The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 442 Electric Shock Therapy?

Chapter 442 Electric Shock Therapy?


The power plant is very quiet, and when the various soul guidance instruments are working, there is no loud sound.

"Alista, you're working overtime today."

At night, the overtime work, the off work, the power plant maintains the power supply of the entire Shrek City, if there is any problem, the entire Shrek City will be plunged into endless darkness at night.

The evil soul master once wanted to attack the power plant, but suffered heavy losses several times, so he didn't try again. After all, the defense of Shrek City here is probably comparable to that of Shrek Academy.

The evil soul masters are not fools, and neither are the people in Shrek City. This kind of resource-heavy place will definitely not let the evil soul masters attack casually.

"Well, there seems to be something wrong with the underground cable. The frequency output is a bit wrong, and it consumes a lot of power. I have to check it out."

Alista, a young girl, very beautiful, in her early twenties, a native of Shrek City, graduated from Shrek Academy, a one-word combat armor master, only a soul king, her cultivation is not very strong, but her major is Related to electrical energy, assigned power plant jobs after graduation.

Every day, she is responsible for inspecting the power plant equipment, running here and there, going to any dirty place, and she is not afraid of hardship. This should be the job of a boy, but as a child, she is really admirable.

The soldier nodded, and then let him go, because Arista had already taken out her work card and registered her identity on the soul tool.

Acquaintances belong to acquaintances, but they have to follow the basic work procedures step by step.

Alista nodded, then opened an entrance, and went underground together!

The cables in Shrek City are basically underground, not to mention the open-air wires, the Shrek people think that is very unsightly.

Entering the entrance, a strange smell came out, very rushing, it was the smell of burning wires, metal and plastic, and electric current.

Frowning, Alista muttered to herself: "Strange, I just checked yesterday, why did it burn?"

Arista took out an instrument, much like a big brother, with a screen showing strange data graphs, she pressed it lightly, she turned off the power supply in this area, and turned it on again after repairing it.

After entering, the tunnel was very dark due to the shutdown of the power supply, only some power storage lights glowed faintly. Arista took out the lights and began to check to see what was burning.

The convenience of having a space soul guide is that she doesn't have to carry big bags and small bags, and the tools are basically in the space soul guide.

Finally, after an hour of investigation, Arista found the place where the circuit was short-circuited. The metal wire the size of a fist was actually broken...

"In this world, is there such a big mouse that gnaws off the wire?" Alista smiled. Small mice often gnawed off the wires in her house. For this reason, she raised a kitten.

Talking about daily repairs, Alista started repairing, taking out various professional instruments...

However, Arista didn't know that the big mouse she was talking about was not a mouse, but a big cat, the kind of bad cat monster that specializes in biting wires.

At this time, the little cat was on top of her head, like a spider, clinging to it, motionless, watching Arista repairing below.

"I just absorbed Zhengshuang. I said why there was no electricity all of a sudden. It turned out to be this guy." Mao Xiaoyao looked at Arista below. Seems to be in control of power plant electricity.

Therefore, Mao Xiaoyao decided to wait for her to finish the repair, and then go down and knock out the female repairman, girl?Aren't you afraid to come to repair alone?

An hour, another hour, Alista, who was sweating profusely, took off her mask and let it air out, "Huh, it's finally fixed, try to see if it's back to normal." She took out the soul that was similar to Big Brother just now The guide equipment, adjustment mode, and data are normal, and there seems to be no strange fluctuations.

Okay, what does it taste like...

"It smells so good..." Before she finished speaking, Arista's body collapsed and she passed out completely.

The cat demon landed on the soul guide armor breathing fire, and landed steadily, looking at the unconscious Arista, holding a soul guide equipment in her hand, "It turns out that she is in charge of the maintenance and management of this area, so the control Switch, that’s it?” Looking at something similar to the Big Brother, Mao Xiaoyao quickly figured out what it was, and since he sent someone down to fix it, there must be someone in the control center watching, so he had to speed up.

"I'm sorry!" The little cat hugged Arista, put her in a safe place, and then returned to the position just now. She was just an ordinary human girl, and the little cat wouldn't kill people randomly.

""Yao Xin Jue" is really a miraculous skill. It has been patrolling the mountains for so long, and there are so many skills, it seems to be the most powerful." Mao Xiaoyao tried to run "Yao Xin Jue", but failed because the demon There is no trace of demon power in Danli, and the degree of depletion seems to be broken...

Then it seems impossible to lead the lightning into the body. Now, as long as the little cat is not killed by the electricity, then he will keep devouring it...

Now, the only ability is devour!
Under the ten blood demon pills, he can come back alive, Mao Xiaoyao thought about it, and he has to thank the Heavenly Dao of the Misty Continent for madly attacking him with heaven and earth thunder calamity at the last moment...

The demigods might be hacked to the point of crying, but the little cat was very happy at that time, he could also lure lightning into his body at that time, and those pure thunders made the little cat pick up a damn...

And, devouring the evil soul master can actually restore the body...

In the end, I really want evil cats. Sometimes the little cat is really happy and wants to curse people. This physique that can devour is really powerful...

Click, click, sizzling, the cutting started, and the wire was cut open again. If Alista saw it, she would probably scold someone: I have been repairing for so long, you cut it?

"Come on!" The cat demon has already taken off the entire soul guide armor. The little soul is also the main body of the mechanical spirit race. Are you ready?" Generally, the inside of the machine Eldar's body will not be hollow, and Mao Xiaoyao asked Tiehu to do it according to his own requirements, so it can accommodate a person inside.

Combat is also normal, similar to soul guide armor.

At this time, a guy who studies 9527 every day seems to have discovered a problem. It seems that 9527 can accommodate a person...

"Come!" Mao Xiaoyao gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She was naked, showing a somewhat perfect figure. She didn't have eight-pack abs, but she always had a four-pack, but she was a little... Scarred, and there were shocking wounds everywhere.

Just like that, a current flowed from the two wires in an instant, buzzing, and the whole body of Mao Xiaoyao was in a state of current.

The electricity stored in the entire power plant is like a charging treasure. It used to have a lot of electricity, but suddenly a super-large mobile phone of the Maoxiaoyao brand appeared...

Insanely sucking electricity...

 How many more to see?

(End of this chapter)

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