Chapter 467 Army!


"Brother Seventh Emperor, are you going?" Xu Xiaomeng asked, Brother Second Emperor was obviously persecuting, wanting Brother Seventh Emperor to stand on the same front as him.

Now the federal parliament is gone.

They all want to restore the monarchy!

Inside the soul tool shop, it was very quiet and there were no customers.

"..." Xu Haoqing was silent, unable to calm down for a long time, the name he had been worrying about went to the Endless Mountains, to such a dangerous place.

"I have to go, Xiao Xue, Xiao Meng, our Xu family's influence is getting weaker and weaker now, this continent is no longer our Xu family's."

"And I heard that the father intended to let you marry someone you don't like, to achieve political means..." Sad and helpless, the fact is that, how ridiculous it is to become a political tool for marriage, it's nothing Era?
Xu Xiaoxue shook her head and said, "I'm not stupid."

"Not stupid." Xu Xiaomeng also said.

They will not succumb to their fate, they need to resist.

Xu Haoqing sighed, so did he, but he had to go to the Endless Mountains, that stupid woman...

Outside, in the soul guide car, Snake Seven and the second prince were inside.

"Snake Seven, how busy are you with the army? That Nicholas you mentioned, is he really that powerful?" The second prince is still wearing the soul guide armor. Unlike the cat demon, he has soul power and can completely control how to move by himself .

"Just wait for the second prince to send your troops there. It can accommodate tens of thousands of troops." Snake Seven smiled. He didn't know what Tie Hu was doing, but when he thought of building an obedient human army, the idea was very clear. crazy.

Snake Seven directly took out the soul guide armor to lure the second prince, and the second prince did not say anything to support him, he just needs strength now.

Brother Dahuang, the Spirit Pagoda, and the Federation are all staring at him, so he must do something to show those who think he is useless.

"Very good, haha. From now on, there will be our military base, a military base for fighting abyssal creatures." Everything is so formal, with the purpose of fighting abyssal creatures, the second prince wants to transfer all his subordinates there, and recruit troops to expand strength.

Snake Seven nodded, and then smiled.

The soul guide car left slowly.

Several days passed, and the entire continent was still not peaceful. The Federation began to hunt down the evil soul masters very vigorously, which they couldn't hunt down before anyway.

Now it's a handful.

However, Shrek Academy is gone, and no one jumped out to say anything, and no one wanted to seek justice for Shrek Academy...

Gone, just gone.

Although Shrek Academy has students everywhere, that was when it was there, but now, Shrek Academy is abolished, and there are a lot of people who have fallen into trouble, and no one dares to jump out and do anything.

It's ironic, but that's the truth.

After all, joining various forces after graduation has made them forget some things.

The fact that Shrek Academy students are superior to others will no longer exist in the future.

In the endless mountains, in the depths of the snow-capped mountains, a military base composed entirely of ice and snow has been established. The temperature is so low that the ice blocks will not melt and are as hard as stone.

The cat demon who is good at digging holes naturally will not let go of the opportunity to dig holes. In a few days, using soul guidance technology, he almost hollowed out a mountain.

The outside is the barracks, but the inside is the base.

"My lord, the human troops notified by Deacon Snake Seven are here, [-] soul master troops, the highest cultivation level is soul saint." Xiaolan reported that they had already arrived at the foot of the mountain, and they dared not go up the mountain seeing the heavy snow. After waiting for the heavy snow.

Mao Xiaoyao smiled, "The second prince is really generous, even giving us ten thousand troops, haha!"

Most of them are the second prince's army, and the purpose of destroying the creatures of the abyss is only for the purpose of stationing troops. They cannot be so blatantly stationing troops in other places.

However, Endless Mountains can!
They are all to eliminate the creatures of the abyss, but they are very great.

Xiaolu also said: "Jiao Didi, some people seem to be students."

student?join the army?Mao Xiaoyao thought for a while, and said: "Tell them not to catch any soul tools to go up the mountain. If they can't get up, then go back! The Endless Mountains are not suitable for them to live in." As a regular army, most of the activities in the Endless Mountains In time, the cat demon will go with Xiaolan and Xiaolu, and the human army will naturally make a show.

But how to control the entire human army?
That's still after the cat demon recovers!
Xiaolan nodded.

Go down immediately.

Inside the cave, Mao Xiaoyao looked at a guy who came out after touching his face, and said, "Have you learned it? If you learn it, give me a disguise." Mu Xi has already learned some spells, some spells that can be evolved through soul power , suitable for human learning.

Disguise!It is a modified version of the monster camouflage technique. It can change face, voice, and body. There is no saying that the human skin mask will fall off if you touch your face. This is impossible.

A flat-chested girl with long black hair and a single ponytail. She looks very ordinary. That's Mu Xi's outfit. "I will, but I always feel awkward." This is not me...

Mao Xiaoyao said with a smile: "Then make your breasts bigger and make you so small, it's naturally awkward."

"You, you!" Mu Xi was very angry, her face was reddish, and she came to revenge with her teeth and claws. She wanted to turn the cat demon into an ugly monster...

Their identities need to be disguised. Now, they are doing business for the second prince, so naturally they are also under the banner of the second prince, and they have to think about everything for the second prince.

The second prince is number one in the world, mighty and domineering!
Such a spirit!

The accident was also caused by the Second Prince...

Below the snow-capped mountain, the army rested in place, waiting for the heavy snow to pass before going up the mountain.

However, a suspended transport plane landed, and Little Blue and Little Green appeared.

"That is the second prince's armored unit. I heard that it is the most advanced and improved light mech."

"Yeah, I also heard that when the second prince went to catch the cat demon, he discovered a secret base with that kind of technology inside."

(Actually, it was Snake Seven, a set was sold to the second prince, but the technology was not sold.)
An army of 1 people looks so domineering, many, many, but Mao Xiaoyao doesn't need so many people to go up the mountain, if he can't go up, he just stays below.

"All officers gather!" Xiao Lan said, behind her was a row of mechanical Eldar mechs, which was very attractive, and humans thought it was controlled by humans, but it was not.

The officers are assembled, the troops are assembled, something is going on, they have to obey.

Second lieutenant, lieutenant... a bunch of them.

The general is on the hill.

"General Nicholas said, let you go up the mountain on foot, you can't use any soul guides, if you can't go up, then don't go up, the endless mountain range is not suitable for you." Will transfer, don't worry about these human armies.

Everyone was shocked, this is the mountain covered by heavy snow, how to go up?
"However, the mountain is blocked by heavy snow, how to climb the mountain?"

"Yeah yeah."

The officers were all nodding. It was not appropriate to seal the mountain with heavy snow. They were all worried about the safety of the soldiers.

However, Xiaolan and Xiaolu are both brigadier generals, each of them is older than them, and they dare not resist.

"Endless Mountains is not a place to come here for further studies. Not only are the mountains closed by heavy snow all year round, but there are also abyssal creatures that eat human flesh and drink human blood."

"If everyone fails to climb the mountain, how can we talk about eliminating the creatures of the abyss? Survival is a problem."

Xiaolan and Xiaolu are gone, and all the supplies are taken away, even if those don't go up, they won't be able to survive down the mountain.

I have to go back, where did I come from, where did I go back, I left a lot of cars...

That's the car for the return trip!

Whether you sit or not, you have to decide how to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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