The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 380 Pig teammates are too pitiful!

Chapter 380 Pig teammates are too pitiful!
At the entrance of the Demon Sealing Volcano, there is a white barrier, which isolates all the leakage of the magic energy. However, the magic energy inside is very large, and once it leaks, it will be unimaginable.

"If those people become demonized creatures after a while, then don't blame us, I must destroy those demonized creatures." Dai Shu reminded with a sneer, and at the same time let the soul beasts evacuate, the outer barrier is a point, Surround it again, and give the inside to the stupid and ignorant person. Since you can't stop it, then go in casually!
Huan Ya stopped and was thinking, but Atolst still brought some of his clansmen in.

"Sister Dai Shu, is it really that serious?" Lin Qingxian is also in charge of commanding the remaining third of the army. General Zhang is actually a little skeptical, but His Royal Highness and the others have already entered, so he has to go, but, There are still some troops left.

Lin Qingxian couldn't stop anything!Because even someone as powerful as General Zhang has to listen to the words of that brainless prince, think about it...

Lin Qingxian was depressed.

"The demons have already started to appear. I don't know how many are there. However, they are very powerful. Moreover, the barrier near the mouth of the volcano is made by little demons, which can isolate the demonic energy!" Looking at the human army who taunted them , Dai Shu said: "You can see for yourself later, I really don't want to talk too much about other things, I'm tired, I wish you good luck! I need to save the black cat, goodbye!"

Dai Shu and the others began to retreat, giving up the fortifications one after another. They can no longer stop those troops. Since no one listens, they have to prepare for the worst.

Six tenth-level soul missiles are ready. Once there are large-scale infected monsters and become demonized creatures, they will be destroyed without mercy.

Six level ten pieces are now the limit of Xingdou Village. These ten pieces were originally used to deal with humans, but now it is estimated that they must first greet the demons and demonized creatures.

Seeing Dai Shu and the others retreat a certain distance, Fanya frowned. As the queen of the elves, she also has her own judgment!

Moreover, she had just received a letter from her own mother, saying that she was looking for the son of evil?How does she know where that evil son is?
However, the finding was not to kill, but to help the Son of Evil?
Huanya is puzzled, why is that?
Arriving at the entrance of Fengmo Volcano, Fan Ya fell into deep thought, should she believe the words of Mao Xiaoyao?
Just now, Lin Qingxian and General Zhang explained the situation, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Puer Empire still brought a large part of the army in, respectively taking the positions of the spirit beasts with the elves.

So, now His Majestic Crown Prince is here, and he said gracefully and gracefully: "My lord queen, what should we do now? The demons must be below, should we just go ahead and kill them all?" Don't you leave a piece of armor?" Behind him is an army of tens of thousands of people, afraid of a chicken?His Royal Highness the Crown Prince didn't have any fear at all, instead he was a little excited, wanting to show something in front of Huanya.

"The foreigners are afraid, so they don't even dare to approach them. We humans and elves must join forces." Tsk tsk, His Royal Highness looked at the aliens with disdain, and none of them dared to come over. What a bunch of cowards.

A bunch of brainless guys.

"You humans, please don't hinder us! Please stand back a little bit." Fanya said a little unhappy, dealing with demons is not a lot of people, but is fine, she really doesn't understand why humans send such a guy!
Simply stupid human beings!
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was a little embarrassed, after all, when Huan Ya said that, his subordinates were all watching!
"Atolst, what is the situation now." Huan Ya asked, is it really like what Dai Shu said, this mysterious barrier cut off all the devilish energy in the cave?
If that's the case, then the cat demon is really powerful.

"This is a mysterious enchantment that really cuts off the devilish energy inside! Queen, tell the people to retreat a little. The woman just now didn't lie. The devilish energy in the cave is too huge. Once it erupts, it will be devastating." Ah Torst carefully observed the enchantment. What a magical technique this is. Who is this person who can arrange such a powerful enchantment that can isolate the devil?

"Hmm!" Seeing Atolst say that, Fan Ya definitely had reason to believe Dai Shu's words, and immediately ordered the people to back off, but...

"Look, there is something coming out." His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly said, pointing.

Huan Ya and Atolst were startled, they all looked towards the entrance of the cave, and sure enough, a huge black figure appeared.

Huan Ya glanced at it, it seemed to be Mao Xiaoyao and the others...

Because, that kind of giant metal giant, she had seen outside just now, it belonged to Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

Seeing Atolst wanting to make a move, Huan Ya said to stop him: "No, it's not the demons!"

Atolst frowned, so who is it?

The enchantment suddenly opened a big hole, and the black mech rushed out instantly, appearing with a wave of demonic energy, and some mechanical spirits...

Just when the magic energy was about to burst out, the barrier was instantly closed!The magic energy leaked very little, and was quickly purified again.

Because, there are elves.

"Attack!" Thousands of arrows were fired, and countless people attacked the black mech of Mao Xiaoyao.

Huan Ya looked back, who attacked?
That is His Royal Highness and the others.

Why attack?
His Royal Highness wanted to do something, so when he saw the guy appearing at the mouth of the volcano, he couldn't help but attack!However, when facing the flesh, those bows and arrows are somewhat useful.

But that's metal...

Mao Xiaoyao raised his hand and fired a cannon. There was a loud explosion as a warning, but no one was killed. He just warned: "The army of demons is coming up. Anyone who doesn't want to die or become a demonized creature should get out of here. Go, there is still time."

Through the loudspeaker, Mao Xiaoyao amplifies his voice countless times, so that more people can hear it.

However, the mecha in the flying state saw the densely packed army below, and the cat demon almost died of anger, Nima, where is the head given away?

A group of pig teammates!

The two most powerful members of the demon army are only Title Douluo level powerhouses. As long as they are trapped and keep the seal, they can be eliminated.

Too many people have a fart.

But what about Dai Shu and the others?Why did you change to such a group of idiots?
Down below, Huanya heard the voice of the cat demon, and she said: "Let's evacuate first! Keep a distance and see what happens." Huanya ordered the clansmen to retreat and get out of a certain range, because the demonic energy was terrifying and she I've also seen that she doesn't want all her people to become demonized creatures.

Only she and Atolst and several powerful people were observing the situation at the entrance of the cave.

"His Royal Highness, how about us..." General Zhang also said, seeing that the elves were all retreating, he couldn't help but want to retreat, and at the same time looked at the metal monsters in the sky...

so horrible!If these guys go to attack any place, they will be basically invincible, what a terrifying metal army.

Friend or foe?

"What are you afraid of! There are so many of us?" His Royal Highness said disdainfully, and they all went out just as the Poole Empire could perform. However, he was also very surprised. The metal monster just now was a bit scary...


Back on the soul guide transport plane, Mao Xiaoyao hugged the unconscious black cat and placed her on a soft bed. She had already given her a pill just now, and her soul power was recovering bit by bit...

"Black cat..."

(End of this chapter)

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