The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 440 Target Power Plant!

Chapter 440 Target Power Plant!

The next day.

The black cat went back, sat on the Xingdou, targeted the island base, secretly investigated the leakage of the soul guide weapons, and at the same time, returned with the latest batch of soul guide devices.

Little Xiong also went to Star Dou Forest with Hu Lili, and, to some old places...

And, what about Mu Xi...

After staying up all night, she actually assembled 9527. 9527 is also very magical, like playing with building block warriors. After the assembly is completed, it will return to its original shape.

"Why is one missing? Where, where, where..." In a small place in Shrek City, in a room, Mu Xi was constantly looking for the last piece of 9527. There was a big round hole in the chest, in which a The mineral water bottle is just such a cylindrical part, she can't find it, and she can't find it no matter what.

Mu Xi was very sad. After a busy night, it turned out to be this kind of ending. She still couldn't save No. 9527.

She likes this guy who talks back to her very much. She once thought it was a little cat, because only the little cat dared to say that to her!
But, it turns out not to be.

Very disappointed, but she also didn't want such a 9527 who could bring her happiness to lose her life like this...

Mechanical Eldar, that is also a kind of life, right?

"Miss Mu Xi, let's go back! 9527 loses the soul axis in the center, just like losing its soul, it can't function anymore." Yudie explained, she also didn't understand what Mu Xi's family did, but 9527 is no longer possible In resurrection, because, it is missing the most important parts.

The soul axis looks like a glass bottle with souls inside. Through the axis, they control the entire metal body, just like the human heart, brain, and soul. The soul axis is one.

"Yudie, do you have a way to get the axis of the soul? I want to resurrect 9527!" Mu Xi didn't want to give up, since she could be resurrected, she had to give it a try.

"No, even if other soul axes are installed, then 9527 cannot be 9527." Yudie explained helplessly: "The soul axis, to put it bluntly, is the heart, brain, and soul of a mechanical Eldar. They are all unique. existence." Moreover, Yudie does not seem to have the authority to enter the underground base to obtain such important things.

"..." Mu Xi was silent, looking at 9527 quietly, feeling pain in her heart and tears faintly, why is she like that?
"Hey..." Yudie sighed, maybe, the leader of the cat demon is here, so it can be solved!However, why does the axis of the soul disappear?
The mechanical spirit race, unless the axis of the soul explodes, otherwise, basically they will not die...

What about the soul axis?
A certain Sky Eye satellite is now sending the little rabbit's soul to the rabbit non-stop like a courier, but the little cat seems to have forgotten one question.

The little rabbit's soul has memory!
Of course, maybe the little cat's body was disabled, and there was something wrong with his mind.

At this time, on the side of the little cat.

Is there electricity on Douluo Continent?This problem seems to be no trouble to the people of Douluo Dalu, as early as Tang San's era, it seems that there was such a thing, otherwise, there would be no such thing as soul guides.

Light energy, heat energy, water energy, on the Douluo Continent, there are also three power generation modes, which are used for daily lamps, TVs, electrical appliances and the like...

In this case, there will be a power plant, and there will be a power plant, so Mao Xiaoyao is very happy, because he can absorb it, and he can have an electric shock therapy...

and other sources of energy!
"Tianyan, we squatted for so long, didn't you find anything?" Mao Xiaoyao couldn't wait, after all, such delicious food was in front of him, how could he wait so long and not eat it?
Now, knowing that he can recover his body, Mao Xiaoyao is full of energy in everything he does. Moreover, although he has just gotten rid of Mu Xi and regained his freedom, although it will make Mu Xi very sad, but for the sake of the future, he must do that...

Tiehu also sent news that the black cat had returned to the island base to investigate the matter of the soul guide, leaving the imminent turmoil in the human world.

Now, Mao Xiaoyao has nothing to worry about. The Sky Eye Soul Guidance Satellite is in the sky of Shrek City, where they can't see, monitoring the entire Shrek City.

Once something happens, Mao Xiaoyao will know and react immediately.

However, there is a problem now, that is, the Shrek City Power Plant is very large, and the scale is very large, but there are too many guards, so many that they think this is the real Shrek Academy.

Shrek Academy doesn't have so many soldiers guarding it, nor does it have so many defensive soul guide weapons.

Sky Eye Satellite No. 3 said: "My lord, they have shifts during the day and night, and the shifts are seamlessly connected. They basically don't give any chance." As the energy core of Shrek City, this place is the guardian of Shrek City's own army. Most of them are from Shrek and Tang Sect.

Tang Sect's soul guide and hidden weapon are combined, and in terms of damage weapon, it is estimated to be the number one in Tang Sect! ! !The same is true for inner strength and mental methods. After all, when others use soul skills, the fucking people of Tangmen use exercises.

On the Douluo Continent, there is no real cultivation system. They are all practicing cultivation, cultivating the level of soul power, learning soul skills, combining soul skills to comprehend combat skills, and so on.

There are very few supporting exercises!

However, Tang Sect is different!Although they also cultivate soul power, but at the same time they practice Xuantian Kungfu, it is equivalent to cultivating one more ability, but, Tang Sect doesn't just have one kind of kung fu?
After thinking about it, it's still: The cat demon is awesome!It is simply a bug to patrol the mountain to learn so much!

"Then there is no solution?" The little cat was speechless. If he could change his appearance, he could enter in minutes. However, now that he has a metal body, it is estimated that he will be detected if he gets close.

Very annoying, delicious food, not edible.

Wait, what is that?
A few hundred meters away from the power plant, Mao Xiaoyao saw a soul-guided car with a telescope, and slowly drove into the power plant. The soldiers checked it and passed it.

Then, a few people came down, wearing overalls, not knowing what to do.

"A car." Mao Xiaoyao seemed to have thought of something, kept looking at those cars to see which cars would often enter and leave the power plant, maybe he could make a breakthrough from the car.

So, Mao Xiaoyao began to count the cars, counting, counting, there were really a few cars, not all of them entered the power plant, one was an employee's car, going home to and from get off work.

One is a garbage truck, daily work and domestic waste.

As well as the big guy car, the big guy characters go in exclusively.

However, even big bosses have to be inspected step by step when they pass by the door, that's the rule.

The defensive soul guide can detect some dangerous weapons, such as bombs and the like, so if the little cat wants to go in, he must solve that problem.

After all, evil soul masters often want to sabotage!For such an important place, it must be unusual to guard it.

"Sky Eye, follow that garbage truck."

After thinking about it, the garbage truck is still the largest, which is very suitable for hiding in the power plant, but how to solve the problem of detection?
(End of this chapter)

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