The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 417 Evil energy invades the mind!

Chapter 417 Evil energy invades the mind!


Everyone was anxious and tried desperately to save them, but they couldn't make it through. Seeing that the demigods were about to kill the black cat, such a huge force...

"Goodbye, little demon." The black cat closed its eyes and shed tears. Can we be together only after death?
The crowd shouted and wept.


Suddenly, the little cat moved, wrapped a barrier, and sent the black cat out. The crying little rabbit caught the black cat firmly.

"How is it possible!!!" The demigods were terrified, they were clearly dead, why were they alive?

"That's my woman, don't hurt her at all." The evil cat changed nine times, and the little cat bit the demigod's arm hard. The demigod never expected that the cat suddenly When I woke up, I didn't have time to react, so I took a savage mouthful and swooped out...

"Get out, hurry up!" Mao Xiaoyao said anxiously through voice transmission. He was talking to Yan Wuhua. Since the bomb has started timing, it is impossible to stop it. When the volcano erupts, they will all die.

They must get out!

"Little demon..." When the black cat reacted, she was hugged tightly by the rabbit and turned into a human form. She was crying and struggling.

The demigod was in pain, and after falling to the ground, the devil's claws ruthlessly slammed into the cat demon's chest, smacking a large piece of meat. The evil spirit invaded his mind, and he changed his aura, a more powerful aura.

The evil cat has nine changes, each change is different, but each change has a common characteristic: evil energy invades the mind!

Evil qi invaded, and evil gods descended.

Huan Ya and the others were stunned, they never thought that Mao Xiaoyao would do that...

"Get out!" Gritting her teeth fiercely, Yan Wuhua ordered: "That's the little demon's order, go out, don't become his burden, and don't disappoint everything about him."

"No, I won't go, little demon..." The black cat struggled, broke away from the rabbit, and wanted to go inside again, but Yan Luoluo came out instantly and grabbed her.

Everyone is also hesitating, Mao Xiaoyao is still working hard, they can't leave...

"Little demon..." the black cat wept bitterly.

Seeing the black cat who was struggling and crying so hard, Yan Wuhua made up his mind and knocked her out with a hand knife, and knocked her out with a hand knife.

"Rabbit, take the black cat out, I'll finish it off, otherwise, we will die here, and then the little demon's sacrifice will be meaningless." Yan Wuhua said hard-heartedly, she must not be sorry to the cat demon, but since There are still a few elite demons around, so she has to stall for time.

"I'm coming too." Ators also came, as well as humans, alien races, and a few powerful people. They would guard and buy time for everyone.

"I..." The rabbit cried, looking at the unconscious black cat in her arms with tears in her eyes, she didn't know what to do, the same was true for all the spirit beasts, they were confused and didn't want to leave, their leader, still In battle, they cannot escape...

"Get out!" Suddenly, a person appeared, with an extremely holy aura, step by step, instantly purified and demonized, and the surrounding demons were controlled one by one.

The green and hopeful vines that cannot be cut off, entangled them, making them motionless, growing flowers and purifying step by step, what a beautiful and holy woman she is.

The Great Elder of the Elf Clan is here, but she can't come, after all, the demigods are so powerful.

"My lord, the little cat..." Huanya said hesitantly, the little cat must be saved, if you don't save him, he will die when the volcano erupts, the magma with such a high temperature...

"Great Elder." Artolst and the others also looked at them with respect, human beings and alien races. It was the eyes of the weak respecting the strong. They had never seen such a powerful person...

"Don't disappoint his sacrifice, I'll stop it, you all go out, that demigod demon has used all his cultivation to attack the cat demon, and soon, heaven will punish him, this place is far more than a simple volcanic eruption .” The great elder of the elves frowned, what about the cracks in the demons below?Even if all these demons die, it won't solve any problems, because once the crack exists, the demons will still come over.

"Elves!" Atols nodded, and at the same time took a complicated look at the cat demon who was desperately holding the demigod at this time. He gritted his teeth and finally chose to take the elves out. He took a deep look at the cat demon.

go out!

"We..." the rabbit hesitated.

"Get out!" Yan Wuhua gritted her teeth, turned her head cruelly and took the soul beasts out, they had to go out, she couldn't waste the sacrifice of the little cat.

Rabbit and the others cried, bowed to the cat demon, and then went out...

At the same time, Yan Wuhua said to the Great Elder of the Elf Clan, "If possible, please save our leader, we need him." She also left as she said this. This was the first time she begged for help in hundreds of thousands of years.

"I will." The Elf Elder smiled, she will, for sure.

"Thank you." Yan Wuhua nodded with a smile, and then left, leaving this dangerous place.

"Go! The elves need you!" The elder of the elves looked at his daughter who was reluctant to leave and said, and then set up a green barrier to completely isolate everything, hoping to give them some time to go out.

"Mother..." Huan Ya cried, bowed deeply, and then went out, she couldn't let her mother worry, she must be the queen well, and she would definitely protect the elves...


On the other side, the bloodthirsty cat demon is crazily devouring everything on the demigod demon clan. The evil spirit invades the mind and burns the blood, making him a bloodthirsty maniac who doesn't know fatigue or pain...

"Damn it, you are the one who forced me to use all my cultivation, go to hell!" Seeing the power loss in his body bit by bit, and the pair of wings bitten off by the cat demon, the demigod demon The clan was very angry.

Also in fear.

I'm not afraid of those who fight you desperately, but I'm afraid of those who don't.

The demigod demons don't know why the little cat can still stand up, and, moreover, become so powerful, the evil aura doesn't seem to be weaker than their demons...

"It turns out that gods can also be injured, and gods can also bleed. I thought you wouldn't be injured, haha." Seeing that the black cat and the others had left safely, the great elder of the elf clan also came to help.

Mao Xiaoyao has nothing to worry about. He let go of his mind and body and let the evil energy invade his mind, completely becoming a murder weapon. He just wants to kill the demigods, or be killed by him! ! !
"You're going to die!" The demigod demon clan exploded with all its strength, pinned the little cat firmly, and punched the little cat hard on the head, but the little cat didn't seem to give up, and raised its head Attack!

At this time, a mechanical spirit clan dragged his miserable body, and handed over a space soul guide to the great elder of the spirit clan who maintained the result.

"This is..." The great elder of the elves looked at the space soul guide, inspected it, and was stunned. It seemed to be the material that sealed the entrance of the fissure of the demon clan...

"Please, Great Elder! This guy has used all his cultivation, as long as I take advantage of the moment of the volcanic eruption and I rush out with him, then he will be sensed by the order of the heavens, and he will be driven out of this world..."

"Seal, you just need to follow my method."

"Farewell, please help me take a picture of my clansman, my black cat, my Mu Xi..."

As soon as the voice fell, all the bombs exploded, and the power instantly caused the entire volcanic hole to collapse. The magma seemed to be stimulated, and it began to anger, flow, accumulate power, and erupt...

Boom boom boom boom boom boom...

"Cat little demon!!!" The great elder of the elves yelled, but the terrifying power of the volcanic eruption prevented her from using the rock hole as a cover, and using the power of the earth to dig a hole. The stone wall, using strength to strengthen and block the entrance of the cave, she did not dare to touch the hot magma...

Looking at the space soul guide in her hand, she fell into deep thought, endlessly blaming herself, "I'm not as courageous as a child, and I'm actually worried about my own safety..."

The Great Elder of the elves slapped herself hard. It was her cowardice that caused so many things to happen. Otherwise, with her strength, how could she not be able to stop it?
Now, Mao Xiaoyao sacrificed herself, at all costs, to give her the time to seal the entrance to the crack of the demon clan, and yet, she was still afraid of this, afraid of this...

Ha ha.

"Hehe!" The elder of the elves clenched their fists, broke the seal, and rushed directly into the hot magma, looking for the entrance of the fissure of the demon clan. She wanted to seal the entrance of the fissure of the demon clan with the method left by the little cat.


(End of this chapter)

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