The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 470 Different Management System!

Chapter 470 Different Management System!

"Ahem, hello?" How about trying the microphone equipment.

In the square, there is a large screen in the center, which is so big that 5000 people can see the wretched appearance of Nicholas the cat demon.

The loudspeaker was so loud that the soldiers were afraid that there would be an avalanche...

"In my place, there is no such thing as lieutenant or second lieutenant. Military rank is useless. Everything starts from the beginning. Whoever has the biggest fist is the boss. Moreover, other people must obey the boss's command."

"If you don't accept it, you can defeat that boss and become the boss yourself."

"Using the dormitory as a unit, a group of 50 people, you can choose the commander yourself, and the commander can take any other position." Mao Xiaoyao's first order was to let the soldiers fight and get a captain out. In the future, there will not be many soldiers on the battlefield, but the quality.

One soul missile is gone!
What's the use of having more people?

Less, more precise, it is only useful if it can cause more damage than soul missiles.

In Xingdou Village, the soul beast troops, mechanical spirit clan troops, and cat demons also trained in the same way. After all, their number is limited.

Soldiers surrounded, fighting?

Play Commander?
Interesting, so one hundred teams are really selecting commanders, and they are all fighting.

Everyone is looking for the person with the highest military rank to fight, and the selection is starting...

Only a few were late and were still being punished, and Mao Xiaoyao didn't bother with them. However, they were distressed and panicked. They heard that they were swimming...

It's snowing heavily, how to swim?

Soon, after one morning, the bosses of each team were finally elected, Xu Haoqing, Wang Jiang, Zhang Nan, Zhou Yingjie, Wu Liheng...

A hundred commanders lined up, each with a bruised nose and swollen face, obviously paying the price...

"Very good, I will reward each captain with a pair of soul guide armor." Mao Xiaoyao nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Xiaolan and Xiaolu to take out the soul guide armor and let the commanders wear it. This is bitterness before sweetness, Give some temptation, then you can be more motivated.

The soldiers were envious one by one, that kind of armor seemed to be very warm, cool and powerful...

Xu Haoqing and the others put on the soul guide armor. Indeed, they finally know what warmth is, so cool!

"Don't be discouraged, everyone will have it. However, my things are never used by trash. If you want them, you can exchange them with merit."

"There are endless creatures in the abyss, that is where you will fight in the future, and these people will lead you to make meritorious deeds." Unlike the way the army is managed, it is more like a competition...everything is needed In exchange for merit, everyone will work very hard for merit.

A bunch of weapons came out, such as soul guide cannon, soul guide gun, soul guide laser, mecha, battle armor, etc...

The big screen in the center is showing those things, and the price is clearly marked on the merits. However, how to arm your own team, then we have to see how everyone does it!

The soldiers were excited one by one. The key point was the battle armor. After the meritorious service is exchanged, it will not disappear. Those will also be recorded and recorded forever...

Rich or poor!

As for the battle armor, Mu Xi is a sixth-level peak blacksmith, and can completely forge a pair of two-word battle armor.

Weapons and equipment, if they are gone, you can get them from the second prince.

Mao Xiaoyao only provided the soul guide armor, and the others were all the second prince's own weapons.

Of course, Mao Xiaoyao still uses some things for himself, such as the Sky Eye Satellite.

and some things.

"Okay, then let's talk about the rules, the captain will come out to claim the members of his own team." Mao Xiaoyao looked at Xu Xiaomeng and Xu Xiaoxue, why bother, why didn't he enjoy the blessings in Mingdu, what did he come out for?
Several captains came out and claimed them.

However, a bucket appeared, filled with ice-cold water, still frozen...

The soldiers wondered, what is this for?

"The swimming pool is still being dug. If you are late for the meeting tomorrow, you will definitely be able to swim. Today, let's go into the ice water for an hour!"

Mao Xiaoyao said coldly, there must be punishments that should be given, otherwise, without some rules, it will be impossible, and it will be chaotic!
The soldiers were shocked, for an hour, in such cold weather, they were about to freeze themselves...

"General, one hour, it will freeze people to death." Xu Haoqing said looking at the ice bucket, his two younger sisters seemed to be in it.

The other people also nodded, one hour is too dangerous, then the whole person's legs will be useless!
Looking back, Mao Xiaoyao glanced at Xu Haoqing, and said: "So, I give them two choices. If they can't hold on, they can give up. I will send someone to send them down and go home. The Endless Mountains are not suitable for them."

Hesitating to speak, Xu Haoqing was still worried, where did his sisters suffer from this kind of crime...

Xu Xiaomeng and the others will go home when they hear they give up...

Naturally, I don't want to give up, it would be embarrassing to go home, they are here to join the army...

"Captain, take the lead! Don't ask why. Today, I just want to make an example to others, so don't laugh and gloat one by one."

"Starting tomorrow, the swimming pool has been dug and can accommodate a lot of people. If any team member is late, then the whole team will have to go swimming."

"If you can't swim, then get out!"


"Hehe, if the abyssal creatures from the Endless Mountains come out and you feel cold, then don't get up, and die in the mouths of the abyssal creatures in vain. It's better to go home early."

Mao Xiaoyao is not a philanthropist, these people want to make meritorious deeds, so yes, he can give that opportunity, after all, he also needs help.

It's all about mutual benefit!

However, there are some things. For Mu Xi's sake, he must remind the soldiers that the creatures from the abyss are definitely not pigs and puppies.

Mu Xi looked back at Mao Xiaoyao, and said, "My lord, one hour is too much, after all, it's also the first time for them..." Eye contact, the meaning was very obvious, it was begging for mercy.

"..." Mao Xiaoyao was very speechless, he just wanted Xu Xiaomeng and the others to retreat in the face of difficulties. It was not fun to be a soldier, so he just let them go back to Mingdu.

However, one hour is indeed dangerous!


"Since it's your first offense, let's do it for 10 minutes!"

Soldiers =_= Speechless, the military order is like a mountain, the general speaks so casually, change it if you want to change it?
"..." Those captains who just took office, their cursed hearts trembling, glanced at their team members, and without saying a word, they also entered the ice bucket, and in an instant, their hearts were chilled, and they made all kinds of strange sounds...

The soldiers were scared and cold when they saw it...

Xiaolan and Xiaolu also signaled Xu Xiaomeng and the others to enter the ice bucket.

"Isn't it just an ice bucket!" Xu Xiaomeng jumped into it unconvinced, her heart was instantly chilled, her heart was soaring, and the ice water hit her neck... It was so cold that she shivered and her lips turned purple.

Xu Xiaoxue was also afraid, and at the same time felt sorry for her sister, but she also wanted to enter the ice bucket.

Punishment, you have to go in.

Xu Haoqing was on the side, looking at the big screen in the center, the time passed by every minute...

"By the way, you can't use your soul power. If you use your soul power to resist, then it will be regarded as giving up."

Mao Xiaoyao signaled Xiaolan and Xiaolu to check, but he came in front of Xu Xiaomeng and the others, looked at them, why didn't he give up?

According to normal human physique, persisting for 10 to [-] minutes is the limit, if you continue to lose motor function, muscle necrosis will lead to death.

The soul master may have a little more time, but for the two delicate princesses...

 beep beep

(End of this chapter)

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