The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 431 He might be alive!

Chapter 431 He might be alive!


"Maybe it's cruel to you and me, but I still have to say it." Sad, sad, the black cat was crying, and the little cat is not here now. Some things must be decided by her, and she also believes that there will always be One day the cat demon will come back.

for sure!
Mu Xi didn't listen to what the black cat wanted to say next, but tears fell for some reason... His face became very pale, his heart was twitching, and he didn't know what happened.

"The little demon has an accident, and we are all looking for him." To put it simply, the black cat also needs a lot of courage to say, she has been sad for so long, she has to hold back for the sake of the child, she must be strong, for the sake of hope, She also has to work hard and try to do things that she didn't want to do before.

boom!The cup fell, Mu Xi's hands were trembling, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, she half cried and half laughed, "You must be joking, right? Haha, the little demon must be hiding somewhere, and then I asked you to surprise me, Do you think..." After choking up every word, Mu Xi still didn't believe that something would happen to the little cat. She waited for so long, how could it be like this?

She doesn't believe it.

This must be a joke, she can't cry, can't cry, but she can't control her tears.

"Something happened to the new home, a terrible race came, the demons, the little demons..." Every word is pain, and the black cat is also feeling uncomfortable, and now every soul beast in Xingdou Village is also feeling uncomfortable. , They didn't get out of that pain, but when they turned their grief into strength.

Gradually forget the pain...

But in the dead of night, it is inevitable to recall...

"No, I don't believe it." Mu Xi cried bitterly, covered her ears, and shouted at the black cat: "You liar, you must be trying to lie to me, how could something happen to the little demon!" How could something happen, she doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it, she won't believe it...

Sad, painful, heart-piercing pain, Mu Xi cried bitterly, took out the communicator and kept calling, kept calling, kept calling the cat demon...

But, I can't get through... A long time ago, I couldn't get through...

Suddenly, the door opened.

Mu Xi's mother came back. She went shopping just now and came back to prepare dinner.

When I opened the door, I found a crying daughter and a strange girl.

"Mom." Mu Xi hugged her mother, crying bitterly, sad, she couldn't find the little cat, her little cat was gone...

"Xiaoxi, what's the matter?" The vegetables she just bought fell on the ground, and Mu Xi's mother hugged her sad daughter, comforted her, gave her a warm embrace, and gave her a place to cry.

The black cat also wiped away its tears, tried its best to raise its head, got up and smiled and said, "Hello, auntie."

"Hello." Mu Xi's mother nodded, and was surprised at the same time. She knew this girl. She seemed to be Mao Xiaoyao's girlfriend. She was on the wanted list...

How could it appear in your own home?
"I came here today to solve some things. I hope that Auntie can take good care of Mu Xi. She is a good girl and deserves a better person."

The black cat smiled, then went out, opened the door, and was about to leave.

"Aren't you going to stay for dinner?" Mu Xi's mother said, she didn't have the intention of reporting it, she just wanted to beat the cat demon.

"No, let's eat again when I have a chance! I'm short on time, so I won't bother you. Goodbye." The black cat was about to close the door and go out.

The weeping Mu Xi suddenly said: "Black Cat, let me tell you, don't look down on people, you can do it for the little demon, why can't I! Even if he dies and doesn't see you, I'm still his, forever!" The black cat smiled bitterly and closed the door.

Mu Xi continued to cry, crying out of sadness. She knew what a black cat meant. Isn't the little cat just missing?She believes that Mao Xiaoyao will come back, and she will not give up!

Mu Xi's mother was in a daze, she didn't know what was going on...

The person who was peeping was also very uncomfortable. When he saw Mu Xi and the black cat, he could only sigh silently, sighing about his current situation...

Therefore, it is imminent to recover his body, so many people believe that he can go back, so why does he continue to be decadent?

Evil Soul Master! ! !
Mao Xiaoyao thought of a method, since devouring evil soul masters is useful, can he also devour them?

Electric shock, devouring, these two methods can be tried at present...

While Mao Xiaoyao was thinking, Xiaolan and Xiaolu hurried into the office and reported: "Master Chief, it's not good, Deacon Hu Lili asked us to meet the black cat boss, she is here..."



so fast?
"Clean it up!!!" Scared the little cat to tidy up everything in the office. Since Little Bear came, there are wine bottles everywhere in the office, and the environment is a bit messy...


outside, entrance.

Hu Lili, Xiaolan, Xiaolu, and Tiehu greeted them at the entrance.

"Boss Black Cat." They respected each other, but they were actually panicked and scared one by one.

Hu Lili also smiled, "Black cat, why are you here? Are you afraid that I can't manage them?" As she said that, she immediately hugged the black cat's arm, and that nonsense touched the black cat's stomach...

The little demon cat who watched from the side was also stunned, what are you doing touching your stomach?Now he, number 9527, also came out to greet Xiaolan and Xiaolu as subordinates.

The black cat cast a glance, patted Hu Lai's left hand, and then smiled and said, "I happen to have something to talk to Gu Yue, so let's see how the underground base is doing." The matter that has been received is now taken over by the black cat, and the same is true for the matter of cooperation with Gu Yue. Now the black cat is handling everything.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see it." Hu Lili smiled, and then took the black cat's hand, ready to take her to see the situation of the underground base.

However, a mechanical Eldar stood there stupidly.

Hu Lili scolded: "9527, what's wrong with you, what are you doing to stop us?"

Mao Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, and said in the voice of the mechanical Eldar: "I'm sorry." Then he moved away, he was thinking about something, a little fascinated, Xiaolan and Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief.

Hu Lili rolled her eyes, pulled the black cat, and suddenly the black cat stopped, looked at number 9527, and kept looking...

Little blue and little green iron tiger were stunned, the black cat boss, hurry up, don't look, why the hell did the leader come here?

"What's the matter, black cat, what's wrong with this mechanical spirit race?" Hu Lili frowned, puzzled, and also looked at the number 9527. The two girls looked at it, and the little cat panicked a lot. what's going on?
"Is this the latest model of the Eldar?" the black cat asked.

Hu Lili thought for a while, "This was done by Tiehu, it should be!"

"Tiehu, isn't it?"

"Iron Tiger?"

"Boss Tiehu, Deacon Hu Lili is asking you something." Xiaolan reminded him that he was also very nervous now.

Tie Hu was stunned, and nodded frantically, "Yes!"

"Boss Black Cat, the underground base is very busy, I'll go to other places first." Tie Hu chose to run away.

The black cat nodded.

Xiaolan Xiaolu and Mao Xiaoyao secretly scolded Tiehu for his lack of loyalty.

Hu Lili was a little unhappy, "This iron tiger, anyway, I can't control it." It doesn't listen to itself at all, it's very hateful.

The black cat smiled, "The million-year-old soul naturally has its own arrogance, which is normal."

Hu Lili sighed, and she was right.

"Little blue, little green." The black cat turned around and said.

Xiaolan and Xiaolu nodded frantically, "Yes, yes!" Tiehu ran away, but they couldn't...

"This No. 9527 must be equipped with the best weapon. Tomorrow, you send it to Mu Xi's house and let it protect that stupid woman." Hei Mao sighed and said, and then went to check the situation of the underground base with Hu Lili. In fact, She was also afraid that Mu Xi would do something stupid, so she might as well send a mechanical spirit clan to increase the security force.


Xiaolan, Xiaolu are confused...

The little cat is autistic...

(End of this chapter)

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