The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 405 Rebirth Contradictions!

Chapter 405 Rebirth Contradictions!


Sealing the Demon Crater!
The guards are strict, the mechanical spirits, soul beasts, and elves are surrounded like an iron wall. Dai Shu and the others are also guarding every step of the way. One of the demons will rise and one will die.

The only one with the heaviest loss was when the demonized creature General Zhang rushed out. Dai Shu and the others couldn't resist it, and finally had to ask Atolst to suppress him before repelling him...

Wave after wave, the demons did not give up, they were trying to come out, but they were also afraid of the soul missile that would destroy the world.

Going back and forth, the weapons cost a lot, the number of fifth, sixth, and seventh-level soul missiles is not too many, and now they can only fight hand-to-hand...

But in hand-to-hand combat, once there is a problem with the soul guide armor, the people inside will become demonized creatures.

"Deputy leader, the human side let you go there, it seems that something hurts you." A soul beast wearing a scarred soul guide armor said, at this time, the crater of sealing magic is still under the control of the soul beasts, As well as several powerful elves, such as Atolst, etc., Dai Shu gave each of them a piece of soul guide armor, so that they could also ignore the magic energy.

However, their combat power will drop, because the level of soul guide armor does not match them, unless it is like the Taoist armor of the cat demon.

However, it is still possible to prevent the invasion of magic energy.

"What's the matter?" Dai Shu said indifferently, with a hint of confusion on her face, what do humans want to do?

Artolst also came and said: "We are here, don't worry, that demonized creature General Zhang has lost his mind, he can't beat me."

"I'm here too." Obogu also said, and now the Fujiyama tribe's troops are under his command, and the chief of the Fujishan tribe has gone back to deal with the demonized creatures of the Fujishan tribe.

Several elite members of their Fujiyama tribe also received the soul guide armor provided by Dai Shu. Now in terms of hard power, they are not afraid of the demons coming out one by one.

Now, they are only afraid that the demons will make some big moves inside. After all, the cat demon has not brought back the sealing materials from the elves, so they still dare not go in and explore.

I don't know what happened inside.

Just like the demons were frightened by the tenth-level soul missile, they dare not go in now.

"Then I'll go and see, what do those unlucky humans want to do?" Dai Shu smiled softly, and then took a few mechanical spirits away from the crater of Sealing Demon Crater, and went to another encirclement outside. A coalition army of 10,000+ has been gathered. For several days, all forces, large and small, have come from the entire foggy continent.

Now, the entire Mist Continent is in an atmosphere of common hatred and hatred. Everyone is angry, everyone is afraid, and everyone is united to deal with the demons.

Atolst and Oberg continued to guard the crater of the Sealing Demon Crater. Even if they died in battle, they could not leave here for half a step. Defense was their duty, and their hometown was behind them.

The devilish energy that came out from the crater of the Sealing Demon Volcano did not spread. The devilish energy outside was in the barrier left by the elves and the little cat. The barrier prevented the spread of the demonic energy. Purify the magic energy day and night...

After a while, Dai Shu came to the joint army camp. This time, representatives of all the alien tribes of the human empire in the foggy continent came. It can be said that they may not have gathered so many forces in decades or hundreds of years.

However, there is a very unconvincing problem, that is, only the Elf tribe Atolster and the Fujiyama tribe Obogu can approach the crater of the Demon Sealing Crater.

In terms of humans, there is no one, and neither are other alien races. However, they have brought tens of thousands of troops. Could it be that they have to stay outside all the time?
Power dominates the issue, just like His Royal Highness who has become a useless person now, everyone wants to save face, and everyone goes in to eliminate the demons.

But why can't we?
"Why are you looking for me? If there is nothing important, I will go back to the Demon Sealing Crater." Dai Shu is wearing armor, her whole body is metal, and she is also scarred. If it is not armor level, then she has been killed by the demons several times. However, the appearance of metal made it hard to see the displeasure on her face at this moment, but her tone was still so displeased.

"Why worry, we've been outside for so long, isn't it more urgent than you?" Alan Empire, a general who came out at this time said, titled Douluo level, no battle armor, but equally powerful.

"Huh..." Dai Shu breathed a sigh of relief. She thought she was some kind of idiot, Limit Douluo. That kind of Limit Douluo really doesn't cost money, and there are not so many Douluo Continents.

Just like Mao Xiaoyao said, the strong are running all over the place, and he wants to poison them to control them back...

"That's right, what's the rush, we're not in a hurry." A person with the title of Douluo also said, and then a few soldiers blocked Dai Shu's retreat and prevented her from leaving, with unknown intentions.

The other people looked on coldly and didn't express anything. They were still drinking, just looking at the armor on Dai Shu's body, and their intentions were now somewhat clear.

"What? Can't deal with the demons, why are you in a hurry? Now, do you want to deal with your allies?" Dai Shu sneered lightly, human?Why is it always human?The brain is sick!No wonder, human beings are always so annoying, it turns out that human beings are the same everywhere.

The only difference is that the humans on the foggy continent have no hatred for them.

"Allies? Who are you? Where did you come from? What is an ally? On the Fog Continent, when did you have a race like you?"

"I don't know, the Fujiyama tribe knew about the invasion of foreign races, why didn't they tell us?" Some discordant voices said one after another. Inside the crater.

When they came to Fengmo Crater, most of them were famous and real forces in the Mist Continent, and most of them lived on the Mist Continent for an unknown number of years. But, what are the Star Dou Village and the Star Dou Great Forest?They haven't heard it at all.

The representative of the Fujishan tribe said indifferently: "That's my Fujishan tribe's own business, why should I tell it? Could it be that your wife also told me when she gave birth to a child?"

The others laughed, and that person was so angry that he stomped his feet and couldn't speak for a moment...

Dai Shu also smiled, "Don't talk nonsense, if you have the ability to go in by yourself, if you don't have the ability, then don't talk big and wait outside with peace of mind."

"It doesn't matter where we come from, it's none of your business, we in Xingdou Village didn't eat your rice, and didn't occupy your land, what are you shouting about?"

Dai Shu dismissed it, but for the sake of justice, Mao Xiaoyao reached some deals with the chief of the Fujishan tribe for the matter of the Xinxingdou Great Forest. It was like being sold there, and it had become their real place.

Relying on the old to sell the old, bullying others by taking advantage of their power, bullying the few by the many, she doesn't do that either.

"Presumptuous!" That Titled Douluo suddenly made a move, and hit Dai Shu's armor with a soul skill. In front of the absolute power, the power of the armor increase is not as much as that of the Titled Douluo. Dai Shu is not a black cat and a cat. That perverted little demon.

So, can't resist!She didn't expect that the other party would make such a decisive move.

Bang, Dai Shu was sent flying and fell out of the camp. The two spirit beasts who followed were about to call for reinforcements, but Dai Shu stopped them.

Now, they don't need a war, because the demon crisis has not been resolved.

"From the Allen Empire, what do you mean? Hitting an ally? Great, why don't you go in and fight the demons?" The representative of the Fujiyama tribe was angry, and the chief made it clear that he would help Dai Shu and the others, but now Dai Shu was killed by people from the Allen Empire. Hit, tsk tsk, aliens are simple-minded, hit! ! !
However, in an instant he was controlled...

"Deputy leader, call the support team! They are bullying too much." A soul beast said through gritted teeth. He gently helped Dai Shu up. Their deputy leader was beaten. They just wanted revenge, but the deputy leader refused.

Dai Shu was very weak and said: "It's okay!" The troops can't leave the crater of Fengmo crater casually, they are just being beaten, they just have to bear with it. In the past when humans beat them, they kept avoiding and fleeing.

"Hand over those armors and let us go in, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to get out today." The title Douluo of the Allen Empire said, the other imperial races are on their side at the moment, and they don't want to let only the elves and Fujiyama Tribal people show off, and they want to.

But the problem of demonic energy, the lesson of the Poole Empire, they don't want to go in and become demonized creatures at will.

(End of this chapter)

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