Love apartment under one person

Chapter 287 The Trial of Virtue and Wisdom

Chapter 287 The Trial of Virtue and Wisdom
Looking at each other with his partner, Zeng Xiaoxian, who has never seen the world and doesn't know how capable these masters are, smiled calmly into the microphone next to his ear:

"Okay, let's get down to business, let's continue with the previous exam review!

Yes, just as everyone guessed before, the first exam "Germany" prepared by our Minister Meng is to take care of people's hearts in simple places. "

With that said, Zeng Xiaoxian took half a step back and gave up his position to Lu Ziqiao.

The latter looked at everyone in the audience with a slightly nervous expression, and the speech he had recited for three days in his mind was a little fuzzy.

But it doesn't matter, Lu Ziqiao decisively put on himself the positive emotional BUFF of the Twelve Labors, and in the next second, an ace host with blood was immediately in place:

"As the saying goes, 'Ten years to grow a tree, a hundred years to grow a man'.

If a person's moral character is not up to standard, even if he has received a higher education, he is nothing but a big moth.

However, even in a time of major changes unseen in a century, every descendant of Yan and Huang is doing their part to fight for the rise of China, but there are still a small group of black sheep who shamelessly drag the country and the nation. hind legs!

The ancients said, "Don't do evil because it is small, and don't do good because it is small."

It can be seen that morality has no distinction between big and small.

If you don't litter, you can also do good deeds. Although this kindness is small, its merits are immeasurable!

Moral depravity, such as supporting piracy, is also an evil. Although this evil is small, it is also a crime that deserves to be punished!

Therefore, in order to test the character of the contestants, we specially asked the aunt at the ticket office of the scenic spot in advance to distribute free mineral water to everyone according to the number of ticket buyers, and temporarily removed the trash cans along this line along the way.

In this way, there are only two possibilities for people who do not have a mineral water bottle at this moment, either you litter the trash, which is a small virtue loss, or you escape to buy a ticket, which is a crime! "

Speaking of this, in the complex eyes of the people who suddenly realized that they were either joyful, indifferent, sneering, or regretful, Zeng Xiaoxian propped up the headset and announced in his characteristic low voice:
"Attention everyone, you have half an hour to deliver the mineral water bottles to the staff and register.

It's noon now, we have prepared a rich free lunch for everyone in the cafeteria, and after the meal, we will conduct the second trial of 'wisdom' there, so stay tuned..."


An hour later, Songshan Yinfeng canteen.

After the meal, the contestants sat where they were, looking eagerly at the members of the health brigade who were in charge of maintaining order, and secretly guessing what kind of fresh and refined test questions that Minister Meng would prepare in the second trial.

But unfortunately, they guessed wrong.

In the next second, the two hosts, Zeng Xiaoxian and Lu Ziqiao, entered the stage, and they were holding a stack of ordinary... papers in their hands?
When everyone was wondering, Zeng Xiaoxian said: "Since the second round is an assessment of wisdom, it must be in line with the basic national conditions of our country."

"That's right!" Lu Ziqiao suppressed a smile and answered from the sidelines, "As we all know, making test papers is a basic survival skill commonly mastered by teenagers in our country. It can be said to be the foundation of life, so..."

Everyone: (((Д)))? ? ?

A contestant interrupted impatiently before he finished speaking: "Hey! You are not joking! The first 'exam' was arranged so carefully, and the second one was just fooled by the real exam. ?”

"This contestant, don't worry, just listen to me." Lu Ziqiao pressed down with one hand in a friendly manner, signaling the other party to be calm, "Please rest assured, our trial team definitely did not intend to fool you. The exam questions about 'wisdom' were carefully prepared by our lady boss, and I promise not to disappoint everyone."

As he said that, Lu Laobu signaled Zeng Xiaoxian with his eyes, and the latter handed the test papers to the other staff members one by one, and took advantage of this time to explain the rules to everyone.

"The test time is 90 minutes, and you can pass the test if you score more than 60 points. Here, I would like to remind everyone that you must never think about cheating with others.

We have arranged more than 20 inspection proctors, and if anyone is found whispering and trying to pass the answer, his qualification for the exam will be disqualified immediately! "

After explaining the exam rules, Lu and Zeng leisurely came to a round table next to them, and played an exciting game of flying chess while eating tea, leaving only a group of contestants looking at their hands. The test paper began to doubt life——

Zhang Lingyu held the pen in her hand, but found that she couldn't write a single word except her name.

The honest boy even wondered if he was being targeted on purpose, but when he turned his head to look at the others, he found that except for a few people who were writing hard, everyone else in the crowd also had a look of ignorance. At a loss.

This is outrageous, and it means that the test papers in other people's hands are as nonsense as my own.

Zhang Lingyu really couldn't understand whether the "lady boss" of the health brigade had something wrong with her brain. Did she really expect someone to pass the test with 60 points for these questions?

Astrophysics, Laurent series display, convolutional neural network, DES encryption algorithm, orthogonal test, chi-square test, third-order matrix, particle static energy formula, Versailles peace treaty, indefinite integral, atomic K-shell model...

What the fuck I am talking about is a Taoist priest, not an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!
Besides, even academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can't master so much weird knowledge across disciplines, right? !
Are you, Meng Lang, playing tricks on us?
Even if you don't want to give us a bonus, there's no need for the second exam to be so embarrassing, right?
If you don't allow cheating in this kind of exam, then... eh?

The examiner just now seemed to only say that he was not allowed to pass the answer, but he didn't say that he was not allowed to cheat!

How about... Try it?
Closing her eyes again, she carefully considered what the examiner said just now, and Zhang Lingyu's mouth curled into a confident smile.

In the next second, he took out his mobile phone as if nothing had happened, and looked up the answer on the Internet in front of countless patrol proctors.

' Sure enough, my guess was correct! '

Seeing that several invigilators ignored her actions, Zhang Lingyu couldn't help sighing secretly.

"To have such lofty ambitions and at the same time think of using a small mineral water bottle to test our character and morality, a noble person like Minister Meng who has a tiger in his heart but can sniff roses can't just want to make fun of us." .

Indeed, such an assessment is necessary and fits the theme of [Zhi]
The fundamental purpose of this test question is not to test our knowledge reserves, its purpose is to test whether we can keep up with the development of the times!

Now there are many sects that are out of touch with the times. They reject all new things and don't understand the truth that things change at any time. They have completely become the dross of the old era.

Master once said when he asked me to learn how to post on Moments, strangers are also people, and people must learn to keep pace with the times. The use of electronic products is a skill that must be mastered just like writing with a pen! '

Looking for the answer like flying fingers, the light in Zhang Lingyu's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he suddenly looked forward to what kind of surprises the next three test questions would bring to him...

PS: Second more.

bow down
(End of this chapter)

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