The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 344 What We Have!

Chapter 344 What We Have!
"Kill!!!" The soul beasts shouted instantly, each and every one of them believed that humans should be killed, as long as humans are killed, then no one will develop anything!

But, is that really the case?

Looking at the audience, the grimacing monkey sneered coldly, this is the aura that their soul beasts should have, he will never let others' aspirations destroy his own prestige!
"Indeed..." Mao Xiaoyao frowned, the practice of Grimacing Ape is actually very good, there is nothing wrong with it, just kill it and it's over!
"However, do you think that the things that humans have passed down can be achieved by just killing them?" Mao Xiaoyao looked at the crowd and said, "If you kill one, there will be countless more. Humans can't be killed. We have to do it." The point is not to kill people, but to think about how we should face those weapons!"

"For example, is it possible to develop a weapon specifically to deal with soul missiles, so that when soul missiles strike, they can respond immediately!"

"Killing is not the only way!"

Mao Xiaoyao's words silenced the soul beasts again, and the passion that had just been ignited was wiped out in an instant. Indeed, the strength of soul beasts is not directly proportional to that of humans, how to kill them?

They really should think about how to deal with what may happen in the future!For example, the human soul missile attack!
Grimacing Ape snorted coldly, and then said nothing. After all, Mao Xiaoyao is the leader. If it were him, he would definitely not be so weak and fearful!

Mao Xiaoyao glanced at Grimace Ape, and then said to the soul beasts: "This is the second question we explained tonight..." Regarding Grimace Ape, in fact, Mao Xiaoyao always felt that he was very pitiful, and hated humans as well. Very normal, after all, he has been abused by humans all the time!
The mind must have been filled with hatred.

However, the soul beasts are now divided into two factions, one is the main combat faction, those are soul beasts that have been abused by humans, they are headed by Grimace Ape, and they advocate attacking humans instead of just waiting for the order of the Silver Dragon King!
However, the other faction is some soul beasts who like life in Xingdou Village. Most of them are soul beasts from Xingdou Forest or soul beasts that have not been harmed by humans. They don't like war very much!

Just trying to live my life!I don't advocate fighting, but I want to wait for news from the Silver Dragon King!

However, Mao Xiaoyao does not belong to any faction, he is stuck in the middle, he wants to launch a war to save the soul beast, but also wants to let the soul beast live a good life!


"Innovation and Response!"

"Innovate, innovate and create something that belongs to our own soul beasts, instead of blindly following the pace of human beings and imitating."

"Respond, deal with all the power that humans have now, prescribe the right medicine, and defeat the enemy!"


Mao Xiaoyao began to express his plans and ideas, to innovate and respond!Research and develop new weapons, and research and develop corresponding weapons to defend against humans!

The task is difficult!Because soul beasts don't have that much knowledge base, everything has to be done by Mao Xiaoyao.

Then this has to test Mao Xiaoyao's skills, and what secret technology does he control!Can this plan be carried out.

For this reason, before Mao Xiaoyao came, he had asked the underground base to start research and development first!
After all, it gave humans the hope of leaving. Now, every human being is full of energy. After all, everyone wants to leave this ghost place...

Meetings, until late at night...

The soul beasts have benefited a lot. When they left, each soul beast was discussing things. Everyone went home, seriously thinking about everything they knew today, and taking a good attitude to meet tomorrow's new challenges!

The sense of crisis has spread, and the soul beasts will no longer be so carefree!

"Wait a long time!" The cat demon came, and smiled at the still energetic black cat, there were no soul beasts around, everyone had already gone back, and the black cat was still the most loyal listener!

I don't know tiredness.

"Yes, you talk a lot of nonsense!" The black cat smiled, stood up gently and pulled Mao Xiaoyao's arm, his legs were a little numb, leaned on his shoulder lightly, and said, "Go home!" After a long wait, this It was already late at night, and she finally waited for the little cat.

"Yeah!" Mao Xiaoyao didn't get on the hover car, after all the distance is not very far, he wants to spend more time with Hei Mao, walk with her, and see the night view of Xingdou Village!
They came to the food street, saw the big cat and the others, ate for free, bragged for a long time, and then went back.

Opening the door of the house, Mao Xiaoyao saw a table of sumptuous food, but unfortunately it was already cold...

"You cooked the food, why didn't you say it just now?" The little demon cat looked back at the black cat, let her in, closed the door gently, and then sat and looked at the sumptuous dinner table, two bowls, two pairs of chopsticks, just now , The black cat didn't eat either, right?
"It's cold. Anyway, I just went to see Big Cat and the others. Just eat. The dishes are cold, so I'll throw them away!"

"Sit down!" The little cat took the black cat's hand.

"Hand!" Mao Xiaoyao looked a little cold, looking at the black cat's hand that had been placed behind his back.

The black cat didn't want to pull back, it seemed to be avoiding something.

The cat demon grabbed the black cat's little hand and found that there were several wounds, knife wounds, oil burns, such a pair of white jade hands, almost ruined...

"Xiao Yao, I..." Seeing Mao Xiaoyao's gloomy face, black cat pouted, and red eye circles, she just wanted to cook a meal for Mao Xiaoyao, but why wouldn't she...

I hurt myself when cutting vegetables, and the cooking was scalded by the hot oil...

Sighing, Mao Xiaoyao put the black cat's hand in his own, blew in distress, and said, "Fool, does it hurt?"

"Hmm!" The black cat was aggrieved.

"You, you were not born to be in the kitchen. How many times have I told you that you don't have the talent to cook." The cat demon poured traces of pure demonic power into the black cat's white hands to heal her injuries. Hands that are as white as jade, what scars are left behind!
"Huh?" The black cat quietly looked at Mao Xiaoyao, seeing his worried appearance, instantly felt that everything was worth it, and was a little happy.

"Let me see if your cooking skills have improved!" Mao Xiaoyao glanced at the food on the table, it seemed that it looked good, but he didn't know how it tasted, anyway, the black cat's cooking skills were just like that.

"I'll let them reheat!" The black cat wanted the soul steward to take the food to reheat, otherwise it wouldn't taste good if it was cold.

"Cold salad, cold salad, of course it's delicious when it's cold." Mao Xiaoyao glanced at the food, holding the chopsticks, feeling a little eager to try, to see what can be eaten...

The black cat looked happy, quietly watching the cat demon.

However, when Mao Xiaoyao was eating the simplest tomato and egg soup...


Eat eggs, eat the feeling of bones!
"What is this?" The little cat was startled, took it out to have a look, how could there be an eggshell?

"Eh..." Looking at the eggshell, the black cat scratched its head and looked elsewhere, explaining: "It was too hard just now, and it broke..." Too much force, the eggshell was broken into, and there were more eggshells... …

Calcium now!
"Okay!" The egg shells are just egg shells, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. The little cat is holding a spoon, ready to take a sip of tomato and egg soup...

Take a big gulp, I'm a little thirsty after all.

"Cough cough!" It melts in the mouth, and the five flavors are mixed in an instant. The little cat coughed violently, stuck out his tongue, and stammered a little: "How much salt do you put? Doesn't the salt cost money?" It melts in the mouth, it's all salty Taste, how much salt should be?

"One scoop, two scoops..." the black cat counted.

"Huh?" Mao Xiaoyao stared at it, expressing doubts.

"Okay! Five spoons!" The black cat stretched out its five white and tender fingers, and muttered, "Is it that salty?"

Heared by the cat demon, he said: "Come, I'll feed you!" Holding a ladle, he was about to feed the black cat and let her taste his perfect creation...

"Just drink it!" The black cat slurped it down, puff, puff, and spit out the little cat's face...

"It's so salty." Then frantically looking for water to drink, Gulu, Gulu...

Mao Xiaoyao wiped the "salt soda" off his face, and suddenly smiled wryly. It seems that these dark dishes that look very beautiful, probably don't need to be eaten...

 The taste is indescribable!
(End of this chapter)

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