Chapter 497 Sold!

On the way back, the cab of the suspended transport plane, Mao Xiaoyao, Mu Xi, and Rabbit, were just the three of them.

The others are all in the cabin outside.

"Xiao Yao, are you sure that Wu Liheng and the others can enter the top sixteen? They are powerful, why does it sound a bit unqualified?" Rabbit asked. The wolves didn't go in, because the little cat was afraid that they would be spotted by human masters.

However, Star Battle Network, that is the entire human world below the title of Douluo, below the three-character battle armor master, those people can participate, that is, the eighth ring, seven rings, those masters.

Wu Liheng and the others can enter one thousand, which is probably not bad, but still in the top sixteen?really!If the rabbit doesn't believe it, it simply doesn't dare to think about it.

Mu Xi also nodded, thinking about it was a bit unrealistic. With so many people in the Federation, it would probably be very difficult to win.

Seeing that Rabbit and Mu Xi didn't understand, Mao Xiaoyao smiled and explained: "Isn't it mecha battle and soul master battle? The first sixteen, just now, I didn't say whether it is the sixteenth identity of the soul master, or the mecha battle." Teacher sixteen."

It's just a word game, top sixteen, soul master?Wu Liheng and the others have been cultivating for decades, so maybe they can do it!

However, mecha?Mao Xiaoyao can pat his chest to assure him that he will abuse all the way, and the top sixteen will be stable!
The god-level mechas that the contestants want to win, they have ten here, what is there to grab?Anyway, the rules didn't state that they were not allowed to use powerful mechs to participate.

Isn't it just data?
Just modify it!

Of course, at the beginning, Mao Xiaoyao didn't know such a terrible thing about Sun Moon Federation Technology.

It wasn't until Tiehu said that it was connected to a strange database and saw a very weak intelligent life (artificial intelligence) in it, that it didn't know what the Star Dou Battle Network plan was.

as well as……

As the first hacker, Iron Tiger perfectly invaded the Sun Moon Federation's database. After seeing it, those artificial intelligences were basically trembling with fear.

It's like a mouse seeing a cat demon.

After Iron Tiger got some data, he didn't embarrass the artificial intelligence, it sent the data back to Xingdou Village, and ordered the humans in the underground base to make it.

Finally, before being discovered by the Sun Moon Federation, Tiehu got everything that the cat demon wanted again, and that is why now, in terms of some cutting-edge technologies, the cat demon is not afraid of humans.

Your artificial intelligence is like an artificial mental retardation in front of my mechanical Eldar, so, what is it compared to?

If it wasn't for the fear of the collapse of the entire Star Dou Battle Network, Mao Xiaoyao even wanted Tiehu to modify some data to make them invincible and open cheats.

"Haha." The rabbit smiled happily, yes, they will not lose to humans in terms of mecha technology, but after smiling, the rabbit suddenly couldn't laugh...

Because, she thought of one thing.

"Well, little demon, Boss Wuhua sent a special operations team over to the human world." The rabbit hesitated to speak, his face was a bit ugly, he didn't dare to face the cat demon, he played with his fingers as if he had done something wrong.

Thinking of the mechas to abuse humans, the cat demon happily looked at the data of the so-called mechas of human beings, and wanted to see if he could adjust the target.

"Come on! Come on! Go back and be with them too. Maybe there's something to do. Just say you're out for fun. Sister Wuhua won't blame you." Mao Xiaoyao didn't care too much. Now that the human world is in chaos, Fishing in troubled waters, they can also do many things in the name of evil soul masters to save more people.

Some clansmen are still becoming pets of humans, or being abused, killed, etc. Those clansmen need their help

Rabbit raised her head and lowered her head, hesitant to speak, and the ideological struggle was serious. She said coyly, "But, they are going to come to the Endless Mountains."

Where are the Endless Mountains?Abyss creatures, few people in the human world know that they live so happily because someone guards the abyss passage.

So what do special operations teams do?
Just when Mao Xiaoyao was strange, a familiar communication, although it was just a number, but Mao Xiaoyao knew who it was...

Mu Xi was also stunned, and she knew it too!
black cat!

That's the communication from the black cat!

"Rabbit!" The cat demon stared angrily.

Did this unlucky rabbit sell him again?How many times is this?Get sold by the damn rabbit every time.

Seeing the rabbit pretending to be pitiful and innocent, the little cat was furious, and he didn't know what to do with his sudden exposure.

Rabbit looked at Mu Xi and hid behind Mu Xi. This was the first time she hid behind Mu Xi. Now she was afraid that the little cat would hit her...

"It's not for you, is it?" Holding the communicator, he didn't know what to do, whether to answer it or not, the little cat looked at Mu Xi who was secretly smiling, why did he feel that he had already been packaged and sold? How about a thorough one?

Rabbit alone probably doesn't have the guts, he must have got some kind of amulet, that's why he did it so boldly.

"You should think about how to explain it to the black cat! Rabbit, let's go." Mu Xi snickered, and hugged the rabbit. The rabbit nodded and then stuck out its tongue at the cat demon. It was she who was discussing with Mu Xi whether she wanted to Tell the black cat, because the little cat wants to save face and suffer, and he chooses humans because he obviously doesn't have enough subordinates, but then, he pretends to say something about mechas...

In fact, it is also very annoying, right?

Therefore, Mu Xi discussed with her and decided to secretly take photos and tell the black cat that Mao Xiaoyao was still alive and why she was still alive, so that the black cat should not tell other people.

The situation in Star Dou Village is unstable now!

However, the black cat who understands the situation is very happy, so she is happy every day, and others think that there is something wrong with her.

Then, she told Yan Wuhua to send a special operations team over...

"You two, wait." Looking at the communicator, Mao Xiaoyao's head exploded, and then switched to a video call. On the front screen, he saw the black cat, the woman he was thinking about day and night.

"Black cat, long time no see..." Mao Xiaoyao said guiltily. He saw the crying black cat and kept looking at himself. At this moment, he really wanted to hug this poor girl. For him, she suffered so much...

In the past, she was always worried about this and that, worrying about him, and his death and disappearance made her sky collapse even more...

"I really want to beat you up, why don't you tell me immediately if there is anything! I think about you every minute and every second. When it is the most difficult time, I even want to go with you, but you... "At home, the black cat is alone. The house is very big, and she is very lonely. Now everyone is busy, so they come to accompany her at night, and she is basically alone at home during the day.

When you are alone, you are lonely, and you will think about many things when you are alone.

For example, today, she can no longer hold back her longing for the cat demon.

(End of this chapter)

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