Chapter 419 Hope!

"Maybe, I shouldn't congratulate, after all, the atmosphere is not suitable." Seeing the excited Hei Mao and Dai Shu, Huan Ya also held a leaf, and said: "But... maybe, the cat demon is not dead..." That's just a possibility, so she can't confirm it.

The three girls surrounded Huanya in an instant, each with excited eyes, the little cat is not dead?The black cat was so weak that she was hugged by Dai Shu.

Seeing the reaction of the three people, Huan Ya was startled, took the leaf and explained: "Mother told me to take this leaf to find the son of evil, that is, the cat demon. There is a trace of light on the leaf, but, When the leaves are close to the little cat, the leaves will emit very bright light, and I found a very faint light on the leaves, which is faintly visible, so I guess the little cat may not be dead, he may be here Somewhere in the world..."

"Responsible for the task of sealing the entrance to the fissure of the demon clan, Mao Xiaoyao didn't know why, but gave it to my mother."

"That day, there were three auras that came out from the crater of Fengmo Volcano. One is our mother, and the other two should be the little cat demon and the demigod demon clan."

"Due to the use of powerful power, the demigods were forced to fly away by the order of heaven."

"My mother also used her power when sealing the entrance of the crack in the demon clan, so she was not allowed to ascend, and she couldn't get guidance from the gods, so she didn't know where to ascend."

Huanya cried, her eyes were very sad, she thought of her mother!Not only did Black Cat lose her most important person, she also lost her own mother...

Ascension without guidance is full of dangers, and she doesn't know, mother, whether she can find the location of the God Realm...

Hope, the god of elves can bless you.

"Huan Ya, your mother is a great person." Cang Yuhe sighed, they lost too many relatives in this big war, she really didn't want any more wars.

Dai Shu also sighed.

Wiping away her tears, Huanya smiled: "So, black cat! I must be strong. For the sake of my people, I have to hide my sadness and lead them."

"And you are the same. Now that you have a child, you should be stronger. At least there is hope."

Huan Ya gently placed the leaf in the hands of the black cat, and smiled at her, hopeful, at least she will not be disappointed, and she will not let her mother down...

She will work hard.

Try to lead the tribe.

The black cat wept and looked at the leaf in his hand. There was indeed a glimmer of light. Is that the light of hope?
"Thank you!" The black cat bowed deeply, dragging her exhausted body, she also wiped away her tears, and said, "Yeah, what you said is right, I shouldn't be so decadent, at least now, I now have a Hope!" The black cat held the leaf and smiled, looked at Dai Shu, Cangyuhe, and Huanya, she gently put her hand on her belly, and smirked...

When Dai Shu and the others go out, the black cat needs to rest and be quiet.

"Little demon..." Holding the leaves, gently stroking and stroking his stomach, the black cat was lying on the bed and weeping quietly, a little moved by the joy, but also the pain of longing. Having a child and losing a father, I am overjoyed Great grief, exhausted her physically and mentally.



The soul beasts are patrolling.

Now humans, aliens, go to carnival, because the demons were defeated, they are happy, they go to carnival, to celebrate the victory.

However, the soul beasts cannot leave, because they have to guard this place.

Moreover, their leader did not come back.

"Huan Ya, is what you just said true?"

No man's land, very quiet, Dai Shu finally couldn't help asking, she didn't know whether what Huanya said just now was true or not, maybe the little cat is still alive, maybe Huanya is to let the black cat think about children , can take heart, told a lie...

However, she is in a very messy mood now, and she also wants the little cat to be alive. Is that really possible?
The ten blood demon pills burned all the essence and blood to fight against the demigod demons. They were no opponents, and they still entangled each other. They didn't know the fatigue or pain. The side effect was that they lost their cultivation base and life.

However, when the volcano erupted, he and the demigod were still inside the volcano, and everything seemed impossible to outsiders. Could it be that, as Huanya said, the little cat demon still alive?
Dai Shu was very strange, but also very afraid, afraid that her expectations would turn into nothingness...

Cangyuhe also looked at Huanya, after all, is it possible for their leader to be alive?
"At least there is that hope. I don't know whether the little cat is alive or not, but he once gave us hope, so we can't despair."

Huanya also doesn't know whether the little cat is alive or dead, maybe, that leaf is special, it has light in the first place, maybe that sliver of light is the little cat, maybe that's also the case.

"..." Dai Shu smiled bitterly, yes, the cat demon brought them a lot of hope, so they can stand here and sigh, that is hope!

"The black cat is pregnant with the little demon's child, that is one of the black cat's hopes." Cang Yuhe said: "Xingdou Village will not let the little demon down, Dai Shu, Xingdou Village needs you, the one left by the cat demon That plan also requires us to work hard.”

Mao Xiaoyao has always had a dream, that is, to hope that the soul beasts can live a peaceful life without human persecution, and that is the goal he has been working hard for.

"En." Dai Shu clenched her fists and glanced at the sky. She would definitely not disappoint the little cat.

However, now she still has a lot of things to do.

"Huanya, Xiaoyao said that you elves are always welcome to study in Xingdou Village. We will not break our promise. You are always welcome at the gate of Xingdou Village." Dai Shu looked at everything around her, wanting to hope, but not getting it. , she said: "We are going back!"

Before going back, she has to take back the soul guide armor in the hands of humans. Mao Xiaoyao doesn't want the soul guide technology of the Mist Continent to develop so fast, so the soul guide is very dangerous, so the soul guide armor cannot be given.

"Well, thank you, we will always be friends." Huan Ya nodded, the elves really need to communicate, humans, aliens, are too evil, and it is not at ease to let the clansmen go out, it seems to be okay to go to Dai Shu.

Cangyuhe also smiled, communication can make mutual progress...

Time ticked, seven days later, the soul beasts finally returned to Xingdou Village, they still did not find Mao Xiaoyao, but Mao Xiaoyao was still alive, that was what they believed all along.

In alien races, when Dai Shu asks for the soul guide armor in the hands of humans, the other party seems not to want to give it, but Dai Shu is also simple, directly controlling the soul guide armor and letting them come back by themselves, that is the method left by the cat demon , can be forcibly withdrawn!

He was afraid that the alien race would not give it to humans.

After all, ambition.

However, Lin Qingxian also came to Xingdou Village as the first communicator, and started his own learning path, but the process was not easy and very difficult. After all, soul beasts looked down on humans one by one, and even Hate……

Snake Seven also returned to the human world to continue the unfinished business...

Yan Wuhua also continued to train the special operations squad, allowing them to turn grief into strength, and complete the regret left by Mao Xiaoyao as soon as possible...

Dai Shu is also leading the soul beast, cheer up, and continue to develop the plan left by Mao Xiaoyao...

However, Black Cat is also working hard to recover her body. After all, she is not alone now...

She could feel that faint breath, human beings are pregnant for ten months, but spirit beasts are different, not to mention, this child is not so simple.

She didn't know how long she was born.

However, this child has also become the driving force for her to live...

(End of this chapter)

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