The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 370 Obfuscation!

Chapter 370 Obfuscation!

Fanya is defeated!Lost to her own soft heart, she finally failed to attack the demonized clansmen, but the clansmen did not intend to let her go...

"The peripheral demonized creatures have been dealt with, and no other demonized creatures have been found for the time being!"

"The monitoring network has been completed, and the Sky Eye system has begun to be deployed, and it has fully monitored around the cracks of the demons."

"Fortifications are being built..."

One by one, the news was passed into the armor of the black cat. She was listening to the reports of the spirit beasts. The cracks of the demons were battlefields, and they had to ensure that no demons could escape.

"Well, keep monitoring!" The black cat breathed a sigh of relief and stretched. Recently, she has lost a sense of girlishness. Except for her small breasts, everything about her perfect figure is so charming.

However, fortunately, there were not many demonized creatures just now, and the level of strength was not that strong, otherwise they would have to pay a high price to stop the attack of the demonized creatures.

"Dai Shu, you and Qingxian stay here, waiting for other races' troops, but you must wait for our news, don't act rashly, and don't go in." A little tired, the black cat said seriously, she must go down and have a look, She had to help Mao Xiaoyao, and she was worried about Mao Xiaoyao...

"Be careful!" Dai Shu nodded, she will guard here.

"Then she..." Lin Qingxian hesitated to speak, she pointed to Huanya who was still being watched and beaten by a group, and now there were still several demonized creatures attacking her, and those demonized creatures also behaved , absolutely not half a step closer to the inside, and attack Huanya outside the dividing line, they are afraid of metal bullets.

"Whatever you want!" The black cat glanced at it lightly, it was pitiful and kind of cute, and then she led half of the army down to support the cat demon.

Lin Qingxian and Dai Shu looked at me and I looked at you, a little embarrassed, they were all looking at Huanya...


Demon Crack!It is located at the junction of the Endless Forest and the Poole Empire, just below an extinct volcano, and the entrance is the crater—the Demon Sealing Volcano!
As the name suggests, it is the place where the demons are sealed!
As a space-time rift, in fact, its location is under an underground volcanic cave. Under the cave, there is endless magma, which is scalding, very hot, and can melt all careless creatures!

"Little demon, where is the fissure of the demon clan? Why can't we see where the fissure of the demon clan is? We still haven't found those two demons." Due to the heat, Grimacing Ape has already put on armor to defend against the temperature, as the second most powerful person in Xingdou Village, Mao Xiaoyao will naturally not be stingy to make him a pair of Dao weapon armor.

First?That was Yan Wuhua, the Douluo of the other side, who was leading a special operations team to make troubles everywhere.

Looking at the end of the magma, they have come to the end, but they can't see anything except the hot magma. Where is the fissure of the demon clan?
Mao Xiaoyao frowned and fell into deep thought. He searched in Huanya's memory, but he didn't seem to find the specific location of the Demon Crack, because Huanya was not the real guardian army.

She just received news that there was something strange in the demon crack, so she brought the army over to check...

A novice elf queen who has just taken office for a few days.

When I entered the fissure lava cave of the demons, I was attacked by two demons...

"Could the demons have already run away?" The big black cow also said, his armor is very simple, with sharp horns on his head, which is also his weapon!
Bull top!Hit a kid.

For a long, long time, Mao Xiaoyao was in a daze.

Grimacing Ape and Dahei Niu were also in a hurry, unable to do anything, and had nowhere to use their strength.


Suddenly, the cat demon who had been silent all this time seemed to have discovered something. He opened the evil cat armor helmet, quietly felt the heat, and looked at everything in the lava cave. This is the inside of a normal volcano, right?
Hot lava is everywhere!At their feet, a few hundred meters below a cliff, there is a very large lava, but...

"What's the matter, what did you find?" Grimacing Ape was puzzled. He saw the smiling face of the cat demon from time to time, with that happy expression, did he already discover something?
The big black cow also looked at the lava, and he was afraid of such a big magma, so he didn't dare to look at it a few more times.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled without saying a word, looked at the ground, picked up a rock, threw it into the magma below, and seriously felt the different breath.

Throwing stones?What's the use?Can you smash the demons to death?The big black cow and the grimacing ape were puzzled.

"The Demon Crack is right below!" Mao Xiaoyao said, his eyes were very sure, it must be below.




Just throw a stone?

The grimacing ape and the big black cow looked confused, there was hot magma underneath, even if the demons fell into it, they would probably be turned into ashes, right?
How could the Demon Crack be just below.

"The demons don't seem smart enough!" Mao Xiaoyao smiled, as if he had seen through something, and then came a free landing, and the soul troops followed Mao Xiaoyao down, into the hot magma...


"Little demon..." Damn, Grimacing Ape and Dahei Niu were both startled, is the little cat crazy?Jumping into magma, isn't it courting death?The two of them were terrified, even a little dazed.

It's over, it's over, the cat demon is gone now, so the high temperature must be...


Suddenly, a machine spirit said: "The leader of the cat demon asked you two to go down, he has safely reached the crack of the demon clan!" Saying that, the machine spirit quickly fell into the magma, just like throwing a stone into the river , plop...splash, spark now...


The big black cow looked confused, what do you mean?
Grimace Ape also looked confused.


A voice full of stuttering, a little bad signal, said: "You two come down quickly!" Mao Xiaoyao contacted Grimace Ape and Da Hei Niu through the armor, telling them to come down quickly. same world.

The signal is not good, the distance is too far, and they can't contact directly.

"Jump?" The big black cow hesitated, glanced at the lava, he still...

"Come on!" Grimace Ape suddenly understood something, smiled, and jumped down directly, without giving the big black cow any time to react, he also pulled the big black cow down together...

"Ah..." The big black cow seemed to have a fear of heights.



thump!The big black bull was thrown to the ground by Grimacing Ape, and they finally passed through the magma and came to this mysterious fissure of the demon clan.


"Quiet!" The cat demon patted the big black bull's helmet vigorously. Fortunately, they used electronic communication and did not make any sound. Otherwise, the scream of the big black bull would probably attract the demons...

The big black cow glanced at Mao Xiaoyao and Grimacing Ape, touched his body, and suddenly found that he was fine, and they were fine, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he was very brave and serious, without the slightest panic and fear just now!He is not afraid at all.

Grimace snickered.

"..." The cat demon was speechless for a while =_=, so scary?I am not stupid, and I will definitely not commit suicide.

Only the surface of the magma is real, and the rest are demons' tricks, that is, formations!On the Douluo Continent, no one must have discovered the magic of the formation, but it is very familiar to the little cat.

Magma is actually a formation, only the surface is real lava, they can come to this place as long as they pass through that magma.

As for the thing in the middle that resembles the crack of the demon clan, it may be possible to deceive children.

For Mao Xiaoyao, the magma below is not as hot as the upper magma is the most fatal flaw, and this is where Mao Xiaoyao suspects.

Otherwise, this formation is perfect!Mao Xiaoyao even suspects that the above is the Demon Crack!Or, the Demon Crack cannot be found, resulting in a delay.

"Go up there and wait, tell them not to touch the formation above." Mao Xiaoyao said to a robot soul, he must leave a soul on it, otherwise, if the unlucky guy who doesn't know the truth attacks the formation above, then Everything will be exposed!
A mechanical soul nodded, then broke through the magma and went to the top to stand by.

"Let's go! This is the real crack of the demons, be careful, we don't know how many demons there will be here!"

Mao Xiaoyao frowned, looking at the road ahead, he was faintly uneasy.

do not know why.

(End of this chapter)

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