The Alien Journey of the Cat Demon

Chapter 507 Several Abyssal Creatures Go Out!

Chapter 507 Several Abyssal Creatures Go Out!

The power of devouring is spreading, and the power of destruction is raging.

The Blue Silver Emperor was falling apart, rotting, withering, and scattered limply on the ground.

Being absorbed bit by bit, Tang Wulin's Blue Silver Grass couldn't keep harassing Mao Xiaoyao.

The black energy ball swallowed it away.

The horror spread like a deadly biochemical virus, and the little cat wanted to trap Tang Wulin.

The endless fear of black comes from the power of endless devouring, the power of terrifying destruction.

"This is..." Tang Wulin frowned, with a serious smile on his face.

What a terrifying power of devouring and destructive power that was, he immediately covered himself in scales, emitting bursts of golden light, trying to purify the power of the abyss...

However, he found a problem, when he shot through this black fear, what about people?The Charming Emperor Cat Little Demon is gone, where is he?
It's over, too late.

With a chill behind his back, Tang Wulin found out where the cat demon was.

"Behind!" The Meihuang cat demon smiled, and punched Tang Wulin into the air, sending him flying, landing on the ground and rolling several times. come in name.

There is only a trace of regret!

Long Yuxue and the others wanted to come over, but a bunch of abyssal creatures appeared to stop them from passing.

Tang Wulin lost?
No, he did not.

Dragon God Transformation!At this moment, he is possessed like a golden dragon king, with golden light shining, and the golden golden scales make him look even stronger. He rushed to the little cat and beat him up, thinking about the golden dragon claws, golden dragon gun, etc...

Hello everyone...

Mao Xiaoyao is not afraid of anything, he has a bunch of exercises that Tang Wulin has never seen before, come here, "Chang Tian Fist", "Praying Mantis Claw", "Brave Bull Crash", "Wuji Collapse" and so on...

Utilizing the power of the abyss, it evolved bit by bit. Every skill was covered by the power of devouring and destructive power, and instantly became an abyss skill.

"You are very powerful, but I'm very sorry that you can't go out today, and you don't even want to go back alive." Tang Wulin directly used the battle armor Longyue, the two-word battle armor, Longyue, is the secret between him and Gu Yue , This is the name from endless thoughts, instant boost, strength, speed, etc., so that he can continue to fight with the charming emperor cat demon.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Tang Wulin recovered, because that Charming Emperor cat demon was too scary, this was the weirdest and most terrifying Charming Emperor they had ever seen.

It was also the most obedient time for the abyssal creatures. The abyssal creatures basically attacked based on their defensive weaknesses. They should retreat and attack without ambiguity.

"I don't need to go out." The Charming Emperor Cat Xiaoyao smiled, still so beautiful and attractive, he doesn't need to go out, as long as one of them goes out, it will be the failure of the Blood God Legion, and two Title Douluo can't save anything.

Because the above abysses are all sacrifices and just a cover.

What can really go out is under their feet. At this time, some special abyssal creatures are digging holes. They have been digging for a long time, and now they are almost at the exit.

What Mao Xiaoyao needed was to distract Tang Wulin and the others, prevent them from discovering the traces under their feet, and attract some masters to this place.

In that way, one or two underground Shenzhen creatures can rush out.

Tang Wulin froze when he saw Meihuang Maoxiaoyao's confident smile. This smug resembles, resembles a person, resembles him...

that person……

But why?

Tang Wulin always felt that this abyssal creature was very strange, as if it was delaying time, who was it delaying time for?
Why procrastinate?

Tang Wulin felt uneasy...

suddenly!There was a big explosion outside the entrance of the cave, boom and boom, a bunch of expanding balls of abyssal creatures appeared, a bunch of explosions, the sudden explosion made the soldiers guarding the cave unable to react...

By the time they reacted, there were already more than a dozen abyssal creatures rushing out...


They all think so now...

Legion leader Zhang Huanyun directly gave the order: "Go out, retreat to the entrance of the cave, and cover with soul missiles." It turns out that the troops above are just a temptation, and the passage below that is full of abyssal creatures is the real purpose of the abyssal creatures.


very scary.

Abyssal creatures playing tricks with them?

"Hehe, you humans have some brain problems. I thought they were very powerful." The Charming Emperor Cat Demon was about to leave. After completing the mission, he did not stay to fight Tang Wulin.

"Damn abyssal creature!" Tang Wulin was furious, and his endless anger needed to be vented.

However, Xue Jiu and the others came and stopped Tang Wulin and told him the order from the army commander: retreat! ! !

Not reconciled!
They were very unwilling, they all felt very aggrieved, they were tricked by the abyssal creatures, a big mouth appeared outside, and the abyssal creatures came out from there.

Tang Wulin and the others wanted to go out, but Meihuang Cat Xiaoyao also gave the order to start a desperate counterattack, and all rushed out...

At the same time, he and Phantom have left this place and returned to the bottom of the abyss...

Outside, there was a human army. After the abyssal creatures went out, they began to destroy everywhere. At the same time, the Blood God Legion troops were also killing those abyssal creatures that went out.


They have already lost!

However, there was still nothing quiet about the Snow Wolf Legion, and the creatures from the abyss didn't even dare to appear in that underground passage.

After dealing with the abyssal creatures that ran out, Tang Wulin and the others were autistic one by one. They were unwilling and helpless. They lost. They always said that they were experts in dealing with abyssal creatures. An abyssal creature...

The losses were heavy and they lost a lot of soldiers.

However, according to the reports from the soldiers, there were also abyssal creatures digging holes in the snow wolf army, but because they didn't have any abyssal creatures coming out to make trouble.

After the soul-guided equipment discovered something weird, it immediately stopped those abyssal creatures who wanted to dig out the hole.

However, looking at Tang Wulin and the others...

He even fought those abyssal creatures to the death, but he still didn't find out what was going on below.

If they lost, they were inferior to the Snow Wolf Legion, no matter in terms of command or coping ability, or the ability to deal with the creatures of the abyss.

The Snow Wolf Legion is the novice, okay?
Just when they were autistic, Nicholas the cat demon brought Mu Xi and the others.

They were very excited one by one, with happy expressions all over their faces, because, after winning, and because Mao Xiaoyao finally recovered his strength, they finally waited for Mao Xiaoyao after suffering.

The rabbit is jumping up and down.

Seeing Nicholas the cat demon and the others, Tang Wulin was instantly very unhappy.

"According to the agreement, you lost! However, two out of three rounds, I hope you can work hard for the next Star Dou game." Nicholas Mao Xiaoyao faced the three-star general titled Douluo Blood God Army leader Zhang Huanyun said, and looked at the Heartless Douluo Xueyi.

If you don't use some means, you can't win at all.

But, it turns out, winning is winning.

Tang Wulin and the others gritted their teeth and said that each other was too complacent.

"We may not lose." Zhang Huanyun also said: "I believe in our Blood God Legion!" Ruthless Douluo also frowned, the opponent is very powerful, they should not underestimate it.

"Oh, by the way, our name is very casual, there is a snow wolf in front of us, please pay attention, hope to see you in the final." Mao Xiaoyao and the others left, very proud.

The rabbit stuck out its tongue, and after the cat demon recovered her strength, she disguised her as soon as possible, making her more like a human.

The cat demon left proudly.

Tang Wulin and the others clenched their fists one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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