The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 473 Abyssal Creature!

Chapter 473 Abyssal Creature!

"They're too arrogant!" Tang Wulin was furious. Just now, that person actually asked him, how many soul missiles can he withstand?
Meaning, that is to say, want to kill yourself with a soul tool?Now, hearing the soul missile, there is an inexplicable anger.

Long Yuxue shook her head, and could only let the other party go in, "Go back first and see who they are." Since there is a new army, it means that the Federation must know something, go back and investigate first, There must be no conflict.

As for the poor guy on the ground, he has been carried away for treatment.

Tang Wulin gave up, and had no choice but to do so!

In the C-level abyss passage, the breath of abyssal creatures came rushing towards us. It was delicious. As for how to taste it, Mao Xiaoyao smiled happily, recovered his body, and finally saw hope.

bring it on!Abyssal creatures!

"My lord, tell me, those people, will they believe our identities?" The human soldiers guarded the entrance of the passage and did not come in. The ones who came in were all their mechanical Eldar troops. Humans could not see what they were going to do next .

"Believe it or not, that's their business. We are helping the second prince train troops. The second prince will take care of other things." The cat demon felt the revival of the blood of the extremely lustful evil cat... the body, involuntarily After devouring and absorbing, the breath of the abyss is very similar to the magic energy, but it is not as intrusive as the magic energy.

On the contrary, it looks more like an evil cat!
Destruction and devouring, this is the same as the Desire Evil Cat!
"Today's federation is no longer the federation with a parliament in the past. Chaos, evil, conflicts, interests, and now people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroying. They are all preparing to grab benefits!" When Shrek Academy was here, they It is the embodiment of justice, and some forces dare not take any action.

When doing something, there is also the Federal Parliament watching.

However, now that Shrek Academy has been destroyed, the rest of the teachers and students are hidden, and the same is true for the Tang Sect. I hoped that the Federation could investigate...

However, the Federation Parliament was also dissolved!

Outside, there are people from the other two continents watching. Inside, there are evil soul masters, the Spirit Transferring Pagoda, and various complex forces...

Now, the water in the human world is very turbid and dangerous. Even the little cat will not try to do anything lightly, so we have to wait and see.

See how the situation develops.

Xiaolu also said: "That Tang Wulin, do you want to find a chance..." Xiaolu also saw Tang Wulin's suspicious eyes just now, as if he had doubts about them. After all, he had been investigating the swallowed evil before. Tang Wulin was in charge of the soul master's affairs.

Silently, Mao Xiaoyao suddenly looked at the world in the passage, and finally found a creature of divine origin, he shook his head and said: "No, you are not his opponent, he probably wants to break through the seal of the tenth-level Golden Dragon King essence. Even if I fight him normally without any means, I don't have the certainty of victory, not to mention that he has fused some 10-year-old souls from the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye."

In terms of combat power, although Tang Wulin was only a soul emperor, his combat power, combined with the two-character combat armor - Long Yue, was not difficult to fight Contra.

However, the powerful purification power of the Dragon God Bian is no more, no less, just enough to restrain the evil cat change of the cat demon, the Dragon God and the evil god, the native land and the alien world.

A strong cat does not overwhelm a land dragon!
Specifically, I don't know!
Xiaolu sighed, and said: "Those soul beasts are probably also crazy. For the sake of so-called eternal life, they chose to fuse with humans and become symbiotic souls." Those souls created by humans are ignorant, so forget it, after all, they were not born Things that can change.

However, why do soul beasts behave like this?
Don't you know the current situation of soul beasts?
"The Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye has nothing to do with external soul beasts, so they naturally don't think about revenge." Turn on the soul guide gun, turn on the aiming, and prepare with infrared rays. The cat demon aims at a lizard-like, scaly abyss creature , I heard that they are called bloodthirsty lizards, devouring the blood of the flesh can make them evolve, and they are looking forward to the death of their companions every day.

If the companion dies, they can happily devour it. This is a terrifying abyss creature. If the metal is left for a long time, they can still devour it...

One shot to the head, the bloodthirsty lizard is relatively weak, so, unable to withstand a headshot, a mechanical spirit clan brought the bloodthirsty lizard body in front of the little cat.

Xiaolu sighed, since they don't know each other, so what, it has nothing to do with them!

Now, I still want to think about how to hunt and kill the creatures of the abyss and help the leader recover his body.

"Little green, look, they also have flesh and blood and a heartbeat, so they are also a kind of intelligent life. In fact, abyssal creatures are also very similar to soul beasts...Those soul beasts that have not activated their intelligence are also so stupid."

"Strength is all freedom!"

"If you don't have strength, you will be hunted by us just like these abyssal creatures!"

Soul beasts are sometimes stupid enough to kill each other, and the little cat is also very helpless. Some carnivorous spirit beasts seem to be unable to forget the need for survival.

The herbivorous soul beast is in danger!

Xiaolu looked at it and nodded suddenly. It is indeed very similar to ordinary soul beasts, but the abyss creature has less aura, but more bloodthirsty, "Swallow? We will protect you, the leader, and will not let anything disturb you." your turn."

The cat demon gave them a new life and gave them a name: Mechanical Eldar!For the mechanical Eldar, the cat demon is the god in their hearts, the great god who leads them.

Guarding is their duty!
There are mechanical spirits here, so I feel at ease. The little cat looks at the bloody corpse in front of him, and as he approaches, as he gets closer, he can feel that every pore on his body is expecting to be devoured...


When the cat demon put his hand on the bloodthirsty lizard, it had already begun, and a trace of pure life force, like a clear green snake, was converging bit by bit with the rhythm of life. Enter the body of Mao Xiaoyao, and start to enter the dantian...

But suddenly disappeared...

"Not enough, I need more creatures from the abyss, many, many." The cat demon was still unwilling and eager, devouring, he was very hungry like a person who hadn't eaten for hundreds of years.

Devour, need to devour!
His devouring method is very elegant, devouring power, devouring essence and blood, leaving only a mummy in place...

But it was also set on fire!

Xiaolu nodded, and then began to slaughter the creatures of the abyss with the mechanical spirit clan!

Soul guide gun, soul guide run, soul guide laser cannon.

Lightning mine, streamer mine, metal fragment grenade...

Wait, a bunch of weapons!
A very terrifying mechanical Eldar, showing the horror of a metal army.

The abyssal creatures can't bite their teeth!
The strength of the abyssal creatures with a C-level channel is basically around the soul king. Even if they are powerful, they are only the actions of the soul king.

For the cat demon who has a lot of black technology, he will definitely not be afraid!At the same time, for the mechanical Eldar, this is also a massacre...

Mao Xiaoyao also joined the battle with a long sword in hand. He was very afraid that the soul guide weapon would damage the flesh. When it was absorbed like that, there would be no problem.

Of course, it can be captured alive, so try to capture it alive, and when you devour it alive, the fear is also a great tonic.

(End of this chapter)

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