Chapter 408 Demon Army!

"I'll go down too." Seeing so many people have missions, the black cat asked expectantly, her mission?Prayer looked at Mao Xiaoyao, she didn't want to fight alone again.

"Of course, but you have to be with Sister Wuhua, and so is the rabbit." Mao Xiaoyao hugged the rabbit looking around, knocked on her armor helmet, and said: "Remember, don't open the armor helmet. , don’t be brave when you encounter anything, I don’t want you to have trouble.”

Mao Xiaoyao was a little nervous. He didn't know what was going on, and his mind was always in a mess. Everything below was unknown, and he didn't have any confidence. He could only pray that everyone would be safe.

The little rabbit kicked its legs and broke free from the embrace of a certain cat, and then said in distaste: "I will protect the black cat, don't worry! I am not afraid of any demons!" Punching a demon, let them see the horror of a meat-eating rabbit.

The atmosphere was enlivened by the rabbit, and the black cat also smiled, but...she was still very worried.

"Please, Sister Wuhua." Mao Xiaoyao respectfully bowed his head, and said from the bottom of his heart that he hoped that Yan Wuhua could protect the black cats and the others, so that he would have nothing to worry about and no worries about the future.

You can also give it a go!
Fight him to the death.

"Be careful too. You have to know that Xingdou Village needs you, everyone needs you, and we need you."

Yan Wuhua said, integrating into the life of Xingdou Village made her very happy, that was her new home, and she had to protect it, and the demons would definitely come out and destroy it.


At the same time, she also hoped that everyone would be fine.

"Yeah!" The cat demon nodded, looked at the black cat with a gentle smile, and looked at everyone. He took off the evil cat armor on his body, smiled, and then went into the crater of sealing the magic, absorbing the magic energy in an instant, and opened a path.


The elves were all shocked, and then saluted one by one. This is a hero, a great hero.

Ninth Elder and the others were also shocked, they had never seen such a decisive person, it was really...

"Show your spirits, we will soon go down to our elves, and you must not back down. Home is behind you, and our family is there!!!"

Huan Ya clenched her fists and looked at the Ninth Elders, hoping they could understand something, because the determination to destroy the demons, the little cat demon would not be weaker than them.

However, their elves will not lose.

Ninth Elders and the others were silent, embarrassing, very embarrassing, they even questioned a hero before.

The mechanical spirits have metal mechanical bodies one by one. The metal bodies are full of souls, humanoid and beast-shaped, and they also enter the crater of sealing demons. They follow the cat demon to become the vanguard. About [-] mechanical spirits, It can be said that the entire army of Xingdou Village, plus [-] spirit beasts, can be said to be the hope of the whole village, to destroy the demons.

for the future! ! !

They must fight! ! !
"Action!" Seeing that the demon energy was almost swallowed by the cat demon, Yan Wuhua ordered, let the soul beasts get ready, their leader has already entered, and they must not embarrass the leader.

"For the soul beast!"


Yan Wuhua rushed to the front with a special team, and the other spirit beasts were also full of fighting spirit one by one. They didn't have a trace of fear when they went down.

"Elves!" Atolst also blew the horn, which was a natural melody, and he said: "Let's go!" The elves army also went down one by one, without a trace of fear.

Above, Dai Shu, Huan Ya, and Snake Seven, they are responsible for the third line of defense, preventing fish that slip through the net from appearing.


The fourth line of defense, the 10,000+ army outside, if it fails and the magic energy gushes out, then the entire Mist Continent will also play.

Below the crater of Fengmo crater, the devil energy is abundant and strong. I don't know if the little cat thinks it is delicious.

Below, there is still no change. There are hot magma everywhere. The temperature is very high. When it falls, it is basically barbecue. It is cooked in one second and gone in the second.

However, the only change is that you can see some demons with purple skin, tall bodies, weapons in hand, and spells of the demons, and the cat demon turned into an evil cat, without a word, just go up and do it!
Cooperating with the attack of the soul tools of the mechanical spirits, they quickly came to the previous place, and they were familiar with the road. They didn't know where the exact location was before, and they kept going around in circles. Now, they went straight to Huanglong and came to that place of magma again. Below is the entrance to the Demon Crack.


a lot of!

Above, there are many demons guarding it, and sneaking around is no longer possible, because when they came in, the demons had already spotted them.

"Damn the evil cat!" Hahuang said angrily on the opposite side. He lost an arm and was seriously injured in the explosion. Therefore, when he saw the little cat, he wanted to eat the little cat's meat and drink the little cat's meat. demon blood.

"Little brother, don't come here in harm's way." Transformed into a human form, the cat demon smiled lightly, then frowned and glanced solemnly at the demon army on the opposite side.

Looking at the formation, it seems to be defensive. If he guessed correctly, something must have happened below.

The worst estimate is also: the new teleportation array.

New demons! ! !

"Hehe, just you? It's just an evil cat, you want to stop our demons?" Ha Huang gently waved his hand, the only hand, looked at the little cat with disdain, he was thinking, what should he do? Just to kill the cat demon.

Avenged the Broken Arm!

After waving his hand, the demonized creature General Zhang appeared, with a ferocious face, and his skin had turned into a purple state. This is an evolved demonized creature. This kind of evolved demonized creature is even more terrifying, because they can already use soul skills .

You can easily use soul skills and some abilities!It's not just a punch and a kick.

Things got tricky, and there seemed to be a lot of demonized creatures, all of which had evolved.

"Are you blind? Didn't you see the army behind me?" Mao Xiaoyao smiled contemptuously, and gave Ha Huang a middle finger in greeting, showing little sincerity.

However, when he saw General Zhang, Mao Xiaoyao couldn't smile anymore, his face twitched slightly, a demonized creature of the Limit Douluo level, just one, could press him to the ground and keep rubbing and having sex.

Although the mechanical spirits can stop them, they will also pay a high price.

Now, they must stall for time.

Waiting for Artolst and Yan Wuhua.

"What? Where's that good brother of yours?" The little cat sneered and said, "Could it be, what's going on down there, and he can't get away?" The little cat was testing to see if he could find out anything. He frowned on the number of the demon army, and if he dispatched such an army of demons, then the following must be more important, otherwise, he would not have dispatched such an army of demons to stop him.

However, the other party seems to have no intention of doing anything, why?
Very strange.

The enemy can't move, I can't move?
"When Lord Demon God descends, it will be your time of death. What kind of shit is extremely lustful and evil cat, it will be nothing at that time."

"Hahahaha!" Ha Huang was crazy, very confident, if the other party didn't dare to attack, then they wouldn't attack either, because the demons might need to delay.

Both take time.

"I'm sorry, today, you demons must die no matter what." Mao Xiaoyao frowned, there must be something down there, and he couldn't wait anymore. He raised his hand to make all the mechanical spirits prepare for battle. The mechanical spirits are all ready with a fifth-level soul cannon, but they cannot be fired at the same time.

If thousands of fifth-level soul missiles explode at the same time, it is estimated that the entire cave will collapse, and they will all die together with the demons...

Both the demons and them will die, but if the entrance of the crack of the demons is not sealed, they will still exist. Therefore, now is not the time to die together, but to find a way to seal the entrance of the crack of the demons. It is only the worst plan to die together.

Mao Xiaoyao hoped that she would never do that.

Finally, Yan Wuhua and the others came, and she immediately confronted the demonized creature General Zhang, and the two of them fought together directly.

The demon army and the mechanical spirit race are also fighting!

Under the cover of a pile of fifth-level soul guide cannons, Mao Xiaoyao rushed up immediately!

"Not good, defend!" Ha Huang's complexion changed, the other party actually wanted to delay time, he saw a few strange and powerful auras...

The demon army formed a large defensive formation, forming a formation to defend against the coming soul missiles.

Boom boom boom boom...

The entire lava vibrated, boulders rolled down, as if experiencing a magnitude [-] earthquake...

"Don't think about it anymore." Ha Huang stopped the cat demon, and hit the cat demon with a spell, carrying a terrifying purple magic energy, but the Ninth Elder suddenly appeared and blocked Ha Huang's attack. Those who are afraid of whom?

"Leave it to us here, Atolst, you and the cat demon warrior, you must seal the crack of the demon clan." The ninth elder said resolutely, the armor made him very uncomfortable, and he didn't know how much strength he could display. I know, but he will delay Mao Xiaoyao and the others.

"Damn you!" Emperor Ha said angrily, with huge claws, he slapped the Ninth Elder who was blocking the way, and the Ninth Elder was also fierce, rushing forward without the slightest fear.

However, even if it becomes a soul guide armor, it is also a defeat. The soul guide armor is not like the Taoist weapon armor. Although it can defend against demonic energy, it will limit the strength of the soul master.

Seeing how fierce the Ninth Elder was, Mao Xiaoyao's heart moved. At the same time, he nodded, gritted his teeth, and led a part of the mechanical spirits directly down into the magma and the army of spirits led by Ators!

 A book friend asked, is there anything wrong with the black cat?

  She has nothing to do with the Mozu incident.

  However, this time the little cat is not necessarily. ?????????????
(End of this chapter)

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