Chapter 449
"Send me a big gift?"

Wang Ai was taken aback by Zhang Chulan's words, and then sneered again: "What big gift? Could it be that he, Meng Lang, came to trouble me personally?"

"Of course not! You are not worthy of letting my master do it yourself."

Wang Ai finally couldn't take it anymore: "Little bastard! I have endured you for a long time!"

With a gesture of raising his hand, three huge black beast shadows roared silently and rushed towards Zhang Chulan. The overwhelming evil spirit was daunting.

But the latter seemed unaware of the rushing waves, and yawned relaxedly, as if what was rushing towards him was just a gust of wind instead of three ferocious beast spirits.

"Keng Zhen——" the beast spirit's claws were blocked by a rising earth wall, and several palm-sized copper coins were blocked between Zhang Chulan and Wang Ai.

"Mr. Wang, isn't it good for you to bully the younger generation so blatantly? Mr. Chen is still here!"


Wang Ai, who was stopped by Chen Jinkui, let out a cold snort and dispatched the general to take back the beast spirit. After all, his original intention was to frighten Zhang Chulan, a dirty-mouthed kid, and it is far from officially tearing his face with the Haoqi League. time.

Seeing that the crisis had been resolved, Zhang Chulan calmly took back the right hand that was "scratching" on the back of her head, and secretly praised Chen Jinkui for his ability to handle affairs, saving herself a life-saving hair.

Still in that elegant and easy-going manner, Zhang Chulan ignored Wang Ai's dark complexion, and continued to smile in an elegant and easy-going way: "Mr. Wang, the younger generation hasn't finished answering your question just now~"

With that said, he took out a thick document from his backpack and handed it to Wang Ai.

"what is this?"

"This is the gift prepared by the Haoqi League for you~"

Wang Ai took the document with a frown, and his pupils shrank after only one glance.

I saw that this document is densely recorded with all kinds of deeds of the Wang family's bullying, corruption and perverting the law over the years, and the content is detailed and the evidence is rigorous, and it can be used as criminal evidence directly in the court.

A drop of cold sweat fell from the corner of Wang Ai's forehead: "Where did you get all these?"

Zhang Chulan's baseness remained undiminished: "Guess?"


Resisting the urge to strike again, Wang Ai gritted his teeth: "Boy! Let me tell you, this level of threat is useless to the Wang family! Even if I try my best to send these people to jail, I can't compromise with you!"

"Really?" Bilian boy smiled again, but this time his smile was completely different from before, his eyes were ghastly, "Then old man Wang deliberately didn't want to give this junior this convenience?"

"I can't help."

Zhang Chulan sighed helplessly: "Well, if that's the case, then I won't pretend to be a gentleman."

As he spoke, he took out a mechanism ball from his pocket and shook it in front of Wang Ai: "Old man, do you know what this is?"

Wang Ai narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's just a pouch! It's just a gadget made by Tiangongtang in the past that can't be put on the table."

"As expected of the Patriarch of the Wang family, he is indeed well-informed!"

With a compliment without a smile, Zhang Chulan smiled and poured several catties of sand, gravel and soil from the bag on the ground.

"Boy! What are you doing?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to beat around the bush with you! Since you don't like the gift prepared by the Haoqi League, then this junior has no choice but to prepare a gift yourself?"

"... What trick do you want to play?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly."

Absently, he took out Haoqimeng's standard multifunctional mobile phone from his pocket, and after exploring the surroundings with the APP developed by the little black brothers, Zhang Chulan nodded slightly.

Looking at the phone screen, he slowly walked to a mahogany chair, squatted down and rummaged for a while, and then pulled out a bug that was glued to it from under the chair.

Secretly thinking that the little black brothers are reliable, Zhang Chulan turned to look at Wang Ai, and gently shook the bug in his hand: "No matter who put this thing here, what I say next can't let outsiders know." hear."

"Humph! It's a mystery."

"It doesn't matter~ Whatever you want to say, in fact, there is only one thing this junior wants to tell you - don't mess with me!"

Wang Ai was amused by the silly boy in front of him: "Do you think you are your master? Our Wang family will be threatened by a brat like you?"


Zhang Chulan shook her head calmly, noncommittal, then walked slowly in front of Wang Ai, leaned into his ear and said softly: "Old man, since I can pour out the mud, sand and loess from the sac, guess if I have the ability to find it casually?" How about sneaking into Wang's house at one time, throwing a big bag of 'washing powder' here, and then calling the police and arresting people?"

"You dare to frame my Wang family?!" Wang Ai was taken aback by Zhang Chulan's threat.

No, the promised Haoqi League is a decent organization that upholds justice?Is it okay for the founder disciple of the leader of the Haoqi League to open his mouth to set up blame?
"Why not?"

Bilian boy shrugged his shoulders as a matter of course, and the expression on his face gradually became hysterical under Wang Ai's gaze.

"Before, I could only be a visit to the Feng family. Today is the first time I have officially led a team to perform a mission! To tell you the truth, whether I can perfectly solve the threat of the Wang family is related to my position as the heir of the Haoqi League... Guess, for my own Future, do I dare to fight to the death with your Wang family?"



Just when Zhang Chulan was soaring in acting skills, trying to keep the Wang family from causing trouble in the critical period at the beginning of the establishment of the Haoqi League, Zhang San, a lunatic who hadn't appeared for a long time, came to a magnificent palace .

Seeing two men and three women walking towards the door, the man in golden armor who was in the lead pretended not to touch the ground, and the guard in charge of the gate resolutely stopped in front of several people: "Stop! This is the headquarters of the Angel Cult. No one can wait to enter!"

A middle-aged woman wearing a black priest's robe stepped forward and said with a smile: "I take the liberty to visit, and I hope to inform His Majesty the Pope, Mr. Zhang San, the head of the global international, is here to pay a visit."

Blinking his eyes twice, the aged and uninformed gate guard said that he had never heard of the name Quanxing International, so he took out a note paper and pen from his pocket: "Okay, let's make a guest registration, I'll go Ask Lord Marcus if he wants to see you."

Seeing that the guards didn't take himself and others seriously, Chandra was furious: "It's too deceitful! Do you know that the Lord—"

However, in the next second, his anger was interrupted by a plain and humble voice: "Xiaoqian, don't embarrass others. Mr. Zhang has always appreciated those subordinates who are loyal to their duties."

"Isn't it just guest registration? Excuse me."

"That's about the same! Name?"

"Siri Zhang."


"It's up to you."


"Rogue leader."

"Cultural level?"

"Barely know the pen."


PS: Second update
bow down
(End of this chapter)

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