The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 392 The Secret Recipe For Seeking Children?

Chapter 392 The Secret Recipe For Seeking Children?


"Great Elder, I have been waiting for you, Your Lady Queen, please follow me!" A young female elf appeared, with blond hair and blue eyes, skin like snow, tall figure, and long legs. In fact, her clothes were not that revealing, but , are all clothes like plant leaves, which always give people a wild beauty.

Some elves always smiled when they looked at the black cat, but when they came to the little cat, they always gritted their teeth in anger one by one, as if they wanted to beat the little cat.

"..." The little cat was stupefied, so scary?I didn't do anything, could these elves be a little too sensitive?
In fact, Mao Xiaoyao doesn't understand, this reason is the same as standing out from the crowd, among so many people with light attributes, it must be a bit awkward for a guy with dark attributes to come in suddenly.

"Come with me!" Huan Ya was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that her mother had already arranged everything, then she turned her head to look at Mao Xiaoyao and Hei Mao, and signaled them to follow her to see her mother.

Mao Xiaoyao tidied up her clothes in a serious manner, no matter how you say she is also a big shot...

……All right!little people.

Black Cat is a little excited at the thought of solving difficult problems.

Along the way, they passed many houses and saw many elves. The little cat found that the houses of the elves are very simple, because a big tree is a house, and a big tree is as big as a house.

The elves all live in trees, which is also a characteristic of the elves. After all, they can change trees, so it is not difficult for them to turn a tree into a house.

When Mao Xiaoyao passed by, all the elves came to see them. While greeting Huan Ya, the queen of the elves warmly, they also looked at Mao Xiaoyao with hostility.

The elves, I don't know how many years have not been outsiders, and the outsiders who come now, unexpectedly...

"My lord queen, why is your friend's aura so evil? Is he a demon?" A handsome man appeared, and all the elves surrounded him instantly. They were very puzzled about something. An outsider came, but he was such an annoying guy.

The elves blocked the way one by one. They didn't like the cat demon very much.

"Mother wants to see him, let's talk about something later, we're all gone!" Huan Ya said a little unhappy, how can you say that Mao Xiaoyao is also a guest invited by her, can you be a little polite?
It seems that Mao Xiaoyao's trip to the elves will definitely be a little troublesome.

Slightly surprised, the exquisite man immediately respectfully said: "Obey, Your Lady Queen." The other elves also saluted, they respected Her Lady Queen, obeyed the order, and then gave way.

However, they were still very unhappy looking at Mao Xiaoyao.

Mao Xiaoyao didn't care, and couldn't help but look at those elves, hehe, could it be that he came to such a bright and holy place, could it be that the ghost is very happy?

He is also uncomfortable!It was even more uncomfortable than seeing the purification power on Tang Wulin's body. Every time he took a step, the little cat felt as if he was being purified.

Huan Ya didn't seem to lie to him.

The black cat also glared at the group of elves, why did she look at her little cat like that?

They left immediately.

"I'm sorry, they have never seen outsiders come to the elves, and the aura of you, little demon, is like a different kind of existence in the eyes of the elves, so they look at you like that." Huaan Ya thought Knowing how she looked at Mao Xiaoyao back then, she also understood the behavior of the clansmen very well.

"It's okay, I have time to fight with that guy just now, maybe he will get to know me again." Mao Xiaoyao is not angry at all, now he wants to fight with that guy just now, what is Contra?

"He is stronger than you, you are not his opponent." Huan Ya said, and soon they came to a place, where they saw a bigger tree, the tree is not a house, the tree is a tree, very big, Can't see the exact height either...

Soaring into the sky...

As if, straight to the sky...

The evil energy was being purified bit by bit, and the cat demon suddenly felt a powerful purifying power, as well as the changes in his own body...

However, the process is very painful...

"Xiao Yao, are you alright?" the black cat worried, with a worried expression on her face. If the price of purification is to hurt the cat, Xiao Yao, then she would rather not.

Seeing the changes in Mao Xiaoyao, she also knew that Huan Ya didn't seem to lie to them.

Enduring the pain, Mao Xiaoyao smiled and said, "It's okay, it's just that I'm not used to it!"

purification?But the extreme desire evil cat itself is an evil body, how to purify it?
Suddenly, a figure rushed out of a small wooden house next to the big tree and directly attacked the little cat. The speed and strength were the most powerful that the little cat had ever seen.

Gently pushing the black cat to keep her away from this danger, the little cat frowned and clenched his fists. The opponent's strength was very strong, and that terrifying aura was a bit like the Tiger King back then...

However, it is still too much weaker than Tiger King.

"Evil cat transformation!!!" Summon the main body to fight, the evil cat has nine transformations, it is said that cats have nine lives, the little cat laughs, it's all bullshit, it's just that their cats don't have so many lives.

However, the evil cat has nine changes, each change is a change against the sky, and each change is the price of forcibly absorbing the evil energy of the world.

The first change of the evil cat: natal change! ! !That is, the simplest body change, the body of the evil cat, the source of all evil, the body of all evil...

The little cat blocked that terrible attack, and in the state of being desperate for an evil cat, he still pushed several meters away and spat out a mouthful of black blood...

"Extremely desire evil cat!" The Elf Elder smiled, as if he saw something.

Huan Ya was stunned, why did the mother attack the cat demon?
"Little demon!!!" The black cat, who just realized what happened, said angrily, and then came to the side of the cat demon, checking his strength. After seeing him vomiting blood, she instantly possessed the cat armor, and from the space soul guide She took out a nine-level soul missile from the middle, and she wanted to avenge the cat demon.

Huanya's complexion changed, and at the same time she stood in the front.

"Black cat, calm down, senior has no malicious intentions." The little cat turned back into a human form, with black blood still remaining at the corner of its mouth, the little black cat was a bit violent.

"But!" The black cat glared at the other party, was there no malice?They were all beaten until they vomited blood. Does this mean there is no malice?
However, she still obediently put away the ninth-level custom-installed soul missile, helped the weak cat demon, and looked at the elder of the elves with vigilant eyes.

Huan Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked at her mother, she was very puzzled, why did she do that?

However, the following words from Mao Xiaoyao made Hei Mao and Huan Ya look confused, what do you mean?
"Thank you senior." Mao Xiaoyao thanked him, bowing deeply and thanking him very much. From the heart, in the eyes of outsiders, this is a very stupid behavior, because he was beaten by someone just now!

Now, I want to thank others.

Brain flooded?

(End of this chapter)

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