The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 438 Not a cat demon?

Chapter 438 Not a cat demon?
Ontology?What ontology?
They seriously suspected that there was a person inside, and that person might be Mao Xiaoyao himself.

9527 nodded, stretched out his hand, and then summoned his own body, a cute little white rabbit, on the mechanical arm, said with a cute voice: "Humans, how are you all?" At this time, it is about the IQ of a 10-year-old human child, and there is no problem in normal communication. Moreover, he is eccentric and has a personality very similar to a certain rabbit.

After all, this is an exclusive soul created with her genetic information. Now, the souls are no longer manufactured by Mao Xiaoyao. They are basically customized, customized, and more powerful souls.

"Thousand-year soul..." Tang Wulin said in shock, and it was also a talking soul, which was amazing. This soul rabbit, like a person, stood upright with legs and looked at them with cute big eyes.

"How is it?" Mu Xi nodded in satisfaction. The rabbit is no threat, right?There is no danger, the little cat and the black cat will not harm her.

Mu Xi's mother also thought that it seemed very cute, but why can a soul live in a metal body?

Mu Chen and Tang Wulin also asked.

However, the rabbit said: "No comment!"

"I just want to prove that my purpose is to protect Miss Mu Xi, and there is no malice." The main body returned to No. 9527. 9527 opened its mechanical eyes and looked at Tang Wulin and Mu Chen quietly, and put down his hands.

Muchen and Tang Wulin looked at each other, what kind of strange race is this?The cat demon is too scary!Even let the soul have a body, if it develops into an army...

It's scary to think about it. The world view of the two of them has been severely impacted. Now, the whole world wants to catch the little cat, but do those people really know how scary the little cat is?

Has been hiding, will there be some big conspiracy?
"Okay, Dad, Tang Wulin, you two, don't go too far. He is here to protect me, not to hurt me. Don't look at him as a spirit. You will bully him." Mu Xi trotted all the way to the side of 9527 , glaring at Dad and Tang Wulin, 9527 is so cute, how could it be in any danger?
Mu Xi's mother couldn't help it, and she immediately looked helpless. Her daughter's temper was as she wanted, and she was always so ass-tempered.

"But, now I suspect that this metal man is a cat demon! He is controlling everything." Mu Chen couldn't imagine that kind of technology, and then that kind of technology has been used in the god-level mecha now. The god-level mecha, basically There will always be a soul to assist the housekeeper, and the Federation now wants to improve that technology, making the mecha smaller and allowing the soul to control it.

That is the so-called Mechanical Soul Project!However, as soon as I thought it would become a weapon of war, the research never went on.

So there is a light mech!

But what did he see today?
Isn't this a living mechanical soul?The perfect items that were planned appeared in front of his eyes, which made it difficult for him to accept...

What kind of scary cat is a demon?How could such a terrifying thing be made after only a few years of forging and the theory of soul tools?
He didn't believe it.

The only explanation is that the little cat is controlled by the metal man.

"Dad!" Mu Xi was very angry. Although she hoped so, she would not let her father do it. If it was really a cat demon, her father would be the first one who would not let him go.

"Senior Sister, this metal man is very dangerous. Today, Xie Xie and I saw with our own eyes that a black fellow like this metal man can devour the soul power of an evil soul master and even his martial soul..." Thinking about it makes the hair stand on end, Tang Wu Lin also said, the investigation results have come out, those evil soul masters were devoured to death by people's soul power and martial soul.

For a person with that ability, Tang Wulin immediately thought of his little junior brother, that is: the cat demon!However, he didn't want to think that way...

He didn't want that to be something the little cat did!
Teacher Mangtian, I have been in touch with myself recently, ten sentences and seven sentences cannot be separated from my junior brother, so Tang Wulin actually doesn't want the cat demon in it...

In fact, no one wants to.

"Xiao Xi, get out of the way." Mu Chen had already used his elf cultivation, Contra-level strength, and three-word combat armor master. He didn't believe that he couldn't deal with such a metal man.

Moreover, if the cat demon must be caught, otherwise, the entire Federation will be in turmoil, and once those technologies are mass-produced, it will be a bloodbath.

"Could it be, did you disembowel 9527? Don't you think you are too cruel? As you can see, it is so cute and can communicate with people."

"You!!" Mu Xi resolutely disagreed, protecting 9527, even if it was a cat monster or not, she would not agree, just like a human being, how would he live if his belly was ripped apart?
"..." Tang Wulin also didn't know what to do. Those guys are black today, but this guy is pink, which doesn't seem to be the case either, because the cat demon doesn't like pink.

The scene was stalemate for a while.

Mu Xi's attitude is very tough.

However, at this time 9527 suddenly said: "I can disintegrate automatically!" Automatic disintegration means clicking, turning into pieces... just like building blocks.

Mu Chen and Tang Wulin were stunned, disintegrated?

Mu Xi turned her head, "9527, no..." Tears burst into tears, she couldn't do that.

"Miss Mu Xi, the leader wants me to tell you that you deserve a better person." Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha, the arms fell, the head fell, and then one by one, 9527 became a pile of parts. There really are no cat demons.

So where is the cat demon?

"Tiehu, 9527 is disabled, let Tianyan go to meet the little rabbit, and prepare me a new body of the mechanical spirit clan." The cat demon has returned to the underground base, and if Mu Xi runs out now, then he will It was discovered that the soul-guided levitation car that Mao Xiaoyao gave her had just returned, and the levitation car had just returned to the yard and parked.

Just now, Mao Xiaoyao delayed for so long because he wanted to get a golden cicada to escape its shell, so he asked the little rabbit to make 9527, and he asked the suspension car to let him come back. At this time, he is hiding somewhere in the underground base...

Because, the black cat is in the underground base, he came back, sneaking around like a thief.

The little rabbit is fine, it is in the soul jar, and the Sky Eye Satellite can just go and pick it up, and then the little rabbit has to hand it over to the rabbit, after all, it is her customized soul.

"It's ready!" Tie Hu said. He prepared two sets just in case, but he didn't expect to use them so soon.

Mao Xiaoyao merged with the mechanical spirit clan again. This time, the little white tiger entered the metal body. He will not appear in the underground base. He will always be active in Shrek City or other cities, looking for evil soul masters to devour... …

Because, one finger can already move, and he sees the hope of recovery! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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