The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 349 The Trouble of the Shadow Ghost Shark King!

Chapter 349 The Trouble of the Shadow Ghost Shark King!

Happy cooperation!

Talked to An Ying about some things, and gave her a practice method, a suitable method for her, so that she could ignore the age gap of ten thousand years or 10 years, and cultivate stronger.

This is avatars!
For example, humans, why can a Limit Douluo who has cultivated for decades be able to challenge a million-year-old soul beast?It is because of the terrifying human form!Human form is the master of heaven and earth, and only human form cultivation is the way of heaven and earth.


Time is running out, and Mao Xiaoyao has to go back to Xingdou Village to continue researching. The new metal material has been delivered, so he has to go back to participate in the research...

I'm busy, and I have to make a baby at night...

"What did you say? The guys from Sanhai are also negotiating with Mao Xiaoyao and the others?"

At the bottom of the East China Sea, in the palace of the Shadow Ghost Shark King!In the past, it was guarded by crab soldiers and crab generals, but now it is guarded by a few handsome men and beautiful women, all in human form.

The equipment has also been replaced, the underwater soul guide gun is no longer just the big pliers before, it has changed a lot.

However, at this time, a few human blacksmiths with no mental state are making some soul guides, and the other sea soul beasts are learning in a decent way...

Suddenly, there was an explosion, and research and production failed...

A few human blacksmiths knelt down tremblingly, failure is not terrible, what is terrible is the result of failure...

"Pull it out!" The Shadow Ghost Shark King was angry, crushing a soul tool in his hand, "A bunch of trash!" The Shadow Ghost Shark was very angry. Just a few days ago, Mao Xiaoyao used the reason of replacing the technician , suddenly withdrew a few technicians, then nothing and then...

The other human soul engineers who took over failed one by one due to unfamiliarity with the project.

However, the subordinates of the Shadow Ghost Shark King, those blacksmiths who are not very good at it, have no ability to complete it, and the captured humans are basically a bunch of waste!
"Pull it down!" The cuttlefish king signaled his subordinates to pull a few humans out and share the food with them!Don't be here, and affect the mood of the Shadow Ghost Shark King.

"Forgive me..." Several human blacksmiths begged for mercy in pain, looking at the ordinary devil-like man in fear, but the ending could only be to feed the fish!
"Hmph!" The Shadow Ghost Shark King was furious. Now he is annoyed when he sees humans. They are all a bunch of waste. They won't survive long in the bottom of the sea. Humans are really bad.

"Squid King, why don't you talk anymore?" Holding back his anger, the Shadow Ghost Shark King said: "Now the other three seas also want to learn the soul tool technology, tell me, what should we do?"

The Shadow Ghost Shark King was so angry, made, what does the cat demon mean, to withdraw the technicians to warn himself?

Could it be that Mao Xiaoyao sensed something wrong with the reduction of the supply of goods?
Isn't the cat demon, has not come to manage it?

Why did you come back suddenly?When you come back, just play with yourself!

"Actually, Ghost Shark King, you should know why!" Squid King said indifferently. Now his son is the blacksmith second only to An Ying in the East China Sea. He is very happy. study.

But what?
"Oh, are you blaming me?" The Shadow Ghost Shark King said coldly, looking at his subordinates coldly, they naturally didn't dare to say anything.

"No, I just think that we should cooperate normally with the cat demon. After all, we need technology, and the cat demon needs resources. We can benefit from each other without affecting anything." The cuttlefish king once said to the shadow ghost shark king , don't let the cat demon feel anything strange, otherwise, something may happen.

It's just that the Shadow Ghost Shark King is already a million-year soul beast, yes, he is now a million-year soul beast, his confidence and ambition are expanding at the same time!
This reduces the supply of resources to the cat demon!

This is what is happening now!

Donghai is developing rapidly, and every time it launches an attack, it will be assisted by a soul guide, and the other three seas naturally know the situation!

Facing the terrifying soul tool, it is impossible for the other three seas to ignore it!They went to find out, only to discover Mao Xiaoyao, so they naturally proposed cooperation!

However, only the Shadow Ghost Shark King believes that the soul guide technology in the East China Sea is mature now, and so is the forging technology. Some technologies have been mastered, and some soul guide devices can be produced, so there is no need to rely on the cat demon at all!

At least, that's what the Shadow Ghost Shark thinks now!He believes that Mao Xiaoyao needs him, and once the supply of metal materials is reduced, then Mao Xiaoyao will exchange for more powerful weapons!
However, Mao Xiaoyao is also a bad-tempered demon, cooperating directly with other seas, completely disgusting the Shadow Ghost Shark King!

"Oh, then I'm a million-year soul beast, should I beg him for a guy who hasn't changed in a hundred years? Hehe, the other three seas are just trash. What's the use of learning soul guidance technology?" Shadow Ghost Shark King sneered So, at worst, he can go for it, go for the technology of other Sanhais, but...

Cat demon!
"Squid King, you take some people to take down the island base. I want the little cat to know what is the real king of the sea! He wants revenge, and he can only rely on us in the East China Sea!" Shadow Ghost Shark King aimed at the island The base is no longer a matter of a day or two. According to intelligence, there is also a production base on the island base. If it can be obtained, then for the East China Sea...

The Shadow Ghost Shark King smiled.

"However, that will make Mao Xiaoyao unhappy, and we will completely lose Mao Xiaoyao as an ally!" The cuttlefish king frowned. The skill island base can completely turn against Mao Xiaoyao. Go passive first.

"What are you afraid of? The other three seas are afraid of us. It's just a little cat! Could it be that he is the only one who has soul guidance technology? Don't humans have it? I don't believe it, but he has that transformation pill!" Technology, Didn't the little cat learn it from humans?The Shadow Ghost Shark King said with disdain on his face, "As long as we have the resources, what kind of technology do we need? Why do we need to rely on the little cat? Now that their land spirit beasts can't protect themselves, I don't believe it. What is he looking like?"

The Shadow Ghost Shark King sneered, as long as he has the resources, he can exchange for everything he wants, and the partner, which one is not the same?
The Shadow Ghost Shark King just couldn't understand Mao Xiaoyao's air, as if he couldn't do without him.

"But..." the cuttlefish king hesitated to speak.

Shadow Ghost Shark waved his hand, with a hint of unhappiness on his face, and said: "Okay, let's go!" He has made up his mind, and he doesn't say anything anymore. He doesn't believe that there are so many ocean resources. Why don't human beings be tempted?
"Yes!" The cuttlefish king lowered his head, sighed softly, and then went out, preparing to summon the army to attack the island base.

However, is the island base really that easy to capture?

Even if it is possible, but the price...

Starry river at night, night falls, island base!

In normal operation, soul guides are produced non-stop, and some are so normal.

However, the sound of sirens calmed everything down into a bit of a panic.

"Detecting a large number of unknown creatures approaching the island base, should you activate the defensive formation?" In the command center of the island base, a virtual soul is reporting what it found. Underwater, unknown troops are approaching, and it seems that the visitor is not good!
"Activate the defense formation, activate the defense system, and activate the island flight standby mode!" Grimacing Ape said, when the cat demon asked him to come, he actually refused, but now it seems a bit interesting.

Mao Xiaoyao said that the Shadow Ghost Shark King might make a little move to let him come to protect the island base. At first, the ghost face monkey didn't believe it, but now, he believes it!

"The defense formation is activated, the defense system is activated, and the island flying fortress mode is activated." The virtual soul controls everything in the entire island base, and at the same time protects the safety of the island base. After all, this is the connection point between the human world and Star Village.

Things that the Cuttlefish King's troops did not arrive, everything around the island base, the soul of the island base already knew everything, and responded quickly!
"Spirit beasts in the sea? A bunch of idiots!" Grimacing Ape was full of disdain. Now he is a titled Douluo, a three-word combat armor master, and also owns a mecha. He really tries his combat power.

 Turned over
(End of this chapter)

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