The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 361 Devil Qi Leaked!

Chapter 361 Devil Qi Leaked!


A week later!

"Okay, this is already the human world, do you want to play here, or let us take you home?"

In the sky above the Continent of Fog, the Poole Empire, a giant hovering aircraft is waiting in the air. This giant metal object is currently the most advanced flying soul tool similar to a transport plane owned by the soul beast.

It can be used in mecha units, tank units, and other cumbersome units. They are generally responsible for transportation and rushing into the depths of the enemy...

At this time, on the hovering transport plane, there were two mecha spirits, and dozens of machine spirits escorting them, including Cangyuhe and several nurses.

They are all here to send off the elf girls.

In a week, the elven girl has basically recovered, not crying or fussing, very well-behaved!
However, within a week, Mao Xiaoyao never came to the hospital again, and was busy with other things all the time.

The elf girl glanced at the capital below the Poole Empire, and fell into deep thought, "Well, it's right below!" She glanced at this scary metal big guy, and after thinking about it, she decided not to let Cangyuhe and the others send him away. Go back to the endless forest by yourself.

She doesn't want the elves to be exposed to the world, and, will that evil little cat use her to deal with the elves?

she does not know.

Also very afraid.

"Okay." Cangyuhe didn't say anything more, but handed the elf girl a communicator, and said with a smile: "If you need any help, you can call me at any time, press this button, and you can contact me!"

The elf girl nodded.

The suspended transport plane began to land, and landed on a flat ground. The dust was flying in an instant, and it landed firmly.

The hatch opened, and the Cangyu Crane and two mechanical spirits escorted the elf girl out.

The elf girl held a communicator in her hand, and Cangyuhe had just taught her how to use it, but.How to use it is up to her.

Now, on the Misty Continent, there are basically soul guide signal base stations on some untouched mountain peaks. In the Fujishan tribe, soul beast communicators are generally used, which can basically make calls.

This is the first step of Mao Xiaoyao's strategic layout!

In order to facilitate operations in the misty continent, it is not easy to install such a soul guide base station. At present, the signal is still not very good in some places.

Only in the Fujiyama tribe is it full.

"Then please take care." Cangyuhe smiled, this elf girl is very cute, her pure and bright attributes are very similar to her, in fact, she really wants to teach this friend.

It's just the gap between races, maybe they, friends, can only think about it.

"Thank you!" The elf girl put away the communicator. She didn't know if she would have a chance to use this communicator, probably not!
However, Cangyuhe has been taking care of herself for the past few days, and she can feel that Cangyuhe is not a bad person, so she didn't refuse this gift.

It's just that the guy who turned into a big black cat is a very evil person, and his aura is no less than that of those demons...

Gently nod, farewell!Cangyuhe returned to the suspension transport plane, closed the hatch, and took off to go back...

Just now, when I came out of the Fujiyama tribe, the elf girl could see the outside world through the glass window, that is to say, the elf girl didn't know where Xingdou Village was.

Go out and get on the suspended transport plane!
Watching the huge suspended transport plane take off, the elf girl felt very uneasy. What is the origin of this race?
Why can metal fly?
And then something she hasn't seen...

Human beings are so scary now?

A few hours later, Cangyuhe came back and told Mao Xiaoyao what happened just now, and successfully completed the task.

In Xingdou Village, in the office in the arsenal, Cangyuhe is reporting.

The layout of the office is simple. After all, it was arranged by the black cat. There are a few photos of her and the little cat on the wall. The little black cat seems to be afraid that others will not know, and has the same relationship with the cat.

"The Poole Empire? Hehe, it seems that this little queen is not a fool. She was afraid that we would go to their elves, so she chose to land in the Poole Empire." After hearing Cangyuhe's report, the little cat suddenly couldn't laugh or cry. , is he that scary?
And, what kind of evil body was that strange elf spirit body before?He could not understand a word.

Poole Empire?It seems to be Lin Qingxian's country.

I don't know, what about that chick.

"The Poole Empire is surrounded by endless forests, but what! The distance is a bit far away. The little queen is probably afraid that we will go to her house to do something."

The cat demon smiled, crossed his legs, and stretched his waist comfortably. After a few days of recuperation, the aftereffects left by the evil cat finally disappeared slowly...

The instability of devouring the spirit body caused the pure energy to fluctuate in the body, and now it has finally returned to calm.

The only advantage is that the little cat can get some help in cultivation by devouring it.

"Indeed, who made our leader a great evil? He must be scared." Cang Yuhe rolled his eyes and smiled, but seeing that the little cat was in a stable state at this moment, she was relieved a lot.

The collision of yin and yang, light and darkness, two opposite auras, at that time collided in the cat demon's body, if it were someone else, it would probably explode and die!

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Everyone feels relieved.

After all, Mao Xiaoyao is now responsible for the fate of the entire Xingdou Village's soul beasts, so he can't do anything.

However, in the New Star Dou Great Forest, after a thorough inspection, nothing special was found.

The formation is being arranged!At the only entrance, many soldiers are now sent there.

To prevent any more unstable factors from appearing, after all, the demons are not a kind race, killing is everything to them.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao is speechless =_=, this subordinate who loves to complain, really wants to beat him up.He retracted Erlang's legs, got up seriously, patted his clothes, and said: "Okay, I will also go to the Demon Crack. Now, there are only two Demons there, so it's not so scary." After several days of preparation, from Xingdou The mainland, the Sun-Moon Federation, and the Misty Continent are the space soul guide materials shipped from three places.

It was refined by the cat demon into a very scary metal material, similar to the sky-filling stone, specially used to repair the cracks in the enchantment, the cracks in the world!
However, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't know if it can be repaired.

The demon rift can't bear so many demon troops coming, so the two demons are probably just the vanguard.

The purpose of the two demons is very simple now, which is to use the magic energy to create a foothold, a foothold full of magic energy.

Waiting for the army to arrive!

"Do you want me to go too?" Cang Yuhe said, how can she be a soul saint, a thousand-year soul beast, isn't she too weak?

"No, you can be the big baby of our soul beasts. You can stay in the hospital honestly. I will take the big black cow and the grimacing ape there. Don't worry!" Mao Xiaoyao lightly smiled, assisting soul masters is too precious, Cang Yuhe is a key protection target, and she will be needed in future battles!

"Cut, I'm too lazy to talk to you, let's go now! Be careful, remember, don't absorb any unknown things." Cang Yuhe reminded angrily, and then went out. When he went out, he happened to see the little black cat eavesdropping at the door, and nodded slightly , and then left!
Go back to the hospital.

"Indiscriminate absorption?" The cat demon frowned, showing a trace of helplessness on his face. It is probably impossible to absorb less, because it is impossible to purify the magic energy. Only he, the evil cat, can do it Phagocytosis, absorption and purification.

It's like, the same as the Clan of Evil Cats back then!
(End of this chapter)

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