were blocked and destroyed, so the boss didn't see anything, but the second prince saw several federal ministers in XXOO...

The second prince asked the boss to record the video, keep it, and use it to endanger those ministers in the future. If they are disobedient, the video will be released.

At this time, the second prince and several Contras were at the door of Mao Xiaoyao's room!
One by one quietly, slowly approaching, the boss has already taken out the room card, everyone is ready to charge, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

The door is open!
"Mao Xiaoyao!" Everyone rushed in, facing a bunch of soul-controlling skills facing the bed, and instantly the lights in the whole room were fully turned on, making everyone gather in the room...

But? ? ?

Meow meow?




What's the meaning?Where's the cat goblin?Why are there only two dolls on the bed?Where is the cat demon?
The second prince looked angrily at a piece of paper on the puppet, and his face became more and more ugly, "Damn cat demon, one day, I will kill you!"

Note message: Second prince, fuck your mother, wait, wash your neck clean, be careful when you sleep, remember to check for poison when you eat, and catch the young master?Hehe, I have a surprise for you, good luck!

"Damn the little cat!" The second emperor exploded in anger, smashing the doll with a blow of the soul skill, and shouted frantically, very angry, the damned little cat played him!

A subordinate watched the second prince drop the note, looked at the back, and said, "You guys, there are words on the back!"

Everyone watched.

The man said: "Don't destroy the doll, or it will explode..." The man's face changed, looking at the doll, it seemed that he had...


"Not good!" Everyone's complexion changed, because Mao Xiaoyao is best at launching such big explosion attacks. If he said that there was an explosion, it would definitely not be fake.

Didi, what a strange sound...

"Made..." The second prince's complexion changed, but the words did not finish...

"Boom!" Downstairs, in the floating car, the cat demon dubbed. As soon as the voice fell, there was an explosion sound from the hotel. The violent explosion sound made the originally quiet night fall into uneasiness and panic...

The soldiers on standby downstairs immediately began to save people. What was going on? Why did it explode suddenly?
"Ah..." The second prince looked at the bloody mess in the room...where is his hand?Where are my hands...

Vomit, vomit, vomit, vomit, vomit...

Basic meat on the ground, everything, internal organs, colorful intestines, blood...

In hell on earth, so many lives evaporated in an instant, but the second prince was the farthest away and was blocked by many people, only paying the price of one arm.

However, other people were not so lucky, they had no time to react, and were directly killed. In this world dominated by soul guides, human flesh cannot resist after all!
Soon, the soldiers came. Seeing everything in the room, the soldiers were terrified one by one, and rescued the severely frightened Second Prince...

Downstairs, the cat demon smiled softly, looked at the black cat sleeping soundly in his arms, activated the levitating soul guide, and left Mingdu. He probably won't come to Mingdu in the near future.

"Don't make trouble, sleep!" The black cat lay on the cat demon, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping happily, all of which were so indifferent.

"Black Cat, we have to go back to Xingdou Village! I guess there is no way to come out recently!" Mao Xiaoyao nodded with his arms around Black Cat's chin, hugging and sleeping, the hover car is now driven by the hover car soul Xiaoxuan, the purpose It is a secret port for soul beasts.

The Xingdou is parked at that port, and the crabs have been guarding it all the time!

"Okay, okay!" The black cat was suddenly excited, not sleepy at all, as soon as it heard that it could go home, the black cat was very happy, not sleepy at all, and happily buried in the cat's small eyes with its big purple eyes blinking. Demon chest.

"Bring Mu Xi..." The little cat was hesitant to speak, and was looking for Black Cat's consent. This little jealous king is too jealous, so he had to ask her.


"No!" The black cat shook his head and said, "How long have you been out? If you bring a human girl back, what will the tribe think? Will the tribe think highly of Mu Xi?"

There are still so many tribesmen suffering and suffering, if Mao Xiaoyao brings a human back at this time, how cold the heart of the soul beast will be!

Black Cat absolutely does not allow this to happen.

"But, I took revenge on the second prince. I'm afraid that the second prince will face Mu Xi and the others..." Mao Xiaoyao has no choice but to do that. If the second prince retaliates and he is not by Mu Xi's side, then Mu Xi will be very dangerous.

As for the tribe...

Mao Xiaoyao will not ask all the clansmen to accept Mu Xi's identity, after all, why should others agree to his own woman?
As for identity!

At that time, Mao Xiaoyao will hand over everything to Dai Shu and let her take over everything, which is why Mao Xiaoyao wants to train Dai Shu.

She is a successor!

"Our underground base is in Shrek City, whoever doesn't open his eyes to provoke Mu Xi, just throw an eight-level custom-installed soul missile over there and give him a ghost!" With a bit unhappy face, the black cat said: "His father, the eight-star saint craftsman It seems that she is ready to break through the master craftsman, and with the protection of the master craftsman Zhenhua, who can touch her except you, who sneaked into other people's rooms in the middle of the night?" What's more, the task of Spirit Wolf and Yudie now is to protect her. Mu Xi, using various soul guides, guards Mu Xi's side.

Although the two of them were very unwilling, but Mao Xiaoyao's order was there, and they had to carry it out.

"..." The cat demon fell into deep thought, thinking about what the black cat said. At this moment, ten Dao artifact sky eye satellites are in the sky, protecting Mu Xi at all times. If Mu Xi is in any danger, the shot from the Dao artifact Barrett sniper rifle The Taoist bullet will fall and hit the enemy!
The surroundings of Mu Xi's house, street lights, and various infrastructures were all replaced by the most advanced gadgets by the cat demon, all of which are high-tech.

Mu Xi's armor, mech, and cat demon were also upgraded for her, all of which were at the level of Dao artifacts, and she was given a bottle of elixir, all of which were good things. As long as she was alive, she would be able to live and die.

It can be described as comprehensive protection!

Black cats are jealous.

 very busy today...

(End of this chapter)

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