The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 444 Tang Wulin's Suspicion!

Chapter 444 Tang Wulin's Suspicion!
"Mr. Cai, we found a hole in the power plant. It's very deep. Looking at it, it seems to lead to the ground." Tang Wulin came alone, but he still didn't reach the two-word combat armor master. He seemed to be waiting for something. He can forge his own battle armor, but the metal and strength, etc., let him slowly...

Now?He doesn't have any sense of crisis, Shrek Academy is still so powerful, teacher, one by one is also so powerful, what is he afraid of?
Afraid of Gu Yue, afraid of Na'er, where did they go?The longing that Longgu had turned into for three years, why did they all leave without saying a word, why?
Xie Xie didn't come, Xie Xie and the others were guarding the entrance of the cave at this time, guarding every step of the way,

"Go and have a look." Elder Cai gave the guards a cold look, and then went over with Tang Wulin to check the situation. When she saw the entrance of the cave, she was also shocked.

"There's not a single bit of dirt left, and it's so well hidden. It seems that the other party has a very large space soul tool." Old Cai frowned, and after carefully observing the hole, she found that things were not simple. Just now, she had ordered several teachers and The soldiers went in to check the situation, and the communicator could be used normally, which also ensured their normal communication.

"When we discovered it, the hole already existed. Could it be that the other party has already run away?" Tang Wulin also said, the hole was man-made, and the traces seemed to be excavated with sharp tools, and there was no trace of soil left, so that also meant The opponent has a large space soul guide.

However, with such a large space soul guide, would it be a simple person?

Xie Xie, Le Zhengyu, Yuan Enhuiye, Xu Xiaoyan, all looked at each other, who the hell did that?
"If there is a terrorist attack, the entire Shrek City is now in darkness, but it seems that no evil soul masters have attacked."

"What is the other party's purpose?" Cai Lao couldn't figure it out, why?Why would so much electricity disappear? Could it be that the other party has a device for storing electricity, if they would do that?

What is the purpose?
No matter what you do, there must be a reason, right?Of course, unless they were evil soul masters, they seemed to need no reason for what they did every time.

Just destroy everywhere!

Xie Xie also said: "No matter what the other party's purpose is, anyway, he is our enemy, and the purpose of stealing electricity is definitely not a good thing." Xie Xie thought of something and looked at Tang Wulin in shock. This similar approach they have seen recently...

"Isn't this nonsense?" Yuan Enhui gave Ye Xie a blank look, what good would it be if everyone came to steal electricity?
Lezheng Yu and Xu Xiaoyan were also smiling.

However, the atmosphere is still tense.

"Wu Lin, do you think it will..." Xie Xie thought of a possibility, those metal monsters...

"Don't make trouble." Tang Wulin sighed softly. It's annoying to think about it now. That night...that mechanical spirit clan disintegrated in front of his eyes without saying a word, and he was also taken aback. But, inside Not a cat demon...

To make Senior Sister Mu Xi angry, recently, he also thought about what to send to apologize, otherwise, the cat demon would come out and find him desperately if he knew about it?

However, it's strange that the communication has been disconnected. I wanted to ask Mao Xiaoyao something, but I couldn't get in touch no matter what...

The cat demon seems to have disappeared, and some people believed in those terrorist attacks at first, but sometimes they exaggerate too much, and now not many people believe it.

However, the reward is real!A bunch of people want it in their dreams. After all, Mao Xiaoyao was the first person to be rewarded by Shrek Academy.

that man.

Xie Xie sighed, it is indeed possible.

"You mean, the metal man?" Elder Cai asked, she also heard Tang Wulin say some strange things, and what Tang Wulin didn't tell her, Mu Chen said something about the metal man.

However, his daughter did not hand over the metal man and let them study it...

Xu Xiaoyan and the others also looked at Tang Wulin and Xie Xie. Back then, they were the only two who had seen each other...

"Maybe it's not the evil soul master. The evil soul master is probably confused now." Looking at the entrance of the cave, Tang Wulin could feel a breeze coming from inside, and said solemnly, "Old Cai, let Shrek City After a few days of emergency alert, the evil soul master will definitely take the opportunity to do something." The more chaotic, it seems that is what the evil soul master needs to do, so the evil soul master will definitely not sit idly by and will definitely cause trouble.

I don't want to talk about metal people anymore, because those metal people must have something to do with the cat demon. Tang Wulin is not discussing this issue anymore, and his head hurts.

"Yeah." Elder Cai nodded.

Suddenly, at this time, news came from the underground, saying that something strange was found, and they immediately asked Mr. Cai to go down to check.

Old Cai and Tang Wulin all went down, and Xie Xie and the others were guarding the entrance of the cave. They didn't know if the other party had come out. They didn't dare to leave, and they didn't dare to be serious. They were all looking at the entrance of the cave...

Suddenly, several bottle-shaped things came out of the hole, startling them, and staring at them one by one. Suddenly, an explosion, a few flash bombs, instantly illuminated the night, like a magical light in the night...

Thanks to them for losing their eyesight on the spot, the light was so strong that they couldn't see what it was that came out just now.

I saw that the power plant's defensive weapons sounded an alarm, and then a bunch of soul tools attacked. However, the cat demon was very reckless, soaring into the sky and flying to the high school, leaving those defensive weapons with no time to react.

Phew, in the air, there has long been a hovering soul-guided plane to respond and fly away...

Perfect fit!

"Wu Lin, it's not good. That guy flew away. He has already run away." Just after recovering his vision, Xie Xie took out the communicator and contacted Tang Wulin directly below, still feeling a little dizzy.

Xu Xiaoyan and the others were also dizzy one by one, this kind of attack... have they seen it before...

The cat demon's armor...

It seems that the cat demon's armor has this kind of attack, what makes people cry, poisoned, temporarily blinded, etc...

Could it be that the one just now was the cat demon?
Down below, Tang Wulin also discovered the unconscious Alista. She was just a decoy, and the real mastermind had already escaped...


On the suspended soul guide plane, Mao Xiaoyao took off the soul guide armor on his body, lay down weakly on the bed, and began to try to move his body...

Finally...his right hand, with all five fingers, can move!
"Ha ha!"

"Black cat, Mu Xi, wait for me, I will definitely come back! I will definitely!" The little cat was so excited that he cried. He couldn't describe his mood at the moment. great hope...

The suspended soul guide plane did not go back to the underground base, but the next target: Donghai! !There are also power plants there, and there is energy.

And, the Sun Moon Federation, one unlucky power plant...


Afterwards, "The Mysterious Incident of the Disappearance of Electric Current" became an unsolved mystery.

 Thunderbolt King Cat Little Demon?

(End of this chapter)

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