The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 384 Pig teammates have become demonized creatures!

Chapter 384 Pig teammates have become demonized creatures!

Click, click, click...

The cracked barrier broke the quiet and tense atmosphere bit by bit... Everyone was very nervous, looking at the direction of the barrier, tense.

Everyone is not cheering, very quiet.

Suddenly, there was a soldier who was overly nervous, his face was covered with sweat, and his nerves were tense when he was doing the work and shooting the arrow, hey...

Fire escape!

Then, tens of thousands, tens of thousands of arrow feathers were fired at the same time, densely packed like rain, and there was nowhere to hide.

However, a small soldier was overly nervous, and the chain reaction actually caused so many people to attack...

However, the demons still didn't appear. They didn't realize this until halfway through the attack. They seemed to be hitting the air...

"Stop!" General Zhang ordered the drum to beating to stop the army from attacking. Boom, boom, boom, the sound of a drum to stop the attack made the soldiers quiet.

His Royal Highness asked in confusion: "What's going on? Why did the attack stop?"

"No demons were found!" General Zhang said strangely. He didn't even order to attack just now, so something was wrong.

The prince was not happy, but suddenly two demons appeared in the enchantment, hehe Erhuang.

At the same time, Heng Ha and the two emperors jointly hit the crack in the barrier...

The crack widened little by little, and then...

"Stupid humans!"

boom!The magic energy erupted, and the barrier instantly collapsed and shattered. The purple magic energy swept over like a typhoon...

Covering that area, there is not too much magic energy, just enough for the range of the human army...

General Zhang protected His Royal Highness, while looking at the surrounding soldiers, and at the strange devilish energy around him, the devilish energy invaded?
Demonized creature?

They don't seem to change?

"Haha, the Mozu spy is indeed a liar. The elves and aliens are timid and afraid, and they were deceived!"

"There are no demonized creatures at all!"

"Today, we humans are going to kill the demons and establish this great moment."

"Kill!!!" His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is really good at inspiring people. The soldiers of the army who were afraid of the devil energy were no longer afraid of anything in an instant. ! !
However, in the eyes of the cat demon outside, that is stupidity, not killing!

"What should we do now?" Looking at the situation inside, Lin Qingxian's eyes turned red. Why did the empire send such a foolish crown prince to command indiscriminately?

Fortunately, there are still some troops outside who did not go in.

Huan Ya also looked at Mao Xiaoyao strangely, and kept observing, she was confirming whether Mao Xiaoyao was herself or not.want to find people.

The chief of the Fujiyama tribe, Atolst, is also looking at the cat demon, the devil's spy?They don't seem to believe that statement, but the aura on the little cat...

"After a while at most, those troops inside will become demonized creatures! How to do it? Anyway, I have family and friends behind me. I won't go over there with demonized creatures." Waiting for the demons, he can attack now, and let those people be completely wiped out.

After all, the demonized creature is already hopeless, so why bother?

Family and friends?Yes, behind them is their homeland, and they must not budge.


At this time, what is killing inside the sound of killing?

General Zhang saw the Second Emperor Hengha and several strong men stopping them, "Devils, die!" All the attacks hit the Second Emperor Hengha, and the Second Emperor Hengha hid in the mouth of the volcano, not giving them a chance.

"The demons are afraid, charge me!" His Royal Highness ordered: "Destroy the demons at once!" He said so, but as a commander, he didn't do anything, he was just responsible for commanding , hiding behind.

"Destroy the demons!" The soldiers shouted, brandishing their weapons, and rushed into the mouth of the volcano. Sure enough, they saw the demons, but the demons were running away when they saw them...

Tut tut!escape?The human army is excited. After all, with so many of them, the demons must be afraid. Moreover, any demonized creatures, any invasion of demonic energy are all lies, right?

Suddenly, a scream shattered the idea of ​​pursuing the victory.

"What are you doing, why did you suddenly bite someone!" A soldier stopped and pushed the biter away.

However, before the words fell, he was pulled out by a black tiger from that person, and his heart was pulled out in an instant, and he ate...

If he dies without resting his eyes, that person will not understand what is going on until he dies.

"Demonized creature!" Suddenly, a person said in fear, and then he was attacked by a person next to him, who bit his neck hard.

Then, there were many screams, and the atmosphere of fear spread...

Seeing that the situation was wrong, General Zhang ordered: "Retreat, retreat, hurry up!" The demonic energy invaded the mind, it was a demonized creature, why did he come in with a head?
General Zhang was very remorseful, he killed the demonized creatures with a few swords, and rushed out with the army. When he rushed out, he found that it was chaotic, chaotic, tens of thousands of troops were completely chaotic...

There are screams everywhere, and the demonized creatures are chasing and biting those who have not been infiltrated by the demonic energy. The scene is very scary...

However, there are demonized creatures in the front, and the demons have chased them out from behind. Thinking about it now, they just lured the enemy to go deep and delay the time.

Why did they go in?
"Hurry up and get out! Go find Qingxian, it's very dangerous here!" General Zhang commanded with fear on his face. If he stayed in the magic energy for a few more seconds, there would be a little more danger. He didn't want the imperial soldiers to die in vain.

The demon army is too cunning, they don't come out to fight at all, but rely on the magic energy to turn the soldiers into demonized creatures, and use the demonized creatures to kill their own people.

"General, then you..." Some people were worried, surrounded by General Zhang, and the demonized creature comrades on the opposite side couldn't do anything.
"As a general, I didn't discover the conspiracy of the demons. Obviously, the aliens and the elves have already withdrawn, but we are still here. This is my fault and my sin." Biological soldiers, General Zhang gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, I will find His Highness the Crown Prince. It is my duty to protect him. You guys hurry up and listen to Qing Xian's arrangement after you go out."

As he said that, General Zhang had rushed into the army of demonized creatures, looking for the poor Crown Prince.

The prince is trash, but he is still the prince. General Zhang's task is to protect His Royal Highness, no matter what kind of person the Crown Prince is, that is his task.

That is the task His Majesty entrusted to him!

"His Royal Highness!" General Zhang can't control so much, even the devil can't stop him, he must find His Royal Highness now, and at the same time kill those demonized creatures and those former comrades in arms...

Outside, Mao Xiaoyao and the others are ready. Before, people who doubted the identity of Mao Xiaoyao, now, they no longer doubt anything, because, if it is not Mao Xiaoyao.

Then they are the ones dancing around inside!
"Come out and kill a demonized creature. If you show mercy, then you will end up just like them." Mao Xiaoyao said coldly. Brain fool.

Damn, how did these evil pens defeat the demons back then?

(End of this chapter)

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